(Reader) Hanahaki Disease

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"I believe that you should reconsider."

You're currently sitting beside your closest friend on your living room couch, watching the newest episode of your favorite show. Kurapika has been spending a lot more time with you since he learned of your condition. It was hard for you to explain it to him. You let out a long sigh as you recall the moment you told him of your disease as if it was yesterday.

"Hanahaki disease..? (Y/N), you must be joking! You could die if you do not take care of this quickly!" Kurapika responds in disbelief and shock. He does not display his emotions much, but this time he couldn't hide his look of incredulity.

You just let out a long sigh. You had been putting off telling him for quite a while now, already knowing exactly how the Kurta would react to the news. You idly play with your thumbs, shifting uncomfortably, "It is what it is. There's nothing that I can do about it."

"Surely there is some type of cure. I do not know much about this disease. I've only heard about it in passing. Is there something that we can do?" Kurapika doesn't seem to be letting this go so easily, unwilling to let someone he cares about so much die.

"There's nothing.." You remember the doctor telling you about the surgery to remove the flower and your feelings, but refuse to acknowledge this idea, "Nothing worth trying, anyway."

"That is not entirely true, is it?" Kurapika's gaze is intense as he watches you, "What are you not telling me, (Y/N)?"

You sigh, looking away from him, feeling slightly annoyed as you think to yourself, 'How can he read me so easily?'

"(Y/N), please tell me."

Your gaze falls on him again, noting the desperate look in his eyes. He doesn't want to lose another friend. "There's a surgery that can remove the flower in my lungs-"

"That's great! Is it expensive? I can help you pay for it."

You shake your head at him, "It's not that. It's the fact that it will also remove my feelings and memories of this person. And I don't want that!"

"Do not be ridiculous!" Kurapika argues back, "You should not put your feelings over your life! Your feelings can be replaced but your life cannot!"

You're prepared to argue back, but instead, you bite your tongue and look away from him, 'Easy for him to say. I wonder how he would react if he knew this disease was caused by my feelings for him.'

Kurapika notices your silence and distressed look and lets out a long breath, wondering quietly, "How long have you had this disease?"

"Four months now," You reply, your voice coming out quieter than you meant it to.

"Why..? Why did you wait so long to tell me..?" Kurapika seems genuinely broken-hearted as he questions you, "I do not understand."

The sight of this causes guilt to well up inside of you, so you look away from him, trying hard to keep down the flower petals coming up your throat. 'Why is he so concerned..? Quit looking at me like that! It's too cruel!'

"(Y/N), what is wrong? Have I done something to cause you to mistrust me?"

That was the final straw before the velvety petals finally make an appearance as you start to cough them up and into your hands. 

"(Y/N)!" Kurapika rushes towards you, rubbing your back as you finishing coughing rose petals and blood into your open hands, "Are you okay?"

You nod, still coughing into your hand. After your coughing fit has ended, you weakly tell him, "Let's just.. not talk about it anymore. If I think about it, or the person too much... this happens."

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