16. Falling Apart.

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It had been several days since general Denlleonis left with Baccoso and things were already starting to fall apart back at the Luccian military camp. Meccio had taken the place as the temporary head of the army, and he proved to be even more violent and unstable than Y/N. 

Once she left Meccio could feel the cowardice that he so detested taking hold of him again. It grew more powerful every day he spent without Y/N around to follow like a light in the dark. To disguise his crumbling confidence the ginger went to greater and more brutal ends to punish those who wronged him.

The trophy heads outside his tent that he took from the soldiers he killed numbered nearly in the double digits. Anything from showing up to a drill late or even looking at him wrong could provoke his volatile temper enough to cause death.

Everyone in the camp learned quickly to avoid him at all costs. They would scatter as soon as a flash of purple cape or red hair came into sight. Even Vanbinicci didn't dare and confront his friend in such a dangerous state and spent the majority of his time avoiding general Vilu like everyone else.

The reason that Meccio was able to take control of the army was that no one had seen a trace of Esclave since the day Y/N had left. The Subedict General had confined himself within his tent and refused to speak to anyone. His absence meant that someone had to pick up the slack and manage the army.

Esclave knew that what he was doing could technically be considered desertion of duty, but he had more important things to worry about presently. He had tried to act strong and come off as unaffected by Vanbinicci's advances, but in truth, they had greatly shaken the foundation he depended on to maintain his facade of a perfectly moral soldier.

Even though it had been days since that night, and Vanbinicci had left him alone ever since, he was still unable to close the floodgates of his lustful desires for general Denlleonis. He may have had the occasional immoral impulse around her, but those were easily subdued unlike what he was presently feeling.

He alternated between laying down on his cot and pacing around the tent in fits of manic energy. His thoughts were scattered and erratic as he struggled against the lustful desires filling his mind. He couldn't concentrate on anything. A consuming heat had taken over him and even though he was only wearing a thin tunic and trousers his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat.

He had given up on sleep altogether, terrified of what would happen if he lowered his defenses. Dark circles sat under his blue eyes and his face was flushed. He looked feverish and sick.

He was currently pacing around the tent, mumbling over and over, "resist, resist, resist, resist, resist." Growing exhausted of the erotic images contaminating his mind he threw himself down on his cot and closed his eyes, only to spring back up moments later when the images became stronger.

"Make it stop Make it stop Make it stop Make it stop, PLEASE, Make it stop," he tore at his brown hair, desperately willing the heat consuming him to dissipate. "Please..."

His eyes were wide and staring as he tangled his fingers in his hair. No matter how hard he fought, his mind was still plagued with erotic fantasies of the general. The more he pushed them away the stronger they became.

Other, darker fantasies began to appear and intermingle. He could see Y/N laying under him and then hear the sweet sound of her moans when suddenly the fantasy changed and the sounds of her screams filled the air as carved her open with his dagger.

"I-I'm mad..." Esclave whimpered as he curled into a ball on the floor and rocked back and forth on the ground. Even though the flashing images had calmed the sound of Y/N's screams as he mutilated her still rang in his ears.  "... I'm going insane."

He choked back a sob and tried to keep the tears from leaving his eyes as he realized that in the end, he had the same base desires that every other man in the army had. He was no better than any of those he so detested. A hot sickness took over him and he felt bile burning in the back of his throat as shame and self-loathing consumed him.

"I-I have failed as a man and as a general," Esclave said in a hoarse voice as he reflected on all that he had done since arriving at the Luccian military camp to forward his immoral desires towards general Denlleonis. "I have to punish myself."

He rose as though in a trance and crossed the tent on trembling legs. In a daze of sickness, he tore his tunic from his body, exposing his upper half to the cold air. His skin crawled with revulsion and a sudden wave of nausea overtook him as a fresh bout of lewd fantasies invaded his mind.

He turned so that his bare back was facing a polished shield that had been hung up on one of the supporting poles of the tent. It was not as exact as a mirror, but the glinting metal still provided a clear view of the many lash marks that scared his back, all of which had been given to him by general Denlleonis for his shortcomings over the years.

With a shaking sweaty hand, he pulled out his dagger and placed the icy metal tip right in between his shoulder blades. Taking a deep breath he steeled his nerves. He let out a low moan as the blade tore through his flesh.

More strangled cries escaped his lips as he dragged the knife down his back, again and again, reopening his old whip scars. Finally satisfied when his skin was etched with red lines and hot sticky blood ran down his back he let the bloody knife fall from his fingers.

He was out of breath and his whole back stung from his self-inflicted wounds, but he couldn't help the wave of relief that washed over him when he realized that the severe pain had driven the base desires and erotic images from his mind.

Exhausted Esclave slumped to the floor shaking from cold and fatigue. He barely had the strength to treat his wounds before he collapsed. He fell asleep on the hard earth, too drained to even drag his body over to his cot.


Esclave is not fine, Esclave is the opposite of fine.

With his character I really wanted to explore the concept of love and hate being closely linked, along with pleasure and pain. I never imagined things would turn out this dark though.

Oh well,

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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