50. What Kind of Men are You?!

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From here on out this book, and especially this chapter, will contain some of the most graphic scenes that I have ever written. Even if you are used to the 'graphic' nature of most yandere books this will be nothing like that, so be warned.

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Little less than an hour later that same day the entirety of the Luccian Army had been gathered in the clearing that surrounded the platform that had been left erected ever since the day that Meccio had killed for the first time. Murmurs and shouts of curiosity and excitement filled the air.

None of the soldiers knew why they were there, all they knew what that Esedict general Y/N Denlleonis was going to give a demonstration of punishing a couple of soldiers, but the cross and the large wagon wheel that had been set out on the stage with several other metal instruments piqued their interest. Not even the Luccian generals had been enlightened as to what Y/N was planning, only Eslinn and Esclave knew as they had witnessed her perform that punishment before.

The two brothers had quite different reactions to knowing what was in store. Eslinn's cold eyes glinted and his face was stretched into a crooked smirk, but something looked oddly forced about his smile. Esclave on the other hand was pale as a ghost and shaking from head to toe, he was deranged but the torture they were about to witness made even his stomach churn.

The murmuring of the crowd grew in volume and intensity as the mass of bodies parted as Y/N strutted towards the platform dragging the two guilty soldiers behind her like dogs. She hauled them up onto the stage where the other generals waited.

Shoving both of the men onto their knees beside her she turned to face the army. The assembled men fell into a hush as soon as Y/N's gaze looked out on them. "Welcome men, to the greatest showing I have yet to give," she declared in a booming voice. "As I am sure you are all aware, soldiers engaging in any sexual acts in this army is strictly forbidden, but these two wretches were dumb enough to break that rule - unless you two can prove yourselves innocent?" She added, glancing between the two men at either side of her.

"No," the larger of the two challenged her. "We love each other, it's not a crime!"

"You're right, love is not a crime," she crooned as she bent down to look at him, "It's a death sentence."

The two soldiers drew back in fear, but Y/N didn't notice."Do you have any last words before we commence with the execution?" She asked. "Not like anyone will care." She muttered under her breath.

"Y-Yes!" The one on the left pleaded in desperation. "If you're going to kill us, k-kill me instead, but let Cass live, please!"

"Incci no!" Cass cried as he looked across the stage at his lover.

"Well, I can't spare one as vial as him," Y/N said in a stern voice, looking down at the soldier with a gaze that sent chills down his spine. "But I can kill you first -Eslinn tie that one to the wheel and make sure he can watch his lover's 'Noble Sacrifice'," Y/N commanded, pointing to Cass, the one that was asked to be spared.

Eslinn hurried forward and took hold of the struggling soldier. He ripped his clothes off before he bound him to the giant wagon wheel, orientating it so that it faced the cross on the other side of the platform. While he was doing that, Y/N was busy stripping the other man naked and binding him to the cross with lengths of rope.

Murmurs of anticipation began to fly through the crowd as Y/N declared, "You both have been found guilty of breaking the warrior's code and as the commanding general of this Army I sentence you to death by The Lovers' Knot for your crimes."

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