17. Nurturing the Beast.

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It had been several days since General Denlleonis had brought Baccoso into the mountains and offered to train him, and he already felt like a different person entirely. That voice along with the urges that he had suppressed for years out of fear of being discovered and returned to a life of slavery was finally allowed out, free to roam through the wooded hills and valleys of the mountain range, unafraid of any ridicule or slander.

Y/N and Baccoso had set up their camp in the small open meadow that was cradled by thick trees and cliffs partway up the mountainside. The black-haired man awoke in the serene clearing before the sun had risen, with only the slightest hint of graey in the sky.

Even though it was so early that not even the mountain birds had begun to sing their joyous songs Baccoso was wide awake. Something about the whisper of the wind in the trees and the scent of pine in the air made him feel more rejuvenated and alive than he ever had before. It was as though he had been living his entire life in a partial stupor, and only when he had set foot in those mountains did he fully awaken.

His very being tingled with the verity of everything he could sense. Sitting up with a stretch, he turned his attention to the woman lying in the grass a few paces away from him. Her chest rose and fell with the peaceful rhythm of her breathing and Baccoso watched her for a while.

She looked so gentle when she slept but Baccoso knew better than to wake her so early. He recalled how in his eagerness to begin his training the first day he had woken her before the crack of dawn, which resulted in a very moody general forcing him to climb up a large cliff face that day.

Growing restless of waiting for the general to wake the bear-like man got to his feet. Feeling the call of the wild he took off at a run across the meadow, gathering speed. By the time he reached the cover of the trees, he was moving at a dead sprint.

He wove through the shadowy trees, over boulders, and along ravines with surprising speed and agility for a person of his size. The cool morning air whipped against his face and tangled in his messy black hair. Unable to control himself the general let out a bellowing laugh that frightened away any of the animals that heard it. He was the king of the wilderness.

As he continued to run, his bulging muscles unaffected by his swift pace, he reflected on everything that Y/N had told him about the Nöerrc tribes: "The Nöerrc people have managed to thrive in the cold wilds of the Northern Mountains where no other people would dare to live. Like you, they are large and robust. They vary in size and can be as tall as an average man, or as large as a small cottage. Regardless of their height, they all possess incredible strength and endurance. Some say that the Nöerrc people were once primitive tribes that interbred with lesser mountain giants until neither race was indestructible from the other." She had said.

"I'm not sure if I believe that story, but it does explain why so many things about the Nöerrc people are not quite human. Beyond their abnormal size and strength, Nöerrc people also have very distinctive personalities. They are brutal and unfeeling. It's almost like they don't feel any emotions at all, least of all compassion and empathy. All those I have encountered that were raised in their territory have a frightening amount of bloodlust. Before coming to the Luccian Army I spent the last few years subduing the restless Nöerrc tribes in the Frontierland. I've heard some soldiers say that the most gifted Nöerrc people can bend the earth to their will, but I've never seen it myself. Even so, I always feel apprehensive when I know that I'm going into battle against Nöerrc people."

By the time he had finished going over everything, general Denlleonis had told him the sun had risen and the birds had begun their serenade. Only slightly winded from running he turned around and found his way back to their camp easily.

When he arrived he saw that Y/N was awake and in the process of stretching. Both generals had removed their armor, as it was not needed in the mountains. This left them both in simple tunics that in Y/N's case accentuated her surprisingly feminine form.

"Mmm, good morning," she said as she stretched her arms above her head before getting to her feet. "I hope you're not too worn out from your run, because I have big plans for you today." She began walking towards the edge of the clearing and called over her shoulder as she walked, "Don't worry, it will be fun."

. . .

The day's training had come to an end, and the pair sat by the fire underneath a black velvet sky as they roasted meat in the flames. Y/N had been right, the training had been incredibly fun.

Baccoso reminisced about the day's adventure. They had hiked through the mountains until he picked up on the scent of something. Several minutes later they came into a clearing where a majestic stag was grazing. Y/N had ordered him in a whisper to fell the mighty beast with his bare hands, saying that the Nòerrc people hunted even larger game than that with their bare hands.

He charged forth to face the beast. It had tried to gore him with its massive antlers but Baccoso grabbed hold of them and wrestled it to the ground. He could remember the feeling of primal satisfaction when he snapped its neck. After that, he had slung the stag across his broad shoulders and brought it back to the meadow they called home with ease.

As they returned from their hunt he could understand why the Nöerrc people preferred to live in small tribes and family groups as opposed to large settlements. It felt so peaceful, just the two of them living out there in the wilderness, it felt so right. A part of Baccoso was starting to wish that they never had to return to the army and that he and Y/N could continue to live in blissful solitude.

"Here," Y/N's voice broke Baccoso out of his reflection. He looked at where she sat across the fire and saw that she was offering him something. Bloody tears traced their way down her fist that was clenched around the raw heart of the stag. The black-haired general only looked at her extended hand, unsure what he was supposed to do with it.

"Come on, eat it," she said as she leaned further forward.

"What?! No!" He protested, extremely put off at the thought of that bloody organ getting anywhere near his mouth.

"You'll like it, trust me," Y/N continued, unrelenting. "Nöerrc people have a real taste for raw meat. The ones I've known would fight like wild dogs over the best chunks of flesh. I've heard that the heart is one of the best."

Reluctantly, Baccoso took the offered morsel of food. He had to struggle to contain his disgust as he felt the wet squishiness of the heart in his hand; it was still warm. It certainly didn't look appetizing, but all of the good information that Y/N had given him about his heritage made him grow to have blind faith in her.

Slowly, he raised the heart to his mouth and took a bite. His eyes widened in shock as an explosion of flavors coated his tongue. It was like nothing he had ever eaten before, and he hurried to tear off a few more bites finding it more succulent than the sweetest fruits.

"See, I told you," general Denlleonis said with a hearty chuckle as she watched her companion quickly devour the heart and proceed to tear more raw flesh from the carcass to eat. He blushed, embarrassed by her words. This only caused Y/N to laugh harder as she tended to her meat cooking in the fire. 


All things considered, these two are pretty wholesome. You know the last chapters have been intense when a man devouring the heart of a stag is considered wholesome.

Now that you know more about the Nöerrc people, I wonder if you can think of any other characters in my work who fit the description?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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