Kurta Valentine's Day

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(Fluff, fluff, fluff. Happy Valentine's day everyone!)

(word count 1,666)

February 14th. Valentine's day. The day of love that you're spending without your partner.

Luckily, for most of the day, you were able to spend some bonding time with your lonely friend, Leorio. The daylight has faded away and a starry night sky has taken its place. You now find yourself sitting alone on your couch, watching horror movies.

Your eyes are eagerly glued to the screen of your tv as you shove another handful of popcorn into your mouth. Just as the main character is about to die in a horrible and disgusting way, a knock echoes through the room from your front door.

You sigh and stand up, wondering what the hell Leorio could possibly want at this time of night.  Your eyes widen when you open the door and you find a familiar blonde man standing in front of you.

"(Y/N)," He's out of breath, clearly having rushed here, "I'm-I'm so incredibly sorry that I could not make it on time."

Instead of seeming upset in the slightest, the corners of your lips curl upwards to form a bright smile, "Don't apologize, Kurapika. I'm so happy to see you."

He lets out a breath of relief, reposed to find that you're not upset with him. He pulls his hand out from behind his back and offers you a single rose, along with a soft smile, "I know it's not much-"

"I love it. Thank you," You take the flower from him and bring it to your nose, inhaling its sweet scent giddily.

"I knew you would," Under his other arm, he carries a flat gift box decorated in intricate wrapping, however, he's not ready to give you this gift yet, "May I come in?"

You quickly step aside for him to enter your house,  "Of course, my love. Was today a really busy day for you? Stressful?"

He closes his eyes for a moment and nods, "Unfortunately. You can always read me so well."

"It's my job," You retort back to him.

"You're very good at it," He looks around the room now, taking in your movie-watching setup, "I suppose it's already too late to go out and do anything together," A sigh escapes his lips, "I apologize for not arriving sooner."

"No worries, I'm sure you already rushed here," You reach out to caress his cheek lightly and he melts into your touch, "There's no need to stress, my love. I understand that you're busy and I support you always."

The blonde-haired man reaches out to place his hand on top of yours, "You are far too kind to me. I'll never understand what I've done to deserve you."

"You didn't need to do anything," Your hand falls from his cheek, and you interlace his fingers with your own as you lightly pull him, "Now, come with me."

You lead Kurapika upstairs and to a window leading out to the roof. You crawl out the window onto the roof first before beckoning him to follow you. He hesitates for a brief moment before going along with you.

The beautiful night sky hangs above you two as you sit next to each other and enjoy one another's presence. His hand rests on top of yours as you look up at the sky and chat together.

"I apologize that you had to spend your Valentine's day with Leorio. I wouldn't wish that curse upon my worst enemy," Kurapika chuckles.

You shrug in response, "It could have been worse. He could have been drunk and crying about being lonely. Instead, he was sober and whining about being lonely."

The Kurta shakes his head playfully, "That's really not much better."

You chuckle as you end up agreeing with him, "Yeah, it kind of wasn't actually."

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