A Lonely Birthday

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A dimly lit seedy hotel room isn't an ideal way for one to spend their birthday, but Kurapika couldn't care less at the moment. He sits at a poorly maintained desk, his bloodshot eyes glued to his ridiculously bright laptop screen as he continues doing his extensive amounts of research. He's in the middle of a mission to retrieve yet another pair of his brethren's eyes, however, he ran into an unexpected problem and had to come back to his cheap hotel room to do some last-minute research.

His cellphone has been ringing off the hook, yet he hasn't paid it any mind. He knows his friends will understand that he's incredibly busy and can't come to the phone. He also realizes this won't stop them from calling and messaging him over and over again. They probably only want him to take a break for his birthday and sadly, that's something he can't afford to do right now. Luckily, nobody has any idea of where he is right now so he won't have to worry about them showing up unannounced and getting caught up in his troubles.

"Just ignore them..."The blonde-haired man whispers aloud to himself.

After scrolling for a few more minutes, he lets out a long sigh and stands up, deciding to take a couple of minutes to stretch and get a glass of water. He walks over to the sink and fills a plastic cup with cold water before making his way back to the desk and sitting down. He glances down at his phone, taking note of the dozens of missed calls and plethora of messages. He lets out a chuckle when he notices a good portion of them are from Leorio.

"I'm lucky that my friends care so much for me," He allows a ghost of a smile to play on his lips.

For a brief moment, the Kurta considers calling his friends back, or even offering them a short message in response. He shakes his head as he shakes this thought off and takes a long drink of his water. He comes to the conclusion that he'll call them whenever he finishes this mission and has an interim before he moves along to the next one. 

"They will understand. They always do," He mainly says this to reassure himself, letting out a deep breath and turning his attention back to the screen, "I should get back to work."

He reaches for his mouse but freezes in place when he hears someone knocking on his door. He sits in his desk chair, unmoving, as he stares at the door, waiting for the knocking to stop. 

'Someone must have the wrong room. They should figure that out and leave eventually,' He thinks aloud to himself as he returns to what he was doing.

"Kurapika, I know you're in there," A familiar voice comes muffled through the door and Kurapika's eyes widen with shock, "I double-checked with the front desk."

He can't seem to hold himself back from shooting up from his chair and bolting over to the door. He removes the deadbolt and swings the door open quickly, his mouth parting slightly in surprise, "(Y/N)... You're here."

"Of course," You offer him a warm smile, "I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world."

His mouth unwillingly twitches into a small grin, "...Is that so?" 

He remembers that you're standing in the middle of the hallway of a shady hotel and grabs your wrist, pulling you into the room with him and slamming the door shut behind you. The blonde-haired man looks at you incredulously now, "More importantly, how did you get here? I didn't give anyone my location on purpose. Surely, you realize why, (Y/N)."

You nod, "Yes, I understand, but I don't care," You set the bag you were carrying down on the bed, "I wanted to see you. Well, all of your friends did. But they figured you'd be more willing to let me in than them."

"That does not explain how you discovered my location," He folds his arms across his chest as if he's a scolding mother, "This area is very dangerous, (Y/N)."

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