I Hope I Can Keep You Warm

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(tw: Kurapika's trauma, nudity, angst)

(no this is not smut. For now at least. there is some nice wholesome fluff to make up for the angst.)

Panting breaths, echoing footsteps, and the sound of snow underneath your boots crunching below you reverberate through the crisp night air uninterrupted. Your mind is racing with panic while your body is filled with adrenaline. One thing you know for certain is- you were beginning to regret your decision to help Kurapika with this dangerous mission. 

"I'm surprised you even asked me to meet you here," You sit across from Kurapika in a small, dimly lit cafe, "When's the last time we've seen each other in person."

Kurapika pushes aside the tinge of guilt he feels from your words and responds emotionlessly, "I do suppose it's been quite a while. My apologies," He does feel genuinely sorry for not reaching out to you, but he has been very careful as to not drag his friends down with him.

"I know you're busy, but it's nearly impossible to get ahold of you," You take a sip from your warm drink, glancing down at the table sitting between you and him, your eyes suddenly drawn to the intricate details of the wood, "Everyone is worried about you, you know? Including me."

He feels taken back by your sincerity, "I know. I wish I didn't have to burden their minds as I have been."

A lingering sigh passes through your lips, "But there's nothing you can do about it?"


"Yeah, I thought you might say that," You set your drink back down on the table and cross your arms, still finding it difficult to meet his gaze as you're pouring out your thoughts to him, "I understand your way of thinking, Kurapika. I really do. I used to think the same way, but this is just too destructive for you."

"I understa-"

"You don't," You sigh again and sit up straight, making direct eye contact with him, "Not really anyway."

Kurapika wasn't used to someone conversing with him so bluntly and intelligently. Leorio told him off all of the time but it was hard to make sense of his words as he shouts out his thoughts incoherently. Maybe (Y/N) actually did understand him. You would be the first person to have a firm grasp of his point of view.

"I can lecture you as much as I want but it's not really gonna change anything, is it? I'm not going to deter you from being stubborn and always working alone," You uncross your arms and set your elbow on the table, resting your chin in the palm of your hand, "Just answer a call from them once in a while. It's the least you can do to repay them."

His eyes widen in surprise for a brief second before he nods, letting out a sigh, "Very well. You're right."

"I know."

A quiet chuckle escapes his lips as he rolls his eyes. It's the first time in a long time that he's laughed, or smiled for that matter. 

"So, why did you ask me to meet you here?" You ask him with furrowed brows.

He bites his lip nervously, realizing the only reason he asked you to spend time with him for the first time in a long time was only for a dangerous favor he needed to ask of you. The blonde-haired man can feel your eyes boring holes into the back of his head and speaks up, "I need your help with something."

"Go figure," You already had deduced that he must need your help with something before you even accepted his invitation, "Care to elaborate?"

"It's a dangerous task and you are more than welcome to decline," He lets out a deep breath, "I have a lead on the location of a couple of pairs of scarlet eyes but the environment is less than ideal."

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