A Very Kurapika Christmas

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"Kurapika! Do you know what time of year it is??" You ask him excitedly, your eyes practically sparkling as you look at him.

Kurapika is sitting in front of his computer, clicking endlessly as he does more research for his next mission to reclaim his brethren's eyes. He's very busy lately, trying to make sure his next mission goes according to plan with no unnecessary threats. Although he's still kind to you, he has been neglecting you a lot lately. The lights in the room are dim, and dark circles accentuate the Kurta's grey eyes. 

He lets out a long breath but turns slightly in his desk chair to face you, a small smile forming on his face, "No, what time of year is it, my love?"

This only causes the grin on your face to grow larger as you exclaim, "It's nearly Christmas! The best time of the year! Aren't you excited??"

Kurapika lets out a quiet chuckle at your excitement, happy to see you so excited, "I am glad to see that you are so thrilled for it, but unfortunately, I cannot say that I share the same sentiments as you."

"Oh, not at all?" You ask him curiously, earning a 'no' in response from him, "I bet that I can change that!"

"That is highly unlikely," He starts, turning back towards the computer screen with an unreadable expression on his face, "And not necessary. I have a lot of work to do, therefore I cannot afford to do anything besides work."

You can tell that he's not going to yield to you, at least, not at this moment. You let out a defeated sigh, but soon enough, your smile returns to your face, "Alright, I understand. It would be nice for you to take a break sometime, though. You've been working yourself to the bone."

"I am aware of that. Don't feel the need to concern yourself with me. I can handle myself just fine and I know my body better than anyone else," He explains to you, his eyes glued to the screen as he scrolls through some type of news article.

You raise an eyebrow at this, "Why wouldn't I worry about you? I love you, and I want you to take care of yourself. I know how you can get."

"I need to focus, (Y/N). May I have some privacy now?"

You let out a sigh, and nod, making your way towards the door. Before you leave the room, you turn around, announcing to him with a confident grin on your face, "I'll be back! I want you to understand why this is the best time of the year!" 'And it'll help you take a break from this work and relax for a while...' You find yourself thinking to yourself, before leaving the room and closing the door behind you.

A few days go by, and Kurapika is still holed up in his office, only coming out to eat or drink once in a while. Unfortunately, it's not completely abnormal for Kurapika to get wrapped up in something and completely isolate himself from the people that he cares about. However, this time of year is special to you, and you want to show him that.

This time you enter his office with a plate full of sweets and two mugs of hot cocoa. You set the plate and mug down on his desk, drawing his attention away from the computer screen and onto you instead. 

"...Are those all for me?" He questions you, a ghost of a smile appearing on his face, "Thank you so much, my treasure."

"I thought some sugar might help you concentrate," You tell him, scooting the mug of hot cocoa closer to him on the desk, "And I thought you were probably thirsty."

He takes the mug in both of his hands and takes a small sip, smiling when he tastes how delicious the warm liquid is, "It's delicious. You made it perfectly."

"I'm glad you like it! I put extra marshmallows in it for you," You lean against the side of his desk, holding your cup in one hand. You look away with a bashful grin on your face, as you hesitate to ask, "I was wondering if you wanted to go see some holiday lights with me later tonight."

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