39. Enemy to All but One.

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The next morning dawned cold, and a thick layer of frost coated the expansive prairie. Frost clung to the canvas walls of the city of tents as well. Even though the bitter chill in the air meant that winter was not long away the camp was still bustling with life before the sun had even risen, every soldier well-aware that the wrath of general Denlleonis was far worse than cold weather.

While most of the camp were shivering from the sudden cold spell, four of the inhabitants were quite warm. The three allied generals were engaged in the most fun activity of terrorizing general Arrogari first thing in the morning by chasing him all around the camp. All four men were completely unaware that the events of that day were going to shatter the way that life had previously been in the Luccian Army.

As the sun finally crested the horizon, bringing with it light and warmth a distant rumbling could be heard from the east of the camp. It grew steadily louder and louder until it reached a deafening crescendo. Moments later a host of a dozen men and two riders crested the rise on the east side of the camp, silhouetted by the rising sun.

Those that caught sight of the ensemble froze in fear, their stoic presence and their blue banners that flapped in the wind baring the crest of an ass confirming to all that they were more soldiers from Estain.

At the center of the caravan, a large and sturdy wagon was being hauled by two large draft horses. Riding out in front was a warhorse the color of misty cobblestone. Tied to the horse's front harness by their hair were several severed heads that bounced and swayed with the beast's powerful strides.

Riding on its back was a man even more formidable. He was tall and broad, his shining armor only extenuating his robust figure. His brown hair was short cut, and his steely eyes were clear and cold, like a sharpened blade.

Those gathered watched him ride into the camp, speechless. The billowing of his blue cape the only sound to be heard as they watched him ride by.

"DON'T STARE!!" He growled, his marble face suddenly breaking into a vicious snarl as he rode towards a group of soldiers who had frozen in his path. "Either take me to general Denlleonis or get out of my way before I run you down!!"

They all tumbled over each other in an attempt to get away from him. After enduring the cruelty and brutality of General Denlleonis they knew better than to test him, but their weak compliance only seemed to make him angrier.

"PATHETIC WEAKLINGS!!!" He seethed as he rode further into the camp, the procession following. "I'D ORDER YOU ALL TO BE CASTRATED IF I THOUGHT IT WAS POSSIBLE TO MAKE YOU ANY MORE FEEBLE!!!"

"It-it must have been difficult for General Denlleonis to withstand being in their company for so long-" the petite woman who was riding an ass said as she moved up next to the man.

"Did I say that you could speak?!" He interrupted, turning his frigid glare on her.

"No, my general please punish my disobedience." She squeaked, bowing her head of chestnut hair as she braced for the pain that was about to come.

Without hesitating at all he unsheathed his sword and jammed the hilt of it against her stomach. Hard. He returned it to its place and said, "I'll hit you harder next time."

The woman grimaced in pain but chose to remain silent, she knew that any show of weakness would just earn her a worse beating.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" Vanbinicci called, having just caught sight of the procession while running for his life from the other generals. "State your name and business here otherwise I'll have full authority to command an attack against-"

"Save it," The rider scoffed. "as if I'd let a man-woman tell me what to do - cut your hair and lose the golden bling, you look like a whore." He sneered, his cold eyes sending chills down Vanbinicci's spine, something about those eyes was familiar to him.

"How dare you insult a general of this army?!" He growled back, disguising his fear with anger. By this point, Meccio and Baccoso arrived. Even though their original goal had been to kill Vanbinicci, the presence of the foreign soldiers caused them to put their feud on a temporary hold.

"He's right!" Meccio exclaimed, taking his old friend's side. "You have no regard for the chain of command!"

"There is only one general in this army, and her name is Y/N Denlleonis," the man said menacingly, glaring at the three men before him. "Now bring me to her, that's an order!"

Baccoso growled low and viciously, taking a step towards the rider, but for once he was unable to intimidate the rider, who only laughed.

"Not until you tell us your business with the general-" Meccio growled back, squaring up as though he was about to attack.

"-There's no need to bring him anywhere, I'm already here," A familiar gruff female voice said. General Denlleonis strode confidently towards the group of people who had congregated among the tents. She mingled among the confused Luccian generals before she approached the mighty warhorse and without the slightest fear, she greeted the man with a laugh. "It's good to see you again, you're the same as ever."

"Indeed," He chuckled as a small smile stretched his face, but his mood quickly changed as he said, "I only wish that I could say the same thing about you." Before Y/N could react he swung his armored leg out and kicked her in the stomach.

For once caught off guard Y/N tumbled to the ground, the wind knocked out of her lungs. With a disdainful sneer, the Estainian man with eyes like steel dismounted his steed and glared down at General Denlleonis. "Being in the company of such pathetic sheep has made you go soft, Y/N."


Thoughts on the new character?

Also, happy New Year's Eve. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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