Injury fluff

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"It's not that big of a deal. I saw a girl getting mugged, and I stopped it. End of story," You explain in a huff with your arms crossed.

You're currently sitting on the tiled floor of your bathroom with your back leaning against the wall, and your legs laying straightened out in front of you. Your caring boyfriend is shuffling through the bathroom cabinets, pulling out assorted medical supplies.

He lets out an annoyed sigh at your nonchalant reply, still going through the cabinet, "You were stabbed, (Y/N). I cannot understand how you would not consider that something of a 'big deal'."

"The knife barely grazed me. It's not that bad," You reply to him, your eyes falling on the cut on your arm. It was bleeding more earlier, but now it doesn't look as bad. "Listen, I'm fine."

Kurapika turns back around with a rag, some antiseptic spray, ointment, and gauze. "You look anything but fine." He kneels down to your level, and starts cleaning off the cut with the damp rag, "You are lucky that you do not need stitches."

"Like I said, it's not that bad," You look away from him pouting.

The Kurta is barely able to resist rolling his eyes at this as he finishes cleaning the wound. He cleans off your smaller scratches, as well. Next, he takes the antiseptic spray, preparing to spray it on your cut.

"This is going to hurt, but bear with me," He says, and you nod in response. He sprays your wound, and you grit your teeth, and make a sound of discomfort, "I apologize, my love. It does not make me happy to see you hurt."

You turn your head towards him again, noting his scarlet eyes, and the look of sadness in them. He sprays your smaller cuts as well, before moving to grab the ointment. He applies the ointment to the larger cut, before also applying them to the smaller scratches. He wraps the wound on your arm in gauze and places regular bandages on your other injuries.

"I'm sorry, Kurapika. I didn't think there were so many of them. I didn't think that I would get hurt like this.." You explain to him, feeling a little guilty.

Kurapika lets out a long sigh, pausing what he was doing, and looking down, "..I know, (Y/N). I am not upset at you, by any means. I just cannot help being worried about you. I never want to see you injured like this."

"And I feel the same way about you," You point out to him.

"I only wish that I could protect you all of the time. I never want anything bad to happen to you," He says in a hushed tone, before finally looking up again to meet your eyes, "I am aware that you can take care of yourself, but I could never forgive myself if something were ever to happen to you."

"Kurapika.." You set your hand on top of his, "Nothing is going to happen to me." Kurapika raises an eyebrow at you, his eyes falling on the gauze wrapped around your arm, "Okay, besides this. You don't need to worry."

He lets out a soft chuckle at this, a small smile gracing his features, "If only that were possible. Perhaps you do not fully understand how much you mean to me."

"Then maybe you should show me," You remark with a smirk on your face.

"Don't push your luck, you are still injured," Comes Kurapika's blunt response, prompting you to pout and look away from him. "That is not going to work on me." You continue to sulk silently for several minutes, before Kurapika finally gives in. 

"You are being overly dramatic. Come here." He cups your cheeks in both of his hands, and gently turns your head to face him. He presses his lips against yours passionately, much to your surprise, but you match his movements. You set your hands on top of his and move in closer to him, deepening the already fervent kiss. 

When you finally pull away, you're both panting for air, trying to catch your breath. You were caught off-guard by his sudden heated kiss, leaving your cheeks dark red. 

"I cannot convey how much you mean to me through one simple kiss, however, I hope that gave you a good idea," He explains with a warm smile evident on his face. "Words or actions; neither could help you fathom how important you are to me."

You're still speechless from the kiss, but you shake it off, stammering out a response, "I feel the same way. You mean everything to me."

"I love you, (Y/N), my treasure. Please, try to stay out of trouble. I would hate for this to become a reoccurring event," He gently pushes a piece of hair out of your face, and behind your ear.

"I love you, too, Kurapika. And for you, I'll try," You reply with a playful grin.

"You should get some rest. I assume you are tired after fighting off so many people," Kurapika picks you up bridal-style, and slowly makes his way out of the bathroom.

You look up at him in surprise, pointing out to him, "I can walk, you know? My legs weren't injured."

The Kurta lets out a light chuckle, looking down at you with a smile, "I am well aware, (Y/N). I am doing this by choice. Do you not like it?"

You look away from him, your cheeks hot, "Of course, I like it. Thank you."

"Of course. Anything for you, my love," He carries you down the hallway and to your bedroom, gently setting you down on the bed. He helps you get comfortable under the blankets and adjusts your pillows to make you more comfortable. He sits down on the edge of the bed, letting out a defeated sigh, "If you were anybody else, I most likely would have lectured you longer."

This thought had already been swirling around your head, so you find yourself nodding along to this, "I know. I was surprised that you didn't."

"It is only because I love and care about you so much. I find it very difficult to be angry with you," He explains to you. He reaches out for you, taking both of your hands in his, his grey eyes gazing directly into your (E/C) orbs, "Please promise me that you will call me if you ever get into trouble."

"Without a doubt. I promise you, Kurapika. Please don't worry about me too much," You say, bringing his hands up to your lips, and pressing a kiss to the back of each of them.

"That is not possible, but I will try," He replies with a small smile on his face. "Get some rest, my treasure. You have had a long day." He stands up and turns to walk away, but you reach out for him, and grab his wrist, prompting him to turn back around to face you.

You watch him with pleading eyes, and a protruding lip, "Please stay with me."

The smile on Kurapika's face grows larger, and he can't help but notice the warmth that he feels in his chest as he looks at you. "Of course. I am not going anywhere." 

He climbs into bed with you and holds you close to him as you fall asleep tucked against his chest. The Kurta never knew that it was possible for him to feel this way about someone. But he loves every second of it. 

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