22. Hidden Resentment.

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The soft ambiance of low male voices and nickering horses drifted on the wind outside the tent that Y/N was currently occupying. It was her first evening back in the military camp and having just spent the last few weeks in the mountains she had decided to take a bath.

Like always Esclave was forced to stand his (unwilling) vigil in the tent with general Denlleonis. He faced away from the trough, focusing very hard on the cream canvas wall in front of him trying desperately not to think of anything dirty as the sound of water splashing could be heard as Y/N cleaned herself.

After what happened the last time he let base desires into his mind he was more eager than ever to avoid anything that may trigger him again. He subconsciously traced the scabs in the center of his back and winced. He shuddered as he recalled just how painful it had been to snap himself out of that lustful daze, he wasn't sure if he would be able to endure to again.

"Hey, Esclave, will you give me a hand with this?" Y/N called, breaking through Esclave's previous train of thought.

His stomach sank at her words. The last thing Esclave wanted was to see anything that had the potential to arouse him and lead to more mental unraveling, but at the same time, he couldn't disobey her. Balling his hands into fists and gathering his courage, he slowly turned around to face the trough. "Yes, general Denlleon-"

He was interrupted by a sudden splash of water that dampened his trousers and tunic. "Ha, I got you!" Y/N laughed in a surprisingly light-hearted tone for a battle-hardened general.

Esclave's face turned as red as his birthmark as he saw that Y/N was sitting upright in the trough to splash him, her bosom completely exposed. He whirled back around, staring at his corner of the tent with renewed vigor, trying to keep the desires clawing at the outer reaches of his mind from consuming him.

"Don't sulk, I was just jesting," Y/N said in a vaguely apologetic tone as she propped her arms on the side of the trough. "I actually do need your help washing my back, and I would appreciate it if you didn't make as big of a fuss as you normally do."

Esclave's stomach tightened and he felt a hot sickness overcome him. As always, Y/N was pushing him to his very limit. She had a gift for torturing others, even when she didn't realize she was. "V-Very well, general Denlleonis." He agreed reluctantly.

Esclave turned back around, feeling slightly better when he saw that Y/N had turned around and was holding her hair up expectantly. With stiff, wobbling steps he approached the trough. As he neared the rim he knelt down and grabbed the soap bar.

He reflected on Y/N's playful mood and recalled that she had just spent several weeks alone with Baccoso. A shart spike of envy shot through him as he immediately began to assume the worst, that Baccoso had been intimate with Y/N and that was the reason for her chipper mood.

Taking deep, shaky breaths to remain in control of his roiling jealousy Esclave moved the soap across Y/N's back and watched closely. He examined the glistening wet skin of her neck and shoulders, but there was no love bites or bruises to be found.

He bit his lip as he continued to clean her back. He was relieved, but there was still a sliver of doubt in his heart. He needed to know for certain that nothing happened between her and Baccoso, it would eat him alive otherwise.

"How was Baccoso's training, General Denlleonis?" Esclave asked, attempting to be subtle. He couldn't prevent a hint of contempt from slipping into his voice as he spoke the black-haired general's name though. "I assume that he is of Nöerrc blood since he managed to survive."

"He is Nöerrc," Y/N affirmed. She subconsciously leaned the sore parts of her back against Esclave's hand, causing the Subedict General to momentarily lose his concentration and a fresh blush to erupt on his face. "His training went well, he shows promise. He might even become one of the strongest I've ever met."

Y/N was still talking but Esclave could no longer hear her. His ears echoed with her words of praise for Baccoso, as he spiraled further and down into his delusions. He couldn't stand it, he couldn't stand that she would so easily compliment that Luccian general when he had been the one at her side for years, loyal to a fault.

Before he knew what happened he had lunged forward and pushed Y/N's head under the water. She thrashed about, trying to free herself, but Esclave continued to hold her down his envy giving him new strength.

He watched with a twisted grin on his face as large air bubbles floated to the surface as Y/N's thrashing intensified. Finally, she stopped flailing, and the water was quiet. She was dead. The grin slowly melted from Esclave's face as he gazed down at Y/N's still form. Panic gripped him at what he had done as he felt a mournful wail building in his throat.

Suddenly, the vision cleared and he was once again sitting behind Y/N, a bar of soap in one hand as he gazed at her freshly washed back. She was alive. It had all been a figment of his mind.

Esclave was relieved at first, but then he was consumed by uneasiness as he recalled his vision. He had fantasies like that before, but none of them had been so involved or come upon him so suddenly and completely. To make matters worse he had enjoyed the feeling of his fingers around Y/N's neck, holding her underwater. And he had been aroused by the erotic sight of her naked, lifeless body lying in the trough.

Esclave was shaking as though he had a bad fever as he tried to calm himself down. He didn't know what just happened to him, but he never wanted it to happen again, for his own sake and for general Denlleonis'.

He took a deep breath and turned his attention back to Y/N. In his jealousy, he had failed to learn if she had been intimate with Baccoso. Deciding to ask her more directly he asked, "Did anything else happen between you two?"

"Of course not," Y/N shot back sounding offended that he would even suggest that. "where would you get a delusional idea like that Esclave?" She countered, completely oblivious to the mental breakdown that the brunette had just had.

"It's just you've been in high spirits since your return," Esclave admitted, still disoriented by the vision that he had. "I figured that it was because you and Baccoso-"

"Esclave you should know better than everyone that there is nothing I hate more than the violation of the code," Y/N interrupted him firmly. The Warriors Code of Estain was the compass that she used to guide her actions. The rule that was the worst to be broken was the one of having romantic or sexual relations with another soldier. The thought of her ever breaking that rule was nothing short of laughable.

"If you must know, I'm in a good mood because I'm back here, back with you," General Denlleonis explained in an uncharacteristically gentle tone. "Baccoso my be a model Nöerrc warrior, but he's not much for conversation. Making war isn't as much fun without you." She added with a hearty chuckle.

Esclave's mouth went dry and his heart pounded in his chest at her words. He didn't want to believe what he had heard. It seemed unthinkable that he would be the cause of her good mood. Warmth filled his chest as the lingering feelings from his morbid fantasy were pushed away, and all that remained was admiration and love for the Esedict General. "I-I, you honor me, General Denlleonis." He faltered, his voice filled with adoration.


Somebody get this boy to a therapist, he needs it, badly.

As crazy as Esclave is, that makes him really fun to write. I hope that he's just as entertaining for you to read as he is for me to write.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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