Valentine's Day Vacation

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It's not often that you're given the opportunity to go on a stress-free vacation with your beloved, but it seems as if you've gotten lucky this weekend. Kurapika has been as busy as always, working hard towards his end goal of retrieving his brethren's missing eyes. And you've been beside him every step of the way, offering your unwavering support and unconditional love.

But this year Kurapika had decided that he wanted to do something special for you. He wished to show you how much he loves and cares about you. What better holiday to show his love for you than Valentine's day?

He had booked a weekend vacation for you and him at a lovely resort near the beach for just the two of you. He took care of all of the costs himself, hoping to give you the getaway you deserved. Though he hated to admit it, he needed a small break himself and he couldn't wait to spend some time alone with you.

Kurapika reaches for his glass of red wine, taking a long sip of it before setting it back down on the table beside him. The sound of the waves washing against the shore mixed with the beautiful sunset makes for a beautiful evening. The only thing that's missing is you as you had decided to take a long, hot bath. 

The blonde-haired man finds himself unable to stop thinking of you, wishing you were beside him right this second. He smiles to himself as he remembers your look of surprise and beaming smile when he had offered the airship tickets to you during dinner one night.

"This is a really nice restaurant," You say after taking a bite of your meal, "I can't believe we've never been here before."

"They only opened a month ago," Kurapika explains to you with a smile as he watches you with love in his eyes, "Nothing is too good for you, my love."

You let out a gentle chuckle, "You're too sweet, you know?"

"You deserve it. I want nothing more than for you to be happy," He starts, twirling his fork around the pasta on his plate, "Speaking of..."

"Hmm?" You hum curiously as you look up from your plate to meet his gaze, "Is something up?"

"I have a surprise for you," He reaches into his suit, pulling two airline tickets out of his inside pocket. He holds them out to you with a bashful smile, "I had originally wished to show you after dinner tonight but I just can't wait any longer. I long to see that beautiful surprised expression of yours."

"Awe, Kurapika, are these airship tickets?" You take the tickets from him, reading over them for a few moments before looking up at him with a radiant smile, "If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought we were going on a vacation."

Kurapika nods along to this, a knowing smile present on his face, "That's correct. I thought that a weekend away would be perfect for us. What do you think, my treasure?

"I wholeheartedly agree. If anyone deserves to relax for a little while- it's you," You set the airline tickets down on the table, "I just hope they weren't too expensive."

The blonde-haired man waves you off nonchalantly, "No price is too much for your happiness. That being said, I should also mention that we'll be staying in a resort on the beach."

Your mouth parts slightly in surprise, "Kurapika, you didn't need to do that for me!"

"Yes, I did," He reaches across the table to take your hand in his, "It is Valentine's day weekend, after all, therefore, I wished to do something special for the light of my life," The Kurta brings your hand up to his lips to press a kiss against the back of it.

"Kurapika, that's so sweet of you," Truthfully, you're completely in awe of his grand gesture as Kurapika usually prefers more subtle methods to show you his love for you, "I don't think I could possibly top that."

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