Pregnant Reader

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"How will I even tell him...?" You say aloud to yourself, your eyes trained on the object that you grip tightly in your hand, "I can't imagine he'll be very happy."

Your hands tremble violently as you reread the results of the pregnancy test over and over again. This is the second test that you've taken that turned out to be positive. You truly wanted to believe the first test gave you a false positive. Now you were panicking, trying to figure out how to tell the Kurta about this unplanned surprise.

Sure, you had both talked about having a child in the future, but you both wanted to be a little bit more stable beforehand. You knew that you needed to tell him, but you also knew how hard this was going to be for you. Kurapika isn't known to be the most emotionally stable person.

"(Y/N), are you home?" Kurapika's voice echoes from the front door, accompanied by the sound of the door closing behind him.

You let out a deep breath before setting the pregnancy test down on the bathroom counter and leave the room to meet him near the front door, "I'm here, my love."

Kurapika immediately takes notice of the smile that doesn't meet your eyes and the slight change in your tone of voice, "What's wrong, my treasure? Did something happen? Are you injured?"

"I'm not injured so don't worry," You reply to him, allowing the forced smile to fall from your face, "But I do have something to tell you... I just don't know how you'll react."

"You seem genuinely distressed, (Y/N). I cannot help but be incredibly worried about you," He takes your hand and leads you over to the couch, pulling you down to sit beside him. He takes both of your hands in his as he watches you with concern written all over his face, "No matter what it may be, I am never going anywhere. I will always be by your side."

"Do you mean that?"

He nods, offering you a small smile as he reaches out to softly caress your cheek, "Of course. You mean the world to me and I would never jeopardize the future that we have together."

"I feel the same way," You say, before averting your eyes from him nervously, "I know this is unexpected, and it was a shock to me too. I really don't know how to say this..."

He begins to reassure you in a calm and soothing voice, "It's okay, my treasure. You can tell me anything."

You let out a deep breath, trying to gather up the nerves to tell him. You turn to face him again, finding it nearly impossible to look him in the eyes, "Kurapika, I'm pregnant."

His eyes widen and he's obviously taken aback by this as an eery silence falls on the room for an uncomfortable amount of time, "Are-are you certain?"

You gulp harshly, your voice stammering as you answer, "Yes, I am. I took a test last night and another one this morning. Both of them were positive."

"...Is that so?" He seems to be deep in thought, a distant look noticeable in his eyes. He turns back to look at you with a warm smile on his face, "That's wonderful, (Y/N). This is a little sooner than we had originally planned on, but I am so happy," He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.

"R-really? You're not upset?" You weren't expecting this type of response from him, however, you can't help but feel relieved by this.

He furrows his brow in confusion, wondering, "Upset? How could I possibly be upset?"

"I don't know, but I was so afraid to tell you. I didn't think that you'd be so happy about this," You explain to him, feeling a bit guilty for expecting the worse.

"I apologize if I have done anything to show that I would react in a negative fashion," He takes his other hand off of your cheek so he can hold both of your hands in his, "However, I don't feel that way. While I am nervous, I'm still incredibly excited to start a family with you."

You let out a relieved sigh, allowing yourself to relax and lean against his shoulder, "I'm so glad to hear that."

He wraps an arm around you, protectively, pulling you closer to him, "We should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. And from now on, you should just relax."

"Kurapika, I can still work for a while longer..." You tell him, but your arguments fall on deaf ears.

"Not necessary. You will be much safer at home," He seems to hold you a little tighter as he continues, "And I will accompany you whenever you go somewhere."

You sweatdrop at his sudden overprotectiveness, pointing out to him, "My love, I'm pregnant, not dying,"

"I'm aware of that fact, however, I still believe that you should be cautious," He looks down at you with a look of awe in his eyes, "I still cannot believe it."

"I couldn't either, but I'm happy as long as you're happy," You say to him with a small smile on your face, "I just don't want you to stress about me too much. I can take care of myself just fine."

"You say that, yet I cannot help but worry about you. Even if you are not pregnant," He explains to you, ruffling your hair playfully, "I care so deeply about you, and about our unborn child."

You absentmindedly set a hand on your stomach while you notice the warm feeling present in your chest, "And I feel the same. I love you so much, Kurapika. And I'm excited to start our little family together."

Kurapika lays his hand on top of yours, his thumb gently caressing your hand, "I love you so much more, my treasure. I am so lucky to have met you," He moves your hair away from your face, his thumb gently brushing across your face as he does. He slowly leans in to press a soft and loving kiss against your temple, "You have made my life worth living."

"That's not true, Kurapika. Your life was always worth living," You respond in a reassuring tone, "You have many people that care about you so much."

"I cannot disagree with your argument," He replies with a small smile on his face. He presses his finger against his chin while he's in thought, "We should start thinking about possible baby names."

You nod in agreement with this, adding on, "And we should tell Gon, Killua, Alluka, and Leorio before we tell anyone else," You start with a grin on your face, "They're going to be so happy. Especially Leorio."

He lets out a soft chuckle at this, "Yes, I am certain that they will be. We can do that another day. For now, I would like to relax with you. I feel guilty that you were so afraid to tell me the news."

"That's not your fault, my love. I was just thinking too much," You reassure him, "We can set up a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"That sounds perfect. Are you hungry? Have you eaten yet, my love?" He questions you, his overprotective nature showing itself again, "I will order us some food and then we can watch a movie. Would you like that?"

You nod enthusiastically, "I would love that. Thank you."

"Anything for you, my treasure."

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