Flower Shop AU Part 2

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"Thank you, come again!" You say to a customer with a smile on your face, offering them a small wave as they rush out the door with their floral arrangement.

The bell above the door rings as they leave the building, prompting Kurapika to peek in on you from the doorway of the backroom, "Was that another customer?"

You turn to face him as you answer his question, "Yes, they ordered a large bouquet of sunflowers and lilies."

He parts his lips in surprise, "I have never received this much business for such a steady amount of time before."

"Is that a bad thing?"

The corners of his lips quirk upwards as a small smile forms on his face, "Certainly not," He takes a few steps forward as he approaches you and sets a gentle hand on your shoulder, "It seems as if having you here is good for business."

"I'm not sure if that's true, but thank you for saying that, Kurapika," You reply happily, before adding on, "It's nice to see you so relaxed. You used to be stressed all of the time."

He closes his eyes and lets out a long exhale, before agreeing with your statement, "Having you here makes me feel at ease."

A mischievous glint twinkles in your eyes as you point out to him, "You know, it's the perfect time for you to take your vacation. The weather outside has been so nice lately."

"Yes, well... You're not entirely wrong," He lets out a sigh as he glances around his shop at the various plants that litter the shelves and walls, "But what if something were to happen and I was not here? I do not wish for you to have to deal with something so stressful on your own."

"Don't worry about that," You take his hand in yours and give it a gentle squeeze, "Besides, it's not just us two who work here anymore."

You had talked Kurapika into the idea of taking a vacation and taking some time off for himself a couple of weeks ago. Although he's still hesitant about the idea, you can tell that he is very much considering it. He has grown a lot since you came into his life and started working for him. Over time, he had even agreed to hire another coworker. He refused to hire more than one person other than you, stating that he didn't want the shop to feel too crowded.

Your words are the final push he needs to finally take some time off and get some much-needed rest and thankfully, you know exactly what to say to him.

"I'll take good care of the shop for you, Kurapika," You bring his hand up to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss against the back of it, "You haven't taken any time off in years. It's time for you to finally get some rest."

The blonde-haired man seemingly melts at your touch, a red tint covering his cheeks, "...Yes, you are right," He lets out a content sigh as he pulls you into a tight hug, "You always know exactly what I need to hear."

You nuzzle into his warm chest as you explain to him, "I'm just happy that you were willing to hear me out. I thought I would have to debate with you for a while. I even practiced my argument in the mirror last night before I went to bed."

Kurapika lets out a pleasant chuckle after hearing your confession, "You can still try out your argument on me if you'd like."

"We just got a call for a new order! They're coming to pick it up in an hour!" Your coworker's voice echoes throughout the flower shop as he races into the room, stopping in front of you both, "Oh, s-sorry. Were you two having a moment?"

Kurapika slowly pulls away from you, lightly coughing into his hand as he tries to recompose himself, "Yes, we were," You can't help but smirk at his flustered behavior, much to his chagrin, "What did they order?"

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