Drunk Kurapika

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"Just have a few shots with me!!!" Leorio begs his stone-faced friend. They sit next to each other at a bar, Leorio already drinking a beer, and Kurapika with a glass of water. "You never drink with me!! Come on! It'll be fun!"

Kurapika scoffs, crossing his arms, "I do not need alcohol to have fun."

"Come on! Just this once!" Leorio pleads with him, giving him puppy-dog eyes, "For me!"

Kurapika's expression remains unchanged as he watches his friend's pitiful attempts at coercing him. Leorio continues with his puppy-dog pout, causing Kurapika to look away and shake his head.

"I am not drinking, Leorio. And quit making that face at me. People are beginning to stare," Kurapika says in a blunt tone.

Leorio's pout finally drops, and he lets out a long, defeated sigh. "Fine.." He takes a long drink from his bottle of beer, wiping his mouth with his hand afterwards. "(Y/N) always drinks with me.." He mumbles to himself.

Kurapika perks up an eyebrow at this, seemingly interested in what his friend has just muttered, "What was that? (Y/N) drinks with you a lot? Just the two of you?"

Leorio nods, turning to face his blonde-haired friend, "Yeah, she doesn't always drink as much as me, but she usually says yes when I ask her."

"..Is that so..?" Kurapika looks down at the counter, seemingly deep in thought for several moments. "I suppose it won't hurt to have a drink or two."

Leorio spits out his beer in shock, gaining a mean glare from the bartender. Leorio ignores this and looks at friend with a surprised look on his face, "Really?!" Kurapika nods, 'yes', in response. "I can't believe it!" He waves to the bartender, "Bartender! Bring us two Fireball shots!!"

"I hope I do not regret this.." Kurapika mutters to himself, as Leorio goes on and on excitedly about different types of shots.

Kurapika and Leorio take their first shot at the same time, and Leorio immediately orders six more to split between each other. Kurapika tries to turn him down, but Leorio mentions how you usually at least take four shots with him, so he ends up agreeing to it.

Three shots later, Leorio is still drinking, and has talked Kurapika into drinking a cocktail as well. A large smile forms on Leorio's face when he sees you walk in the door. You quickly make your way over to him.

"(Y/N)! You made it!" Leorio exclaims, words slurring together, "Kurapik won't stop asking for you!"

You let out a chuckle at this, "Yeah, I know. He kept messaging me, and he called me a few times."

"(Y/N), you're finally here!" Comes a familiar voice. Kurapika approaches the bar, stumbling a little, "I missed you." He throws his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.

The smell of alcohol on his breath meets your nose, as you reciprocate his hug, "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where Leorio actually got you drunk."

Kurapika continues to cling onto you for longer than you expected. Finally, he pulls back, leaving an arm wrapped around your shoulder, "You should drink with me, too!" He pulls you over to the counter, "Leorio said you always drink with him."

You sweat-drop at this, shaking your head, "I tag along sometimes. Only because he begs me."

"I would like to spend time with you, as well!" 

You're caught off-guard by his clingy attitude, but you're not one to complain. You've aways wanted to spend more time with the Kurta, but he's usually very busy, so you don't bother asking. Kurapika is still watching you with pleading eyes.

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