32. Request to the Court of Estain.

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"To the valiant King and Queen of Estain,

I, Esedict General Y/N Denlleonis am writing to inform you that after several months of training and evaluating the military conditions personally, it will be impossible to win this war given the fragile constitution of Luccian men. Thus, I am making the bold request that your Highnesses delegate me and my men a fragment of Estain's Fire. I fight for the glory of Estain, her honor is my honor.

With honor, Esedict General Y/N Denlleonis."

The King of Estain let out a sigh as he finished reading the blunt letter written by his least favorite general and tossed it onto the growing pile of official documents on his desk. The howling of the wind and the crackle of the logs in the fireplace were all that described the silence in the study as the king massaged his forehead to try and soothe his growing headache.

"Well, she certainly is direct about things," His Queen giggled after a moment, for whose benefit he had read the letter aloud. She walked towards the desk so smoothly that it almost seemed like she was floating, her raven locks and the jewels around her throat catching the dim light from the fireplace. "But then I suppose that makes her easier to read - what are you planning, my king."

"Oh, I just love hearing those sweet words leave your lips pet," the king said, allowing himself to smile lazily as he looked across the desk at his beautiful wife. "Grace my ears again."

"What are you planning, my king?" She repeated in an even more surgery tone than before, her blue eyes sparkling.

"I am not sure," He actually answered her question, placing a hand to his chin in thought. "I was certain that the pitiful Luccian Army would have crumbled to dust by now due to General Denlleonis' brutal nature, but they are proving to be far more resilient than I expected."

The Queen's dark brows furrowed in concern as she walked around the desk, her voluminous skirts rustling as she knelt on the floor next to her husband's chair. "You are worried now that General Denlleonis thinks that victory is in sight for the Luccians once they triumph over Vascini they will turn their newly fortified Army against us."

"That's it exactly, you are truly much too clever my queen," He laughed as he reached out a hand and cupped her pale cheek tenderly. "The whole nation should be on its knees groveling in fear before your cunning, including me."

His grin widened when he saw the flash of a cunning smirk appear on her demure face. For a moment her blue eyes were entirely void of empathy, like glimmering shards of ice, beautiful, but frigid and without mercy or remorse. He couldn't help the chill that ran down his spine, she could be terrifying. And that's why she was the only person in the world that he loved.

With a sigh, he continued his previous train of thought, "But if Luccia declares war on us I will be forced to fight on the front lines as tradition decrees. I will have to leave you and I will surely die, and not even our combined cunning will prevent that." A touch of true fear and sadness entered his voice as he ran his fingers through her black hair.

"Then don't let Luccia declare war on us," she responded as she took his hand in both of hers. "If we help ensure their victory in this war, Luccia will owe us greatly. Remind king Ilidoro that it was our aid that brought the war to an end, then sign a treaty of peace with Luccia."

"It has never been the practice of the Royal Family of Estain to make peace treaties," He sighed, rubbing his hand across his face. "I shudder to think what the other nobles would think of this dishonorable plan."

"You already ignored tradition once when you made me your Queen," she pointed out as she looked up at him with wide eyes. "why not do it again?"

"You make a good point," He admitted, unable to resist the allure of her deceptively innocent face. With a laugh, he added, "You are truly much too clever my queen."

. . .

"Your Majesties, Esedict General Eslinn Azeeion," the figure of an intimidating general announced himself sometime later as he entered the gloomy throne room. A deep blue rug ran across the dark stone hall and onto a platform which two carved thrones occupied, but even a man as fearless as he did not dare to look at the people sitting in the chairs, preferring to kneel. "I am reporting to the summons which I have received."

"Rise, Esedict General Azeeion," the king commanded, the delicate passion his voice held when addressing his Queen completely absent. "Our time is short, so let us dispense with the pointless formalities."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the general agreed as he slowly got to his feet. His eyes widened when he saw that the Queen was sitting on the armrest of her husband's throne, while her husband held her by the waist lazily. There had never been a king and queen of Estain who had been so openly affectionate and the scene made the war-hardened general very uncomfortable, but he managed to keep it to himself.

"I summoned you here to inform you that you will be escorting one fragment of Estain's Fire to assist Esedict General Y/N Denlleonis," The King said flatly. "You and a body of picked men will guard it with your lives and ensure that the Luccians do not learn the secrets of its creation."

"Yes, your Majesty." He repeated, trying to hide the spark of excitement he felt at the realization that he would be able to see Esedict General Denlleonis for the first time since she had gone to fight in the frontier lands several years ago.

"You are dismissed, General," the king stated. Turning his attention to his wife immediately after.


This chapter was so much fun to write!

In case you didn't guess this chapter followed the two characters featured in the prologue. I know that it's not the characters you're used to, but it relates to the story I promise(also I couldn't resist writing another scene with this villainous pair of love birds.)

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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