13. Man The Army.

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"Are you certain about this?" Esclave pestered Y/N as she fastened the straps of her armor the day following her conversation with Baccoso. Y/N had informed Esclave that she was sure of the black-haired general's identity, but Esclave was still unconvinced.

"Yes," Y/N replied as she finished putting her armor on and pulled her blue cape around her shoulders with considerable flair. "Along with his brutal size and temperament, he also performed astonishingly well in the trials. The name he gave his mount is all the proof I need to be confident in his background."

"Tola," the brunette mused. It was a foreign name that was neither Luccian nor Estainian but was very common among the tribal people in the far north. "I suppose that is about as obvious a name as you get, I'm surprised that none of the Luccian's have come to this realization."

"Bah! Luccian's are dumber than a cart of rocks; more obsessed with pleasure and beauty that with facts," general Denlleonis scoffed as she stuffed several satchels full of previsions. "I just hope I can help him before it's too late - now inform the other generals that Baccoso will be showing me the Western Mountains and The Vascinian Pass as a cover story Esclave, I have a beast to save."

"Yes, general Denlleonis," Esclave saluted her before exiting the tent they shared to fulfill his task.

. . .

Shortly after noon, Y/N could be found astride her horse on the western edge of the military camp. The mountain range rose harsh and severe against the blue sky as she waited for the arrival of the other generals.

Several minutes later, her patience was rewarded when the four men came into sight. All three looked quite sullen, and each had a different reason for it. Vanbinicci was irritated that even though he knew Y/N was planning something with Baccoso he was unable to figure out what it was, Meccio was upset that he would be unable to see Y/N for the next several days, Baccoso was appalled at the thought of spending so much time with Y/N, and Esclave was filled with envy at the thought of Y/N being alone with another man in the wilderness.

The group came to a halt several passes away from Y/N. She nodded her head in greeting to the four men, "Glad you came to see us off. I have a few things that I would like to clarify before we depart," she fixed her icy cold stare on Baccoso, freezing him where he stood. "Are you ready to leave?"

Baccoso reluctantly stepped forward. He didn't want to go with general Denlleonis but he didn't have a choice, he would be punished for defying orders if he refused. He turned and mounted the black mare he had been leading. Once he was comfortably settled in the saddle he turned his attention back to general Denlleonis, not about to let his guard down around her.

The other three generals had to crane their necks up to look at Y/N while she gave her orders on how the camp would be managed. "I'm not sure how long I'll be gone," her voice rang out clear, filled with authority. "But Esclave will be in command until my return."

Vanbinicci growled in frustration at this but kept his displeasure hidden to the best of his ability, after enduring the eighth-day trails he knew that she was not someone to be insulted.

"Don't do anything drastic, but you are free to be a little rough with the army to maintain discipline in my absence," Y/N continued, speaking in a slightly softer tone as she looked directly down at her aid, Esclave. "understand?"

"Yes, general Denlleonis," He gulped and his adam's apple bobbed up and down as he felt her eyes pierce his very soul. Something about that gaze of hers always made him feel weak and helpless. He shivered despite himself. "May-may I come with you, general Denlleonis?" He asked as he looked up at her. The thought of her being alone with Baccoso made his skin crawl, especially if their suspensions about his background were correct.

"No," Y/N said sternly. "You're the only one that I can count on to keep order, general Azeeion."

Esclave was caught off guard by her words. Not only had she called him a general, but she had also said that he was the only one she could depend on. His heart swelled with pride and his cheeks turned bright pink. "I-I-" He stammered.

"What?" She queried, arching a severe eyebrow. Her face held a twinkle of amusement though, as she continued, "You may be my Subedict General, but you have the same power as any general when your Esedict General is unavailable. You should act more like a general."

"Y-Yes, general Denlleonis," Esclave stammered as he saluted her, a blush still apparent on his cheeks.

"General Vilu," she turned her attention to the ginger who stiffened, not expecting her sudden attention. "Keep general Arrogari from causing trouble."

"Yes, general Denlleonis," Meccio saluted her, feeling smug that his voice was more even than Esclave's for once. Vanbinicci sulked in the background, the embodiment of saltiness.

Y/N turned in and adjusted her grip on the saddle. She looked towards the western horizon and was just about to give Baccoso the command to begin riding when Esclave's hand suddenly shot up and closed around her wrist. "Wait!!" He said, a touch of desperation in his voice.

Y/N turned her head around to look down at him, curious why he had halted her from leaving. The pair maintained eye contact for several moments while Esclave cast his mind around, trying to think of a way to get what he desired at that moment without being killed.

"The oracle present at my birth foretold that the mark on my cheek would bring misfortune should I ever be allowed to lead," Esclave began, stating something that was actually true. He lifted his other hand and pointed at the red blemish on his left cheekbone as he embellished the tale to get his desire, "would-would you kiss it to prevent that from coming to pass?..."

"Esclave, you and you're stupid superstitions," General Denlleonis sighed. Esclave had always been surprisingly superstitious for a soldier, something that irritated her to no end. "fine." She finally agreed.

Esclave's blue eyes widened in shock as she leaned down from her saddle and pecked his birthmark quickly. His face blazed with heat as he felt her lips against his skin, they were softer than he ever dreamed they would be.

All too soon Y/N pulled away. Suddenly feeling rather embarrassed by her impulsive decision to indulge Esclave's silly request she gave his shoulder a hefty punch to compensate. "Don't go soft while I'm away, got it?"

After that was said general Denlleonis urged her graey mare to a canter, with Baccoso following close behind her on his black steed. The two riders left the three remaining generals in a cloud of dust. It was Meccio's turn to be jealous as Esclave stood there, in a dave from the unexpected affection.


Gosh, Esclave is such a sneaky hypocrite at times.

General Denlleonis is funny because even though she is a very intelligent woman, she is obvious to romantic and sexual advances as she doesn't really feel those emotions, or at least not strongly. I find it quite amusing. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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