37. One of Us.

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Vanbinicci was panting and out of breath. His body was trembling but he was not sure why. His lungs burned in his chest as though he had run a great distance and his arms ached.

His vision was incredibly blurry and he couldn't remember where he was or what he had been doing. He tried to remember, but the only thing his tired brain could produce was the memory of a foreign and pleasant feeling that had been completely overwhelmed almost at once by a much stranger, and much more familiar feeling; rage.

His vision finally came into focus and he quickly looked around, trying to get his bearings. He noticed almost at once that he was standing in the large tent that the three Luccian generals had used for strategizing, but why was he there?

He vaguely recalled entering the tent with his father, but what they had talked about was still fuzzy to him. Where his father had gone was also a mystery to him, at a quick look around the tent made it clear that he was alone.

He felt his stomach flip as he happened to glance down at his feet and saw the mutilated corpse of his father, laying in a bloody mess on the earthen floor of the tent. His hands were covered with blood and he froze. Had he done this? All at once, his mind was cluttered with fractured images of striking his father down and brutality killing him. He slumped down in a chair, his whole body going numb as he tried to process it all.

. . .

The three generals raced through the camp as fast as they could, Esclave needed help as he was still recovering from the blow to his head, looking for the two generals of the house of Arrogari.

The three had managed to overpower and slay the guards who had been restraining them but they couldn't relax for certain until they found the two absent generals.

"Come on! Faster," Meccio urged them to go faster, half dragging Esclave. "We have to find him and soon. In all the years I've known him, nothing good has come from Vanbinicci spending time alone with his father!"

"Or we could just leave them be," Esclave suggested moodily, massaging the growing lump on his head tenderly. "What business is it of ours, and we'd all be better off if one less man was trying to get close to general Denlleonis. He's been more interested in her since they took that trip, you know it's true."

"Shut up Esclave," The ginger growled. "Vanbinicci is my friend, even if he is a clotpole. Right Baccoso?"

"Hmpf," the bear-like general only grunted, making it unclear who he agreed with.

"Anyway," General Vilu continued as they approached the strategic tent.  "How much trouble can he really cause - LADY LUCCIA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" He shrieked as he stepped inside.

The two other generals rushed inside and were just as surprised by what they found. The old general lay in a bloody pile on the ground, mutilated and clearly dead. Vanbinicci sat shaking in one of the chairs around the table, covering his face with his bloody hands.

"You were saying?" Esclave said, smirking condescendingly at the redhead.

"Save it will you, Esclave you smug bastard, now's not the time," Meccio hissed before turning his attention to the shivering general. "Vanbinicci, what happened?"

"Maybe the old dog is just sleeping?" Esclave mused, nudging the dead body with his boot as though he had no respect for the dead at all, and only saw it as a vaguely interesting specimen.

"Shut up Esclave!!" Meccio snapped as he cuffed him on the back of the head. Returning his attention to his friend he began to scold him. "Come on Vanbinicci, why would you be so foolish as to kill your own father? There could be serious penalties for this!"

He-He I-I I didn't - I didn't mean to," Vanbinicci stammered, his voice broken and uncertain as he peeked through his fingers at the other generals in the tent. "but he-he, Luccia what have I done!''

"Come on Vanbinicci you have to tell us what he did!" The ginger pressed him, desperate to know what had caused his friend to lose his composure.

"He-he-he," Vanbinicci's mouth flapped open and closed like a fish as he tried to find the right words, but nothing would come.

"Isn't it obvious?" Esclave scoffed, feeling thoroughly superior as he looked down at the disheveled general Arrogari. "He discovered that general Denlleonis was ill and was planning to tell the king to get her sent back to Estain, the real question is why he killed the old general."

"I-I don't know," Vanbinicci responded, shaking as he stared at his bloody hands. "I-I couldn't control myself. We were talking and then I-I killed him for trying to send general Denlleonis away - what's happening to me?"

"Oh, I see," Meccio's violet eyes went wide as he came to a sudden realization. "You're one of us, you've fallen in love with general Denlleonis too. Who would have guessed?"

"I-I suppose I have..." Vanbinicci faltered, looking like an entirely different man from the arrogant general who normally swaggered around.

"I say we gut him right now," Esclave grumbled as he reached for his dagger. "Having two other men interested in Y/N are two too many, we don't need a third."

"Come on, he's my friend!" Meccio protested, trying to wrestle the knife away from Esclave while Baccoso stood there and watched them unfazed by the thought that they may kill each other. "We can at least ask him to join our alliance-"

"Are you going to initiate the entire Army into our alliance, because that kind of defeats the point of it?!" Esclave growled, giving the ginger a shove.

"No of course not, I-" Meccio started.

"You can stop fighting," Vanbinicci interrupted, taking them both by surprise. He got to his feet, and even though he was still pale and shaking, he had recovered from some of the shock. "I'm not interested in joining any alliance. And I don't care if that makes me your enemy - now if you will excuse me, I have a body to dispose of."


And now the infighting among our yandere generals is about to begin.

I love how they each have such a unique personality. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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