Flower Shop AU

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Kurapika's hair is pulled back into a small ponytail and he's donning a green apron. The sleeves of his white button-down shirt are rolled up neatly, revealing his hands and forearms. His brow is furrowed in concentration as he gently tends to a plant sitting on the desk in front of him. He is surrounded by beautiful plants and he can't help but feel such calm from the light raindrops pattering against the flower shop windows. 

The rain suddenly picks up, accompanied by some thunder and lightning. The sound of the bell above the door ringing disrupts his concentration and his eyes fall on the customer who has just entered his shop. He can only see the bottom half of their body at first, as they're shaking off their umbrella and closing it. 

As the umbrella closes, he takes in the appearance of the stranger standing in front of him. Right off the bat, he finds himself thinking that you're quite attractive. He realizes that he has yet to greet you and clears his throat as you're setting your umbrella in the umbrella stand near the door.

"Welcome to the Kurta Flower Shoppe. Is there anything that I can assist you with, Miss?" Kurapika's calming voice echoes throughout the flower shop.

You turn to face him, offering him an effervescent smile, catching Kurapika completely off-guard, "Yes, I was wondering if you have any lilies," You say as you approach the front desk that he stands behind.

Kurapika nods once in response to your question, "Yes, how many do you need?"

"Just one, please," You reach into your pocket and pull out your wallet, "How much will that be?"

The blonde-haired man furrows his brow at this in confusion, "Only one? Are you certain?"

You hum a sound of confirmation as you pull a few dollar bills out of your wallet, "Is two dollars okay?"

"Just a dollar would be fine," He says in response as he hands the white flower to you from across the desk, his hands brushing up against yours as he does. He takes the dollar from you and stacks it neatly in the cash register, "Thank you very much for your patronage."

"Of course," Your eyes scan the flowers and decorations littering the shop before you turn back to him with a smile, "This is a very nice store you have here. It's beautiful."

"Thank you for saying that. My mother decorated the shop," He explains to you with a sad glimmer in his eyes, "Did you need anything else?"

"No, that was all," You turn to talk away, picking up your umbrella before you open the doors to leave, "It was nice to meet you, Kurapika!"

The Kurta is caught off-guard by the sudden use of his name, prompting him to glance down at the nametag on his apron. He offers you a small smile and a wave in return, "It was nice to meet you as well, Miss."

The bell above the door rings again as you leave the shop to face the mild rainfall outside. Kurapika watches you hurry past the window down the sidewalk outside with a soft grin on his face, "What a strange woman."

It's safe to say that Kurapika didn't expect to see you back as soon as he did. In fact, he didn't expect to see you back at all, although he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face when you walked through the shop doors a week later.

"Welcome back. I did not expect to see you back so soon," He greets you with a small smile on his face, "What can I help you with?"

"Good morning, Kurapika!" You offer him a short wave as you approach the front desk with a smile, "Can I have another lily if it's no trouble?"

"It's no trouble at all," He prepares your flower for you while you set your dollar down on the desk. As he's snipping the end of the stem off of the flower, you observe him closely. He wraps it neatly before handing it to you, "Here you go. Thank you for visiting again."

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