I Hope I Can Keep You Warm Part 2

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(This is full-on smut. Enjoy!)

word count: 1,823

You can't even decipher how much time has passed you by as you stay wrapped in Kurapika's warm embrace. The two of you haven't spoken a word to each other as you enjoy each other's presence and warmth. His hand still runs over the back of your head soothingly, being as gentle as humanly possible, which you can't help but find pleasantly endearing.

You nestle deeper into his shoulder, still not ready to pull away from him and allow him to see your flustered face. You've never been so vulnerable around someone else before, however, you can't help but feel content that you're sharing this moment with Kurapika.

"(Y/N)," His voice is hushed as he calls out to you, "Are you awake?"

You nod, your voice coming out muffled, "Yes, I'm awake."

"Tell me what you're thinking."

An involuntary chuckle escapes your lips as you recall how you coerced him into telling you exactly what he was thinking just hours earlier with the same phrase.

You release a content sigh, "I'm thinking about how comfortable I am."

It's his turn to chuckle, "While I'm glad to hear that, that's not exactly what I meant."

"I'm happy," You explain to him, "I'm happy that you've decided to open up to me. I know I'm kind of pushy but it's only because you're so stubborn."

"There's no need for you to offer me any type of apology when you're completely right," He starts, "Besides, I don't happen to mind when you're pushy towards me."

A wave of surprise washes over you before a devious smirk etches itself onto your face, "Is that so?"

His statement has given you the encouragement you needed to pull your face out of the crook of his shoulder and face him. His cheeks are colored a crimson hue, either from the cold or the embarrassment of the situation. His eyes are half-glazed over as he can't seem to turn his gaze away from the effervescent person in front of him. 

You shift slightly in his lap, prompting him to bite his lip in an effort to keep himself from letting out a moan. While he put himself in this situation to keep you warm, he can't deny that his thoughts right now are revolving around anything but that. His gaze falters as his eyes drift languidly down to your lips.

You're having the same thoughts as him and you're certain of that by the way he's acting. Reading Kurapika is like a skill to you, although right now he's more open than ever before. You lean in closer to him, your warm breath easily felt on his cheeks.

"(Y/N), I..." His sentence falls off as his breath hitches at your abrupt movement. 

"I think I know what you're thinking."

You lean in to kiss him, softly, yet passionately, hoping to convey to him exactly how you're feeling with just the sensations of your lips moving against one another. When you remove your lips from his to take in a breath, he entangles his hands in your hair and pulls you back in, your lips mashing together once again, more fervently this time. 

Your feverish kisses don't stop at that. Both of you seemingly can't part from one another, your lips and tongues dancing an endless tango together. Your arms are wrapped around his neck while your legs are tightly encircling his waist. He's trying his best to keep his growing erection from prodding you and failing miserably.

When you finally part, a line of spit that was connecting your mouths breaks and drips down Kurapika's chin. You let out a fiendish giggle as you swipe away the drool from his face. Your makeshift shelter is quiet for several moments as you look into each other's lust-filled eyes.

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