Many Mistletoes

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"My treasure, are you home?" Kurapika calls out from the doorway of your shared apartment with him. 

He waits a few seconds for an answer before shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on the coat rack. He takes his shoes off, hearing your footsteps coming closer to him. When he turns back around from setting his shoes down next to the door, you're standing right in front of him with a huge smile on your face. 

A smile forms on his face as he hums in thought, "Are you that happy to see me?"

"Of course! But also-" You point upwards, Kurapika's eyes landing on the ceiling above him, noting the small green plant hanging above him.

He lets out a soft chuckle as the realization dons on him. You must have hung that up there in preparation for him, and he can't help but find your idea adorable, "Come here, my love. I'll give you exactly what you want."

He sets his hands on your waist, gently pulling you closer to him and closing the distance between you both. The warmth from your lips and closeness fills his body, distracting him from the cold air he has just escaped from. After a few seconds of this, he pulls away, leaving you dazed, yet happy. 

"Was that okay, my love?" 

You nod, your cheeks a pink tint, and a large grin gracing your features, "It was perfect. I'm glad I caught you before you walked away from it."

He ruffles your hair playfully, smiling lovingly at you, "Regardless, you could have had a kiss. My lips are forever yours, after all."

Somehow, Kurapika always finds new ways to fluster you. He can't help it since he finds you so adorable with that cute blush on your cheeks and the way you stammer out words when you're embarrassed. Luckily, he knows not to take it too far, unless you ask him to.

"A-anyway, how was your day?" You stutter out to him, ignoring the heat rising in your cheeks.

He takes both of your hands in his, watching you with love in his gaze, "It's perfect now that I am home with you. What would you like to do today, my love? Should we make some hot chocolate?"

Unbeknownst to him, this wasn't all of your plan for him.

The next day he came from work, the mistletoe was still above the door, and you were waiting with your lips puckered and ready for him. He could only chuckle at the determined look on your face, and comply with the tradition, giving you a chaste, yet loving kiss. 

Afterward, you lead him to the kitchen, both of you discussing what you would like to eat for dinner. He's caught off-guard when you stop in the entryway to the kitchen in from of him and turn around with a sly smirk on your face. He tilts his head in confusion until you point above you again. 

He lets out a playful chuckle when he notices a second green plant has seemingly appeared from out-of-nowhere in your apartment, "How strange. The plants seem to be multiplying. I suppose that it cannot be helped. Come closer, (Y/N)."

Your plan was successful once again, prompting your smile to grow even larger. You throw your arms around his neck, and he's hasty to press his lips against yours once more. This kiss lasts longer than the prior one, still leaving you flustered.

"Now, what do you want for dinner?" You turn around, a sheepish grin on your face as you walk towards the fridge.

The fact that you're acting like this is now a normal occurrence for you both amuses him greatly, "Anything you desire is fine with me, my treasure."

A day later, the cycle continues and you get your kisses as you had planned. When you both decide to go to bed that night, you stop him once he reaches the doorway of the bedroom. You glance up at the ceiling, putting on a fake innocent act, "Wow, that's odd. How did that get there?"

"Odd, indeed. However, I could never turn down an opportunity to kiss the light of my life," He places his hands on the small of your back, pulling you flush against him. His lips move against yours softly for several moments before he pulls away. With a small smile on his face, he wonders, "Would you like another?" 

You weren't expecting this, but you nod, ignoring the warmth growing in your cheeks. He pulls you in for another quick kiss, leaving you a smiling mess.

"Let's get some sleep, now. It is already so late," He takes your hand, leading you into the bedroom.

Your plan was going perfectly, and soon you would have mistletoe hanging up in the entrance of every room in the apartment. Unfortunately, Kurapika was already a step ahead of you. Of course, the next day the same cycle continued with an added mistletoe in the entrance to the hallway. Kurapika complied with each of your mistletoes, giving you as many kisses as you wanted.

You and Kurapika are now sitting together on the couch finishing a movie. Your head is laying in his lap as he runs his hands through your hair soothingly. After the movie ends, Kurapika looks down at you, asking you with a small smile, "Would you like to go out for a hot chocolate?"

"I would love that," You reply with a soft smile present on your face, "But take your coat. It's freezing outside."

"Of course, thank you for reminding me," He stands up and throws his coat and shoes on, zipping it up afterward. After you zip up your coat, Kurapika wraps a scarf around your neck and places a beanie on your head and over your ears. "Wouldn't want you to get sick, my love." He explains to you happily after you tilt your head at him in confusion from his actions.

He leads you down the snow-covered sidewalk, his hand gripping yours tightly. Your breath is visible in the frigid winter air as you chat with each other. When you're about half-way to the cafe, Kurapika stops in the middle of the sidewalk, turning to face you with a sheepish grin on his face. He points upwards, earning a confused look from you. 

"What are you-"

"Look up."

Your eyes move to the area that he's pointing towards, a mistletoe hastily appearing above you. Kurapika holds it just above both of your heads with his other hand. Your gaze falls back on Kurapika with a soft smile on your face, "Was this your plan all-along?"

He offers you a short nod in response, "It was inspired by your own nefarious plot," He explains to you, accompanied by a short chuckle, "I believe that you owe me something..."

You place both of your hands on Kurapika's icy cheeks, pulling him down slightly for your lips to lovingly press against his. Kurapika sets his free hand on your waist, pulling you in closer to him and deepening the already fervent kiss. This time when you pull away, you're both blushing.

"I wasn't expecting that," You say to him, your warm smile never leaving your face, "I think I'll have to buy my own mistletoe, too."

"That's a wonderful idea, (Y/N)," He starts, "But do not forget that I'm yours to kiss whenever you desire."

You nod in acknowledgment, happily replying with, "And the same goes for you!"

A chilly gust of wind hits you both, causing you to unknowingly shiver. Your cheeks and nose are red from the cold and Kurapika has taken notice of this.

"Your cheeks are so red... You look adorable, but let me warm you up," Kurapika cups your rosy cheeks with his mitten-covered hands, his grey orbs gazing directly into your (E/C) eyes, "Is that better, my love?" He lets out a soft chuckle when you bashfully nod in response, "How have I gotten so lucky..?"

"I was just wondering the same thing," You tell him, your attention fully focused on him as he gazes at you affectionately, "I love you."

"I love you more, (Y/N). Should we go pick up our hot chocolate now? I can warm you up some more when we return home." 

You find yourself nodding in agreement without realizing it, earning a sweet laugh from the Kurta man.

"Let's get you out of the cold," He removes his hands from your cheeks, instead, taking one of your hands in his and walking off beside you down the sidewalk.

As you walk alongside him you find yourself thinking, 'I guess my plan was successful after all.'

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