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"Where exactly are you taking me?" You question the blonde-haired man with a playful chuckle.

Kurapika had insisted on taking you somewhere special as a surprise but he had covered your eyes with a blindfold while he gently leads you by hand. The whole time he's been leading you, he's been reassuring you that this is worth it, however, you still find yourself antsy to know where he's taking you.

"You will see shortly, my treasure," He responds in a soft tone of voice, "Be patient. We're not far now."

"Can I have a hint?" You wonder towards him, "Just a little one."

"Hmm," He hums in thought as if deciding whether to give you a hint or not. After a few seconds, he speaks again, "It's something that we've done before."

You slightly hang your head in defeat, "That doesn't help me much."

Kurapika can't seem to stop himself from letting out a playful chuckle when he notices the pouty look present on your face, "Don't fret. You will see soon enough."

He continues walking forward, your hand clutched tightly in his. The sounds of grasshoppers chirping and grass crunching beneath your feet is the only hint of your location you have. After a few more minutes of this, the blonde-haired man finally halts in place, releasing your hand from his grip.

"We're here, my love," As he says this, you can hear some soft classical music begin playing in the background, "Would you like me to take off your blindfold?" His voice comes out in almost a whisper, his breath hot against the back of your neck.

You slowly nod in response to this, trying to ignore the heat rising in your cheeks. He undoes the blindfold finally revealing his surprise to you. 

A blanket and a few pillows are sprawled out on the grass in front of you. On top of the blanket sits a cooler with a few drinks and snacks in it. A lantern sits in the middle of the blanket, brightening up the area surrounding it. Classical music seems to be playing off of Kurapika's phone, which he had set down on the blanket as well. You can now tell that he set all of this up in a quiet part of the park as nobody seems to be around, but voices can be heard in the distance.

"I thought that we could stargaze similarly to how we used to on the roof of the apartment," He breaks the comfortable silence as he moves to stand beside you, entangling your fingers with my own, "What do you think, (Y/N)?

You find yourself smiling like an idiot without even realizing it. You turn to face him with a beaming smile and sparkling eyes, "This was such a good idea. I love it, Kurapika."

No matter how long the Kurta has known you, he always finds himself caught off-guard by your effervescent smile. He ignores the warmth in his cheeks as he clears his throat and gestures to the small cooler sitting beside the blanket, "I brought some drinks and food so that we may stay out here for as long as we wish."

"You really thought of everything, didn't you?"

He nods happily in response, "I have also been studying constellations. I know you know quite a few of them, however, I can point out the few that you don't know."

"That's so thoughtful of you, Kurapika. Thank you so much," You say to him with a loving smile present on your face, "This was such a nice surprise."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm well aware that you have been incredibly stressed lately," He brings your hand up to his lips and presses a soft kiss against your knuckles, "Therefore, I wished to do something thoughtful for you to help you feel better."

"Seeing you is enough to make me feel better," You explain to him in a comforting tone of voice, "You're the best."

"I'm simply giving you what you deserve," His eyes fall on the stars hanging above him, "I wouldn't hesitate to rearrange the stars in the night sky for you, my treasure. You deserve the world."

Your smile only seems to grow as does the warmth in your cheeks, "You know exactly what to say," You take both of his hands in yours, your sparkling eyes gazing directly into his, "I understand because I feel the same way."

He lets out a sigh of relief, a gentle smile etched onto his face as he delicately caresses the back of your hands with his thumbs, "I knew that already, yet, I still feel so overjoyed to hear those words come from your lips. Thank you, (Y/N). I am incredibly grateful to know you."

"You're too sweet, Kurapika," You lean up to give him a quick peck on the cheek, before pulling him over to the blanket, "Let's sit down and have a drink!"

Kurapika lets out a chuckle as you drag him over to the blanket, "Yes, good idea. We should enjoy the moonlight while we still have it."

You pass him a drink and a snack while you sit beside him, talking about each of your days, before finally turning your eyes to the starry night sky instead. Kurapika has an arm wrapped around your shoulders as you sit beside him, pointing up at the sky every so often. Any constellations that you're unsure about, Kurapika is able to easily explain to you about them. It seems his studying paid off because he surely knows more about the constellations than you now. 

While you're pointing out an interesting group of stars to the Kurta, your eyes trained on the night sky above you, Kurapika's eyes are glued to your beaming face. He can't seem to pull his eyes away from you, even when you turn to face him and question why he's staring at you with a scrunched-up nose.

He lets out a lighthearted chuckle at your reaction, pulling you flush against him, "My apologies, my love. I could not help but think that you're much more beautiful than the stars in the sky."

You elbow him playfully, "Don't be silly. I don't think anything could rival their beauty."

"I disagree. I'd much rather watch you than the stars," He starts with a sheepish grin on his face, "You shine much brighter than them."

"If anyone outshines the stars, it's you," You counter with a knowing smile on your face, "When you smile, I find myself speechless, even after knowing you for so long."

The grin on his face only seems to grow after hearing this, "Is that so? I'm incredibly happy to hear that. I will be sure to smile for you as often as possible."

"Please do."

"As long as you do the same, of course," He replies with a sly grin evident on his face.

You nod in response to his proposition, "That seems like a fair deal."

"I'm glad," He presses a soft kiss against your forehead, "If you are happy then I'm happy as well."

Your eyes are drawn to the night sky again as a bright light flashes across the sky, "Oh, a shooting star! Quick, make a wish!" You close your eyes for a moment, while Kurapika does the same. When you turn to look at him again, he's watching you with a loving grin on his face, "Hmm? What is it?"

"Ah, nothing," He replies quickly, before asking you with a sheepish grin, "Shall we make my wish come true?"

You offer him a small nod in response as you watch him closely. He places a hand on each side of your cheeks, his thumbs gently caressing your face as he leans in to press his soft lips against yours. He pulls away from you a few moments afterward, a blush encompassing his face.

"We should also make my wish come true," Before Kurapika can reply, you've wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into another loving kiss. When you pull away from him, you let out a content sigh, leaning against his chest, "This has been the best. Thank you, Kurapika. I love you."

He wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly against him as his voice comes out in a near whisper, "I should be the one thanking you. I love you, (Y/N)."

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