Piano Playing Fluff

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"Have you ever been here before, Kurapika?" Leorio asks Kurapika as he takes in his surroundings of a lavish-looking living room.

Kurapika simply shakes his head, "I cannot say I have. (Y/N) must have a lot of faith in us to allow us to visit her parent's home."

"Wow, I thought she would've at least invited you here before us," Leorio says, earning a death glare from Kurapika in response, "This place is huge," An impressed whistle sounds from his lips.

Kurapika rolls his eyes, taking a few steps forward towards Leorio, "I've only met (Y/N)'s parents once before when they visited her apartment."

Killua and Gon rush past them, both of them in genuine awe as their excited eyes scan the interior of your parent's large estate, "They must be rich!" Gon exclaims enthusiastically, earning a nod from Killua.

"They have to be. My parents own a lot of the same furniture," Killua explains, gesturing to various couches and chairs, "This place is pretty nice."

"Nice is an understatement!" Leorio picks up a porcelain statue off of the fireplace, examining it closely, "How much do you think this thing costs?"

Kurapika takes the statue from his hands, carefully setting it back down where it was originally placed, "That is none of our business. (Y/N) entrusts us to help take care of her parent's house while they're away and we absolutely cannot betray her trust."

"You're right. Sorry, Kurapika," A pang of guilt is visible in Leorio's eyes before he perks up, glancing around while wondering, "Speaking of (Y/N), where do you think she is?"

"Hmm, she said she would meet us here," Gon points out. His ears suddenly perk up, "Wait, do you hear that?"

The whole room goes quiet, a soft tune coming from another area is able to be heard muffled through the walls. Kurapika closes his eyes as he focuses on the sound, pointing towards the direction of the strange sound within a few moments.

"The music is coming from this way," Kurapika leads them down the hallway, the sound of music growing louder as they approach the source of the sound. 

They find themselves in the entryway of a music room. Various musical instruments litter the room, including a grand piano sitting next to a few large windows. Dim sunlight pours onto your body as you continue playing your song. Your eyes are closed in concentration as your fingers hover nimbly over the keys. 

Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika find themselves completely immersed in your beautiful playing. Kurapika finds himself smiling like an idiot at the look of complete contentedness etched across your features. 

As you're about to finish your song, your eyes flutter open and you nearly have a heart attack as you weren't expecting a whole group of people to be watching you. Your cheeks instinctively heat up from a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

 "How long were you guys listening?" You ask them with a bashful smile on your face.

Kurapika is the first to enter the room and make his way towards you, Leorio, Gon, and Killua at his heel, "Not very long, however, that was beautiful," He sets both of his hands on your shoulders as he stands behind you, "You're very talented, my treasure."

"Yeah, that was really good, (Y/N)! We didn't know you could play the piano," Leorio flashes you a beaming grin as he praises you, "You should play for us more!"

"It sounded really pretty!" Gon adds on.

Killua just crosses his arms behind his head casually, "Good job, (Y/N), but I could probably do better."

You shoot him a glare, only earning a playful smirk from him in response.

"Ignore him," Kurapika gently cups your cheek, turning your face slightly to look at him, "You are amazing. As always, I find myself incredibly impressed with you."

The corners of your lips curve upwards into a soft smile, "Thank you, Kurapika. I'm glad everyone liked my playing. I don't usually play for anyone."

"You should!" Leorio exclaims, much to Kurapika's annoyance, "You're too good to not play for anyone."

"(Y/N) has the choice to play for only herself if she chooses so," Kurapika counters back at him.

Leorio's quick to offer you puppy-dog eyes as he looks at you, "You're right. Sorry, (Y/N)."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. You're right. I should play for more people."

This earns a bright grin from Leorio as he perks right up. Meanwhile, Killua, who's already grown bored of this situation, grabs Gon's hand as he points to the doorway, "Let's go explore."

"Mhm!" Gon stops himself from rushing out of the room by turning towards you and asking, "Is that okay, (Y/N)?" 

You nod in response, "Of course. Just don't break anything or my parents will kill me."

Killua and Gon rush off without another word. Leorio lets out an annoyed sigh as he follows them out of the room, mumbling complaints the whole time, "I'll keep an eye on them."

Kurapika lets out a quiet chuckle at their playful behavior before he sits down beside you on the piano bench. He reaches over and takes both of your hands in his, his grey eyes staring directly into yours, "That was beautiful, my treasure. I truly do mean that."

"Thank you, Kurapika," You look away from him, feeling flushed by his gaze on you.

"May I ask you a question?"

Your eyes fall on him again, "What is it?"

"Why have you never mentioned that you knew how to play the piano?" Kurapika wonders, curiosity evident in his eyes, "You're so talented, therefore, it surprises me that you've never brought it up before."

You let out a deep breath as you prepare to give him your answer, "I'm a perfectionist so I always felt insecure about playing in front of anybody but myself or my instructor. I didn't want to tell you that I could play, I wanted to show you. But I wanted to play perfectly for you when I did," You look away from him, suddenly feeling a little down, "I don't think that was perfect. I'm sorry, Kurapika."

Kurapika feels a pang of guilt for wandering upon your practice but he pushes this feeling away as he comforts you. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you flush against him, "It was more than perfect, my love. You never cease to amaze me. I am so proud of you."

"Really?" You question him in a small voice, "You mean that?"

"Of course I do," He pushes a strand of hair away from your face, pressing a fluttering kiss against your forehead, "There's no need to doubt your abilities or yourself, although, I will always be here to reassure you if you ever do."

You find yourself melting into his touch, letting out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Kurapika. You always know exactly what I need to hear."

"As do you," He caresses your cheek with his free hand, his fingers gentle and warm as they move across your skin, "You have comforted me more times than I can count, and for that, I am eternally grateful."

"I love you, Kurapika."

"I love you more, my treasure," He presses another kiss against your forehead, "Would you like to play another song for me? I would love to hear it."

You can't help the smile that forms on your face as you nod in response, "How about Moonlight Sonata? That's a calming piece."


You scoot forward on the piano bench, cracking your knuckles before beginning to play a song for him. Kurapika watches you with a lovestruck expression glued to his face as he wonders how he managed to get so lucky. 

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