Nail Painting

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Shout-out to my "Remember Me" readers. Mainly Morgan! (I tried to tag you but wattpad hates me)

She gave me this idea a while ago and I just never wrote it. Props to her! I'll try to keep this vague enough so anyone can read it!

"Kurapika! You're back already!" You call out to the blonde-haired man who has just passed through the doorway and entered your room, closing the door behind him, "Leorio said you were really busy today."

"For once, he is correct," He makes his way towards the hospital bed, the plastic bag hanging from his hand, swaying as he walks, "I'm afraid I cannot stay long. My apologies, (Y/N)."

"No need to apologize. I'm happy about any time I can spend with you," You struggle to sit up in bed, prompting Kurapika to rush to your aid.

He gently moves you so that you can sit up in bed, handling you as if you're porcelain and could break at any given moment. Letting out a relieved sigh, he sits down in the chair next to your bed, "How are you feeling today? Have you remembered anything more?"

You shake your head weakly, "No, nothing. I can move my arms a little bit more."

Kurapika can't help but smile knowing you're recovering little by little, "That's great news, (Y/N). I am incredibly elated to hear that."

"Really? I don't think it's that impressive," You reply sheepishly, "My nurse was surprised that I could move my arms already though."

"Are you still having trouble picking up and holding things?"

You nod, feeling slightly defeated, "Yes, my fingers and wrists are still too weak."

"I have a surprise for you," He reaches into the plastic bag he brought in with him, "It's not much, though, I thought it may be a nice surprise," He pulls out a few bottles of nail polish, presenting them to you with a nervous smile, "I thought that I could paint your nails for you since you are unable to."

Your mouth parts slightly in surprise before the corners of your lips perk upwards into a beaming smile, "That's so sweet of you, Kurapika, but you don't have to do that for me."

"I would like to," He says to you confidently, "Is that okay, (Y/N)?"

You find yourself unable to stop yourself from nodding, "Of course. I would really appreciate it."

"I recall you saying that you liked this color and brand the most once before you lost your memories," He says to you as he sets the bottle of topcoat on top of your bedside table, "Therefore, I made sure to pick out what you liked best since you cannot remember."

"That's so thoughtful of you," You're in awe of him and his kind words, "Thank you."

"There is absolutely no need to thank me. I would do anything for you." 

He shakes the nail polish bottle lightly as you hold your hand out for him. He sets the bottle down on the table as he holds your hand steady with his. He begins painting your nails incredibly carefully, and by the looks of it, it seems as if he's researched how to paint someone's nails just for this moment. Just for you.

He finishes painting your nails and applies the topcoat, letting out a sigh of relief once he's finished, "Truthfully, I was worried that they wouldn't look very good but I believe that they came out very nice," He starts before adding on, "Though, nothing is good enough for you."

"They're perfect. You did an amazing job," You praise him with a large smile gracing your features, "They look so pretty and I'm happy you took the time out of your busy schedule just to paint my nails for me."

"Perfection- that's what you deserve," He takes your hand in his, admiring his handiwork before pulling your hand up to his lips to press a tender kiss against the back of it. He seems to have done this subconsciously as he quickly becomes flustered, his cheeks turning a brilliant shade of pink.

He coughs into his hand as he stands up from his chair, letting go of your hand in the process, "I have to go for today but I promise that I will be back first thing tomorrow before I go to work."

"Alright, I look forward to it! Get some rest!"

"Thank you, (Y/N). Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything," He offers you a small smile before he turns to leave the room, "Make sure you also get some rest soon."

As the door closes behind him, you can't stop yourself from smiling, feeling completely overjoyed by the closeness you had just shared with the person you care for most. The skin on your hand still feels hot from where he kissed you and you find yourself wishing you could go back to the moment.

Just as you're flustering yourself thinking of Kurapika, your nurse, Nova, enters the room, greeting you with a bright smile, "Hey, (Y/N), how are you feeling today?" She notices your flushed cheeks and colored nails, a knowing grin appearing on her face, "Ah, did Kurapika come to visit you today?"

You manage a nod in response, "Yes, he did. He painted my nails for me."

"Awe, how thoughtful of him," She observes your hands for a moment before saying, "He did a wonderful job. He really cares for you, doesn't he?"

"He does and I'm really glad that he does," You respond as you avert your eyes from her, "Since I deeply care about him."

"You lovebirds are so cute," She coos, which only seems to fluster you even more.

You shake your head at her, explaining, "We're not lovebirds! Or at least I don't think we were. I can't remember much yet but I think I at least had feelings for him before my accident."

"And they haven't left, have they?"

"No, they definitely haven't," You lean back in bed, feeling completely lovesick, "I'm happy to have him by my side."

"I know he feels the same way."

When Kurapika returns home that night, he finds himself watching more nail painting tutorials online in hopes to impress you. He wants nothing more than to make you happy and he knows for a fact that you deserve only the best. He has already decided that he wants to do some designs on top of the nail polish the next time he paints your nails for you. 

His mind drifts back to the moment where he kissed your hand and he feels heat rising in his cheeks. He lets out a deep breath as he tries to calm his erratically beating heart, his eyes threatening to turn crimson. 

"(Y/N)... For you, I would do anything," He glances over at a framed photo of him, you, Leorio, Gon, and Killua that sits on his desk, "You mean so much to me and you do not deserve to go through this pain. I will stay by your side no matter what."

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