Your Protector

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"Do we truly have to go?" Kurapika asks you for about the fifth time today. He leans up against the wall, waiting for you to put your shoes and jacket on, "We can simply tell Leorio that we're busy tonight."

You look up at him, raising an eyebrow, "I'm sure it won't be that bad. Besides, he really wanted us to come."

Kurapika lets out a long sigh, "Yes, I'm aware, although, he does see us nearly everyday.."

You shrug on your jacket, and throw your bag over your shoulder, "We won't stay for long, then. I think he's just lonely."

"I suppose so, but I do not plan on drinking," He says, as you pull the front door open.

"I already figured as much," You gesture for him to walk out into the hallway, "Don't be so worried. We have each other." You offer him a bright smile.

He lets out a huff, before, his lips curve upwards the tiniest bit, "Yes, I suppose that you're right." 

He steps out into the hallway, with you in tow behind him. You lock and shut the door behind yourself, before following Kurapika outside. You call a cab, and soon enough, you find yourself sitting next to him in the backseat. The cab cruises along while you chat with Kurapika in the backseat. The both of you had always been pretty close friends since the first time that you met. He seems to trust you and confides in you often. After several minutes, the cab finally pulls up to the bar. You pay the cab driver, and follow Kurapika into the bar, not before showing the bouncer your I.D. 

When you step inside the bar, the heavy scent of alcohol fills your nostrils. Kurapika quickly spots Leorio sitting at the bar, already drinking a beer. Kurapika sits next to him, and you sit beside Kurapika.

"Hey guys!" Leorio points towards the bartender, "He didn't think you guys were gonna show! Can you believe it??"

Kurapika nods, "He seems pretty intelligent."

You can't help but giggle at this, causing Leorio to give you a look of betrayal.

"(Y/N)! Don't take his side!"

You cover your mouth to muffle your laughter, afterwards, muttering, "Sorry, sorry."

"I'll buy each of you one drink! But, then you have to buy your own after you finish it!" Leorio offers, before turning to face the bartender, "Put each of their drinks on my tab." The bartender nods, before Leorio leans over, whispering, "Nothing too expensive, though."

Kurapika lets out a sigh, "Greedy as always." Prompting an annoyed, 'Oi!' from Leorio. "I will just have a water, thank you."

The bartender nods, before turning his attention on you, "And for you, ma'am?"

You look at the menu for a few more seconds, before replying, "I'll have a long island iced tea. Thank you."

"Right away." The bartender walks away to start preparing your drinks.

"You know those have a lot of alcohol, (Y/N)." Leorio points out to you.

You only offer him a blank stare, replying with, "What's your point?"

Kurapika gives you a glance at this, a small smile forming on his face. The bartender brings back each of your drinks, before leaving to help somebody else. Kurapika takes a drink of his water, prompting you to take a sip of your long island iced tea.

"How did you talk Kurapika into coming, (Y/N)?" Leorio asks, before taking a big drink of his beer. He wipes his mouth with his hand. "I was sure he'd say he was busy or something."

Both Kurapika and Leorio's gazes are on you now. You rub the back of your neck, sheepishly, "Um, well.. I just told him I would go, too, so it wouldn't be too bad."

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