Hallmark Holiday Movie AU (Part One)

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First off, thank you for reading! This is a cheesy Hallmark holiday movie au. It's meant to be unbelievably cliche and heartwarming. I hope you enjoy part one and I hope to have part two out within the next couple of days! 

A cold gust of wind brushes past the businessman, blowing his hair into a state of disarray. He lets out an annoyed huff as he zips his winter coat up the rest of the way in a futile effort to protect him from the cold. He continues walking down the empty sidewalk, his eyes scanning the area around him as he takes in the different suburban sights. Finally, he approaches his destination, halting in place in the middle of the sidewalk.

"What's so special about this park? The location itself is mediocre at best," His gloved hand reaches into his pocket and takes out his cellphone, "I should call my boss and let him know I'm here."

He taps a few buttons on his mobile device before holding it up to his ear, waiting to receive an answer. After a few rings, his boss's familiar voice comes through the speaker.

"Ah, Kurapika~ Just the employee I was waiting to hear from," His twisted grin can practically be heard in his voice, "Are you at the park already? That was quite fast. I must say, I'm impressed~"

"I rushed here as quickly as I could, Hisoka," Kurapika starts, his eyes falling on the entrance sign above him, "I do not quite understand what's so great about this park."

Hisoka lets out a deep chuckle, "That's why you're the employee and I'm your boss~ Our new building will fit perfectly in its place once we bulldoze the park. I hope that you're not questioning me?" His voice drips with malice as he asks this.

Kurapika instantly shakes his head, responding with a firm, "No, of course not, sir. We should get started on the bulldozing process as soon as possible."

"I'm so glad that you agree. That park is an eyesore anyway, isn't it? So sad and pathetic~ Our new building will look much nicer," A devilish snicker escapes his lips as he berates the small park, "Illumi and I will be taking a plane out there next week. Until we get there, I need you to speak with the construction crew on our behalf."

Kurapika's eyes narrow at the mention of Illumi, quietly thinking to himself, 'Does he really need to bring his creepy assistant?' He clears his throat, pushing his thoughts aside and responding with, "Understood, sir. Just pass me the number of the contractor when you get the chance and I will call him immediately."

"Wonderful. You've been a great help, Kurapika~" Hisoka praises the blonde-haired man, "If all goes well, perhaps you'll finally get that promotion you've been yearning for."

"I will do everything in my power to earn that promotion. Thank you for the opportunity, sir," He replies as he bows his head slightly, "I'll speak to you soon," He hangs up the call, slipping his phone back into his coat pocket.

He turns away from the park, beginning his walk down the sidewalk again, "I suppose I should head back to the hotel for the night," His breath is visible as he speaks quietly to himself. This prompts him to pull his scarf up to his chin.

He contemplates what his boss had told him as he walks, his thoughts drowning out the world around him, 'If tearing down a park in a ridiculously small town like this is enough to earn a promotion then so be it. I should touch base with the contractor as soon as possible.'

He's only brought out of his thoughts by the feeling of someone bumping into his chest, your coffee being knocked from your hands on impact.

You immediately back away from him, clearly flustered as you start muttering apologies, "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

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