31. Returning to the Army (Again.)

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Over two weeks had passed since general Denlleonis and general Arrogari disappeared. Everyone in the army was beginning to lose hope that they would ever discover what had happened to the two generals. All the other generals were beginning to lose hope as well, which made them even more despondent than they had been before.

As the whole of the Luccian Army slipped further into an uneasy depression hope seemed lost. To make matters worse, it had been raining for the past couple of days. The heavy water made the ground slippery and saturated everything with moisture.  Suddenly, from out of the fog and rain, the shivering sentry on the west side of the camp let out a cry of surprise and joy as two familiar riders emerged from the fog. It was general Denlleonis and general Arrogari, their clothing and hair soaked, dripping with mist. 

The sentry raced to alert the other generals of their return. Meccio was so excited by the news that he pushed the soldier out of the way as he ran from the tent in which the three generals had previously been talking. In his haste, he slipped and fell in the mud, but he got back to his feet at once, not dissuaded in the slightest.

Esclave had frozen in shock and was completely unresponsive. Baccoso knowing that the brunette would want to see Y/N as soon as possible took a firm hold of the back of his blue tunic and hoisted him up into the air easily, carrying him like a ragdoll out into the rain.

. . .

Meanwhile, the two riders were closing the final ground before they reached the camp. As they rode Vanbinicci looked over at the woman riding next to him. His face turned a light pink as he watched her. Even though the closer they came to the army the blunter she had become, now that he had seen the woman she was beneath all of that, he couldn't unsee it. Whenever he looked at her, he just saw that wounded little girl, the wounded little girl who he had vowed to save.

"After seeing how well-fortified Vascini is I need to write a letter home to request reinforcement as soon as we arrive back," Y/N broke the silence, oblivious to her companion's compassionate stare as she reminded him of an earlier topic of conversation. "do you remember what you're task is general Arrogari?"

"Y-yes," He replied, faltering slightly as he was startled out of his previous thoughts. "I will keep the other generals distracted long enough for you to slip away and write your letter, but why can't they know you're sending a letter home asking for aid?"

"Because Esclave will throw a hissy fit if he finds out what I'm asking for," She let out a dry chuckle that caused Vanbinicci to brack into a smile. "Let's just say that he doesn't exactly get along with the general who is the head of that sector of the army."

"Oh, I see," He snickered as they passed the first few rows of tents. "what exactly are you asking fo-"

"GENERAL DENLLEONIS!!!" A voice suddenly yelled startling the horses and slightly muted from the fog. Moments later Meccio came tearing towards the two riders, covered in mud and looking desperate. "I was so worried - I mean the whole army was worried, but I was worried too. What happened to you? Are you alright? Why were you gone for so long? Oh - hey general Arrogari." He added much less enthusiastically as an afterthought.

"I don't have time for your questions, I have to work to attend to," Y/N answered with a cold indifference that made even Vanbinicci shudder. Just as Baccoso and Esclave caught up with Meccio she urged her graey horse past them, and called over her shoulder, "general Arrogari will answer any questions you have. He was with me so he'll know."

The three generals stood in shocked silence and watched as Y/N rode off further into the campsite. Once she was gone all three of them immediately turned their attention to Vanbinicci.

"Have-have you really been with the general all this time, alone?" Meccio asked, breaking the silence as he balled his hands into fists. The brunette nodded and he exploded. "I-I'll kill you! What was your big idea of trying to keep her from us?!"

"I assure you that was not my intention-" Vanbinicci tried to defend himself, but the ginger interrupted him.

"Like I'd believe you!" He snarled. "I know how you are around women, and pretty men for that matter!"

"Hmpf!" Baccoso growled making it clear that he agreed with Meccio without saying so.

"Look, I promise that nothing like that happened," Vanbinicci laughed uncomfortably, nervous about the predatory glares that the three other men were giving him. "Do you think that I'd want to lay with a woman as dominant as that pfft!"

"You're wearing her cloak..." Esclave muttered in a monotone voice, almost too soft to hear.

"Yes, I neglected to bring one with me, so she lent hers to me when it began to rain-" Vanbinicci tried to explain himself again, only to be interrupted, again.

"She received that coak when she graduated from the Military Temple of Estain..." Esclave whispered, his face both blank and terrifying. "Only the Esedict Generals are allowed to wear them... To think that she would let a degenerate swine like you borrow it... You are not worthy..."

He reached up roughly, trying to tear the cape from Vanbinicci's shoulders. "Ack!" He hissed in pain as Esclave accidentally touched the wound that had yet to fully heal on his shoulder.

"Your shoulder," Esclave said blankly, retracting his hand. "you were hurt."

Vanbinicci gritted his teeth as the pain subsided. "I'm fine, it's nothing." He denied it, embarrassed about the story surrounding his injury.

"It doesn't look like nothing!" Meccio growled in anger, re-joining the verbal assault on the brunette. "You and Y/N were gone for nearly three weeks. We've barely had the chance to see her and you're injured! Just what happened to you?!"

"It's none of your business!" He snarled, growing tired of the other generals prodding him about how he had gotten injured as it was a sensitive matter to him.

"It sure is!" Meccio shot back, a familiar wrathful glint in his violet eyes. "And you better tell us before we have to force you!"

"Fine, I'll tell you what you want to know - if you can catch me!" Vanbinicci smirked, suddenly spurring his horse away. As the three other generals began to make furious pursuit he thought, General Denlleonis, I hope your letter's brief.


A slower chapter I know, but it's good to be back. I really love both the books I'm currently working on and I'll be sad when they're finished, (don't worry, that's still far away).

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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