Enemies to Lovers

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Kurapika knew someone had been tailing him for a while, and although he wasn't sure who it could possibly be and on top of that their presence wasn't of much concern to him. He was on a mission, collecting all of his brethren's eyes after sealing Chrollo's nen away. He was sick of constant travel, but he didn't have much of a choice in the matter. He knew he had to press on.

This presence... It was starting to become more bothersome to him every second. He had just successfully retrieved another pair of scarlet eyes and was walking through a wooded area towards his hotel room. 

He lets out a sigh, before halting in place, "You can come out now. I am well aware that you've been following me for some time now," The Kurta man bluntly announces, his eyes scanning the area up and down. No answer comes at first, prompting him to say, "I will not harm you if you show yourself."

You finally make yourself known, stepping out from behind a tree, and releasing your Zetsu, "I'm surprised that you could tell I was here."

"Is that so? You weren't hiding your presence very well if that truly is the case," Kurapika doesn't seem fazed by your aura in the slightest.

You feel a metaphorical cinderblock fall over your head, and you can feel yourself becoming more annoyed at this man after hearing him speak, "Well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, considering what you are."

"What I am...?" Kurapika questions you curiously, struggling to conceal the shock that he's feeling, "What could you possibly mean by that?"

"You know exactly what I mean," You start, reaching for the dual daggers on your belt, "I've been following you so I know that you've been collecting scarlet eyes of the Kurta clan. They do not belong to you!"

'Just who is this woman? Her aura is completely hostile. Could she be a new member of the Troupe...?'  He watches you closely, allowing his eyes to run up and down on your body, 'That is not entirely impossible. What other reason could this woman have for following me?'

"Your silence must mean that you already know that," You start, your fingers inching closer to your weapons, "I don't want to fight if I don't have to, but it doesn't seem like you're going to give up those eyes without a fight."

His chains become visible on his hand as he readies himself for a fight, "You're correct about that, at least. The scarlet eyes do not belong to you, therefore I have no reason to return them to you."

You finally draw your daggers from their holsters, standing in a defensive stance, "How sickening." 

You wait for him to attack first, but he never does, prompting you to make the first move. You and him trade blows for quite some time, and you're generally able to block his chains with your daggers. One thing is made apparent during your battle with him; he is by no means a normal person, just as you had thought. Unfortunately, his chains begin to overpower you, so you decide to retreat for now and tend to your injuries before coming after him again.

Kurapika wasn't expecting you to disappear mid-battle, and he definitely thought that he'd be able to use his judgment chain on you before you escaped. He looked around for a little while, but you were nowhere to be found. He decided to head back to the hotel, but now he knew to be more cautious in the future.

He continued on his journey, but he knew that you were most likely still tailing him. After some time, you had started interfering with him however you could, causing him more problems than he would like to admit. While your aura towards him was still hostile, Kurapika felt that something was off about you. And he by all means knew that he shouldn't feel the way he does about you.

He was on a mission to collect another pair of his brethren's eyes, when you appeared to him, ready to battle again. He was getting more frustrated by your actions with each second that passed, yet, you were too agile, easily able to escape from him.

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