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"When are you coming home, Kurpika?" You playfully whine at him through the cellphone pressed against your ear, "I miss you a lot."

Kurapika can't help but let out a soft chuckle at your high-pitched whines, "I'll be home shortly, my treasure. I just have to finish up some work. I'll bring home dinner as well. What would you like?"

"Maybe we can try that Chinese place you mentioned last night?" You slouch back further into the couch, your eyes falling on the tv show playing in front of you.

"I would love to. Is there anything specific you desire?"

You think for a moment before coming up with nothing, "Nope. Just bring crab rangoons too!"

"Did you still wish to watch a movie together tonight?" Kurapika's voice comes through the phone causing you to nod involuntarily.

"Yeah, my friends said it was really good! I'm really excited to watch it with you," The smile on your face can be heard as you bashfully add on, "As long as you want to watch it with me."

He lets out another chuckle, "Nothing could make me happier. Hearing you so excited only makes me want to watch it more. I look forward to it, my love."

You let out a sigh of relief after hearing his words of reassurance, "Me too. I should check if we have any popcorn left."

"Good idea. If we don't have any, I will stop by the store on my way home," Kurapika starts, continuing with, "Is there anything else you desire? Anything at all?"

"No, but thank you. I appreciate it, Kurapika," You can't help the way your heart races when he coddles you like this. He would go to the ends of the universe for you and you're more than aware of this. In fact, you're willing to do the same for him.

Kurapika can be heard speaking to someone in the background before his voice becomes clear through the speaker again, "I have to finish my work, (Y/N), however, I promise to work as quickly as possible. I miss you more than words could describe."

"I miss you too, Kurapika. I can't wait for you to finally come home and be able to rest. You always get stuck working for so long," You point out, sadness evident in your tone of voice, "I wish you could have more time for yourself..."

"Don't fret, my treasure. We both know that this is necessary. Besides that, just think about how I'll be home with you in no time," Kurapika replies, doing his best to comfort you. This hasn't been the first time you've mentioned your concerns for him, and while he's incredibly grateful to have you caring for him, this work is a necessity for his end goal.

You perk up at the mention of him coming home soon, the frown on your face being replaced by a small smile, "You're right. I hope the rest of your day goes well, my love. Call me when you're on your way home!"

"Of course. Anything for you, (Y/N)."

"I love you, Kurapika," Your voice is soft and loving as you say this, leaving Kurapika mildly flushed.

"I love you eternally, (Y/N). I'll talk to you shortly," With that being said, he hangs up the phone and returns to his work.

You let out a sigh, setting your phone back down on the coffee table in front of you. You pick up the tv remote, flipping through a few channels before leaving it on a random movie you've never seen. 

You become engrossed in the movie before you realize there's no longer any sunlight leaking through the curtains. You check your phone again, finding no new notifications from your loving boyfriend. Standing up to stretch and let out a yawn, you're surprised when you hear the doorknob turning.

Please Stay By My Side // A collection of Kurapika x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now