Greyscale Soulmate AU

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"I dare say your paintings are as beautiful as always," A familiar deep voice says from behind you, causing you to nearly drop your paintbrush in surprise.

You turn around quickly, wiping the paint off of your hands and onto your smock, "What are you doing here, Hisoka?"

"I'm just checking up on a dear friend of mine~" He puts both hands on your shoulders, and spins you around to face your newest painting, "What do you call this one?"

"..It's a work in progress, so I haven't named it."

"What colors did you use, (Y/N)?" He wonders with a smug grin on his face.

You cross your arms, and look away from him, hoping that he can't see your expression, "I'm not sure. I still can't see colors."

"What a shame. I'm sure if you could see colors, your paintings would be even better~" He lets go of your shoulders and moves to stand in front of you, setting a hand on his hip, "Have you been selling any lately?"

You cock your head at him curiously, "I'm sure I've told you before that I don't want to sell any until I can see what colors I've used."

He puts his hand on his chin, retorting, "Oh, yes. I do believe you've mentioned that before."

You fidget with the paintbrush in your hands, nervously. 'There's no way Hisoka is here without an actual reason. He always asks for something.'

Hisoka lets out a chuckle when he sees the perturbed look on your face, "No need to act so worried, my dear. I just need a small favor."

'Yep. There it is.'  You let out a long sigh, sliding the paintbrush into the pocket on your smock, "Alright, I'll bite. What is it?"

"I need to buy a painting of yours~" He says playfully, although your expression doesn't change, "You see, I told my boss about you and he is very interested in your art."

"I don't want anything to do with your boss," You explain, annoyed that he would even ask, "I know how you guys operate and I want nothing to do with it."

"Oh?" He drapes his arm around your shoulders loosely, "How unfortunate. What if he happened to be your soulmate~?"

You look down to avoid his gaze, muttering, "There's no way he could be my soulmate. And regardless, I'm focusing on my work here, not on finding a soulmate. I'll find them when I find them."

The magician pulls out multiple playing cards, waving them menacingly in front of his face, "I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice in the matter."

You uncross your arms, letting out a defeated sigh, "Alright, then pick a painting."

The magician looks overjoyed at this, and puts his card backs away. "How kind of you~" He paces up and down your studio, in search of the perfect painting. After a few minutes of examining each one, he finally picks out one covered with different types of eyeballs. "This one will do perfectly~" He picks it up and hands it to you, motioning for him to follow you.

He leads you to a cab, and after about twenty minutes of driving, the cab drops you off near a bunch of abandoned buildings. The magician forces you to walk in front of him, leading you to the building where his boss is located. You can instantly tell where the troupe is located as the aura around the building feels very hostile. You let out a deep breath, as Hisoka leads you inside the building.

"Ah, boss!" Shalnark calls, energetically, "Hisoka is back!!"

Chrollo closes his book shut, and stands up, his gaze immediately falling on you. He strolls up to you both with a small smile on his face, "Hisoka has told me a lot about you. It's nice to meet you. (Y/N), is it?"

You can only nod, your mouth unable to form words.

"My name is Chrollo Lucilfer, though I'm sure Hisoka has already mentioned me to you before." He moves so that he can see the painting you're carrying, "What a beautiful painting. Did you paint this by yourself, (Y/N)?"

"..Yes, I did." You voice comes out strangled, but you gulp down your fears, "I-I'm fine with you looking at it, but I don't want to sell any paintings until I can distinguish the colors I've used in them."

"Oh? Is that so?" His expression is unreadable, leaving you feeling uneasy, "Hisoka hadn't mentioned this to me."

Hisoka starts trying to explain himself, easily making up some excuses, while you look for an opening to run. Hisoka and Chrollo are deep in their conversation so you decide now is as good of a time as any, and make a run for it. You refuse to turn around, running as fast as your legs can carry you away from the abandoned buildings. 

"Should we chase her, boss?" Feitan questions him, already prepared to chase you down.

Chrollo simply shakes his head, "(Y/N) has artistic integrity and I respect her for it. We won't give chase."

Feitan makes a 'Tch' sound, while Hisoka has a smug grin on his face.

You're still running, as rain now falls down lightly around you. You're not looking where you're going when you trip over your own feet, and land on the concrete sidewalk. Your painting slides a few feet away from you. You let out a quiet huff, pulling yourself up off of the ground.

"Would you like a hand?" You look up to meet the gaze of a man with medium-length hair, wearing a nice suit. He holds his hand out for you, "That seemed like a painful fall."

"Y-yes, thank you." You reach up, hesitating before taking his hand. You blink as the world suddenly becomes more colorful, vivid hues coming to life for the first time. You look around, slowly, taking in all of the different shades of each color. Finally, your head snaps back towards your newly found soulmate. 

He seems taken aback as well, also taking in all of the new colors around him. He shakes his head, before his grey eyes meet yours, and a small smile meets his face, "I'm Kurapika Kurta. It's nice to meet you." He gently helps you stand back up.

"I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." You suddenly feel bashful, your cheeks dusted pink, "Thank you for helping me."

"Of course. There's no need to thank me." He notices your painting still lying on the ground, and picks it up for you, dusting the dirt off of it, "Are you a painter..?" You nod in response, "May I take a look?"

"O-of course. I've never seen it without color before. I hope it still looks good." 

"Perhaps we should look together?" He gestures for you to stand closer to him, as he holds it up.

You stand close enough for your shoulders to touch, and you can't help but feel nervous about him seeing your artwork. He observes the artwork for several moments, as do you. You begin to think that it looks a lot better with color, but you notice Kurapika is focusing on the painting very hard. You observe his face, noting that his eyes have suddenly shifted color, and not just any color. 

"Kurapika! Your eyes are the same color as my painting!" You can't help yourself from pointing out.

Kurapika takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, "...Scarlet eyes, yes. It is interesting how you painted each eye scarlet without knowing."

"Is it?" You wonder, watching him closely, "Do they mean something to you?"

He nods, handing the painting back to you, "They do. They're very important to me."

You take the painting, holding it under your arm at your side. His eyes have finally shifted back to the grey color you first saw them as, "Would you like to talk about it?"

He offers you a warm smile, "I would like that, (Y/N). It seems we really are destined for each other."

"Would you like to see my studio?" You wonder, "I can make us some tea."

"I would love that." 

Kurapika follows closely behind you as you begin to lead him towards your studio. 'Finally, I can see my paintings with color. And I'm glad the I get to share the experience with my soulmate.'

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