42. The Gods of War.

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Esedict General Y/N Denlleonis and Esedict General Eslinn Azeeion walked side by side through the Luccian Army camp. This sight was nothing new, the two generals had been practically joined at the hip ever since Eslinn arrived.

Over the past several days they spent hours and hours together plotting their battle strategy in greater detail and making sure that everything in the Army was up to their standards. None of the other generals were clued into their plan, not even Esclave knew what they were planning. All they knew was that it involved Estain's Fire somehow, and only Esclave knew what it was but he refused to share.

This left all of the generals in a foul mood. They would follow Y/N and Eslinn as best they could without getting caught, trying to catch a snippet of what they were talking about, but to no avail.

Esclave was in the worst mood of all because while Meccio and Baccoso were playing spy he was given the task of keeping Rae from discovering what they were up to which was pretty easy considering her annoying interest in him, but he also had to keep Vanbinicci away a which was a much more challenging task. Worst of all, after the arrival of his older brother, General Denlleonis had given him very little attention, preferring to spend time with her old friend. And it made Esclave jealous, extremely jealous.

One of the activities that the two Estainian generals could most commonly be seen doing was sparring. They were currently engaged in hand-to-hand combat, very similar to the day that Eslinn had arrived, during a lull in their battle preparations.

"Very good very good," Eslinn praised Y/N with something that could almost be called a warm smile as he blocked a strike aimed at his face, now holding both her hands in his.

"Remember to guard your flank!" She shot back as she swung her leg around and landed a strong kick to his side.

"And remember that it takes more than a blow like that to stay me!" He chuckled as he took hold of that leg too, restraining Y/N almost entirely.

"I know," Y/N's face split into a wide grin as she brought her free leg up and kneed him in the groin.

"Ha!" Dropped his hold on her, chuckling and groaning at the same time. After taking several moments to compose himself he straightened back up, and cheerfully said "You got me! This is just like the old days, do you remember them?"

"Of course," Y/N grinned as she made a few playful jabs at him. "How could I forgot about my most competent sparring partner."

"I'm only competent?" He pretended to sulk as he squared up back into a fighting stance.

"Psst! Why do you think general Denlleonis is being so relaxed?" Meccio whispered, to Baccoso from where the two generals crouched behind some barrels, spying on them. "I haven't seen her be so open before, not even with Esclave." He continued, trying to understand Y/N's out of character behavior.

"Hmpf... I don't know, but I don't like it," Baccoso growled, his displeasure so great that it motivated him to actually speak. "I want to wring his neck... I know that."

"Me too Baccoso," Meccio replied, imagining all the different ways that he could kill the bulky new general. "... Me too."

"You know I have the answer to your question right?" A bored voice suddenly spoke behind them.

"LADY LUCCIA!" Meccio screamed in fright, clapping his hands to his mouth to try and silence the cry that had left his lips, hoping that Y/N and Eslinn hadn't heard him. He whipped his head around to see Y/N's Subedict General standing right behind him. "Esclave what are you doing here?! I thought I told you that you needed to keep Rae and Vanbinicci away. Don't question my authority."

"Well, it's not like I'm your slave," The brunette scuffed. "I want to be here, so I will be, and there's nothing you're gonna do about it?"

"Wanna bet?" Meccio growled.

"Sure," Esclave smirked, his blue eyes filled with scorn. "Because if you don't leave me alone then you will never know why those two are so close."

"Fine," the ginger relented, feeling bitter. "Hurry up and cough it up before I cut out your tongue."

"My older brother that Y/N trained in the temple of Estain at the same time," Esclave began, his eyes misting over as he watched the pair duel in the distance. "But they weren't just fellow students."

"What do you mean?" Meccio squeaked in horror, fearing that they were romantically involved. "They weren't-"

"Eslinn was nearing the completion of his training when Y/N arrived at the Temple to begin hers, he was assigned to be one of her mentors and sparring partners," Esclave clarified. "He was supposed to train her, but even back then they were about evenly matched, but that's what you'd expect from two with such similar families. I can still remember how impressed he was by General Denlleonis, whenever we would see him he would always speak about her, and what an incredible general she was going to become.

"It was quite a shock for me to hear," He continued with a humorless laugh. "I had never heard my brother praise anyone, not even our father, so to hear him sing praises for her unnerved me, I was even more frightened when he would recount her many savage tactics in the Temple that even gave her teachers pause."

The other two generals hung off Esclave's every word, completely engrossed in his story.  "You can imagine my dread when I learned that I was to be her Subedict General," He sneered bitterly. Turning to look back at the sparring generals his expression softened, before turning into a look of envy. "I outgrew such feelings after I met her, but I am still jealous when I see the connection those two have, one that I know that I will never have."


More of a filler chapter I know, but hopefully you understand the relationship between Y/N and Eslinn better now.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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