Thunderstorm Fluff

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You let out a vacant sigh as you peer out the window of your apartment, the trees blowing viciously in the wind as rain pelts the glass pane. You take a long sip from your mug of hot cocoa, finding it appropriate for the gloomy weather. A loud rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance as a flash of lightning can be seen out of the corner of your eye. You let go of the curtain you were peeking out of, your gaze turning to your phone screen instead.

Kurapika had called you about half an hour ago to let you know he was on his way home. You can't help but worry that he was caught out in the terrible storm and wouldn't make it home tonight. Your eyes remain glued to the phone screen as you make your way over to the couch, prepared to flop down and relax.

The sounds of the doorknob turning and the door hinges squeaking slightly meet your ears, halting you in place as your head instinctively turns towards the cause of the sound. Kurapika passes through the doorway, an umbrella held over his head to protect him from the rain. His clothes still seem as if they got wet but he's clearly not bothered by that. 

You race towards him, worriedly questioning him, "Are you okay? You didn't have any trouble coming home?"

The corners of his lips quirk upwards when he sees the look of obvious concern in your eyes, "No, my treasure. I was already nearly here when the storm began," He presses a quick kiss against your forehead, before folding up his umbrella and leaving it in the umbrella stand, "Unfortunately, it seems as if it's going to storm like this all night."

"Mhm. At least it's only a storm and nothing more," You say to him as you watch him slip off his shoes and jacket, "Even so, I was worried about you."

Kurapika turns around after hanging up his jacket and takes a few steps closer to you. He places his hand on your cheek, gently caressing your face with his thumb, "I was worried about you as well, my love. That is why I left work in such a hurry."

You melt in his touch, your worries fading away thanks to his gentle reassurance, "Thank you, Kurapika. I appreciate it."

"There's no need to thank me," He leans in to press his lips against yours, pulling away only seconds later, "Shall we watch a movie?"

Just as he asks this, the whole house goes dark, the tv powering down as well. The room becomes completely silent except for the loud complaints coming from your next-door neighbors. You lean closer to Kurapika without realizing it, prompting him to wrap his arms around you, his hands resting on your lower back.

"Don't be afraid, my treasure," His tone of voice is hushed as he speaks, "I'm certain the power will be back on by morning. Do you have your phone?"

You quickly reach into your back pocket, pulling out your phone and turning on the flashlight, "Is this what you wanted?"

"Perfect. We will need to set up some candles and flashlights," He brings out his cell phone, turning on his flashlight as well, "Can you check if we have any extra batteries lying around?"

"I can do that. We can take them out of the tv remotes too if needed."

Kurapika nods to this, his face still not showing any kinds of worry or concern for the situation, "Let's meet back here in the living room in a few moments. Just yell if you have any questions."

With that being said, you both hurry off in opposite directions, looking for the supplies you're both in need of. After finding as many batteries as possible, you make your way back to the living room, where Kurapika already sits on the couch, lighting assorted candles with a match. A radio sits on the coffee table as well, soft music already playing from it. 

"Hey, Kurapika," You call out to him, prompting him to turn his head slightly to look at you.

"Yes, my treasure?" He eyes you up and down, "Is something wrong?"

You shake your head 'no' in response, setting down the batteries you found on the coffee table, "Nothing's wrong but I just had a great idea. What if we made a blanket fort?"

Kurapika seems slightly caught off guard by your request, a smile playing on his lips afterward, "Would you like to do that, (Y/N)? I have no qualms with it."

"I think it would be fun," You explain to him, a sheepish grin evident on your own face, "And it would be nice and cozy."

"That's a great idea," He blows out the match he was holding and stands up from the couch, "Where should we start?"

You and him gather up a few dining chairs as well as the coat rack to use for your blanket fort. After at least fifteen minutes of setting it up and filling the inside with several pillows, plushies, and blankets, the blanket fort is finally deemed complete. Kurapika brings some puzzles and books to read, while you gather up some snacks and drinks from the kitchen. 

You sit beside Kurapika in your cozy blanket fort, a small flashlight illuminating your faces as you lean up against one another. A puzzle is set out in front of you with classical music playing in the background. The sound of rain falling harshly against the windows is drowned out by your combined chatting and laughter.

"I'm pretty sure this piece goes here," You say to the blonde-man as you add a piece to your half-completed puzzle, "There's nowhere else it could go."

"I'm afraid you're wrong, my dear," He places his hand on top of yours and gently guides you to the actual place where the piece fits, "This is the correct placement."

You stick out your bottom lip as you pout at him, "I thought I had it that time."

Kurapika can only let out a heart-warming chuckle in response, "You were very close," He takes your hand in both of his and brings it up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against the back of it, "I know you'll get it right next time."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so," He answers you with a confident grin. A loud crack of lightning echoes against the walls causing you to jump. Kurapika wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you flush against him, "It's okay, my love. The storm cannot bother us in here."

"You're right," You breathe out as you lean against his shoulder, his warmth flooding into you, "Thank you, Kurapika."

He shakes his head, "I should be thanking you for this wonderful idea of making a blanket fort. It's so peaceful and warm in here. It's almost as if we're in our own little world right now. Just the two of us."

"I agree. I feel a lot safer since you got home," Your voice comes out quietly as you speak, "I wish we could stay like this forever."

Kurapika uses his free hand to push a strand of hair behind your ear, "While that isn't entirely  plausible, we can still do this more often."

"I would like that a lot," You reply with a content smile glued to your face.

"I would do anything for you, my treasure," He frees his arm from your shoulders to throw a blanket over the two of you. He wraps his arm around you again, pulling you so that your back is flush against his chest. He leans his chin on your shoulder while his hands rest on your abdomen, "My goal in life is to keep you safe and happy. You mean everything to me."

"You always make me feel safe and happy, Kurapika. You never struggle to do that," Your eyes fall on the forgotten puzzle pieces lying in front of you.

"I'm elated to hear that," He turns his head to press a warm kiss against your cheek, "I'm thankful we were able to spend time together like this."

You find yourself nodding to his statement, "I feel the same way. I've never thought storms were romantic until today."

"Oh? Is that so?" Kurapika asks you with a sheepish grin etched onto his face, "If that truly is the case, can I kiss you?"

You turn yourself around to face him, letting out a small chuckle, "You don't even have to ask, my love."

Kurapika's hands fall on either side of your cheeks as he pulls you into a soft and loving kiss, his lips moving gently against yours. After a few moments of this, he pulls away slightly, leaning his forehead against yours as his grey eyes gaze directly into yours.

"The storm may be gone by morning, but I won't be going anywhere."

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