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**You can consider this as the sequel to the last one-shot, or you can consider them both stand-alones. Completely reader's choice ;) ~Ali**

Kurapika wakes up in a cold sweat, breathing labored, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. He clutches his head in his hands, struggling to catch his breath. His eyes fall on you, comfortably asleep beside him. 

"It was not real.. Just a dream," He says to himself, letting out a relieved breath, "Just a dream." He reaches out for you, pulling you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest. 

You let out a yawn as your eyes open, surprised to find Kurapika holding onto you for dear life, "Kurapika?" You start in a sleepy voice, "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"I had a nightmare," He starts, voice hoarse, "I apologize for waking you, my dear."

His breathing is still erratic, causing you to quickly wake up the rest of the way, "Do you want to talk about it? You seem really worked up."

"It-we do not need to talk about it," Hot tears are running down his cheeks now, "I do not wish to relive it. I just- I do not want to lose you. I will do anything to protect you, (Y/N)."

"Hey, you're never going to lose me," You respond in a reassuring tone. You sit up now, pulling away from him to look into his eyes, "I won't be going anywhere anytime soon."

"But what if something were to happen- What if-"

He's cut off by you pulling him into your arms, holding his head against your chest, while you run your hands through his hair gently. "Everything is okay. It was just a dream. I'm real, and I'm here. I'm never going anywhere. I promise you." You press a kiss to the top of his head.

"I am so sorry, (Y/N). I should have been there to protect you. I do not understand why I wasn't there," He's sobbing now, and you can feel your heart breaking as he does.

You hush him softly, trying your best to calm him down, "It's alright. It wasn't real. Everything is okay now. Relax, my love. I'm here for you."

"I know, I know it was not real.. However, I cannot stop thinking about it. I never want to have to see your lifeless, cold body. I always want to stay like this," He seems to be calming down, slowly, his breathing slowly returning to normal.

"We can and we will. You'll never have to go through that, Kurapika. I'll make sure of that." You continue petting his hair, holding him tightly against you.

He lets out a long breath. His tears have stopped falling now, so he wipes his eyes dry with the back of his hand. He wraps his arms around you, his hands placed on your upper back, "Thank you, my treasure. Thank you so much."

"Shhh, you don't need to thank me." You push his bangs back with your hand, pressing a loving kiss to his forehead, "I'm happy that you sound much calmer now."

"Yes, you helped me immensely," He leans closer against you, "I love you so much. I truly hope that you never forget that."

"I never could," You reply in a soft tone, "Do you want a glass of water? Or maybe some tea?"

He hesitates to answer, momentarily, taking a long breath, "Yes, a glass of water sounds perfect. Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Of course, it's no trouble," You throw the blankets off of yourself, and stand up, moving to leave the room. Before you can, Kurapika subconsciously reaches out for you, grabbing your arm gently. You turn back around, eyeing him curiously, but he still seems out of it, himself. "Come with me," You take his hand in yours, giving him a gentle tug, "We can step outside for a breath of fresh air. Does that sound good?" You tilt your head as you ask him, offering him a soft smile.

"..Yes." He shakes his head, pulling himself out of his thoughts, "I think that would be for the best," He offers you a small smile, standing up from the bed, "You're so thoughtful, my dear."

"Anything for you, Kurapika. You deserve it," You gently squeeze his hand, before pulling him into the kitchen, and pouring him a glass of ice water. 

Afterwards, you lead him outside to the balcony, where you lean against the railing, watching him look out at the stars. 

'He seems much more calm. That nightmare must have really shaken him up. I'd like to know what happened, but it doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it..' You find yourself thinking, your gaze fixed on him.

Kurapika lets out a small chuckle, drawing your attention away from your thoughts, "You are wondering what the dream was about, aren't you?"

You make a small sound of surprise, caught off-guard by how easily he can read you, "How could you tell?"

"Well, you've been staring at me very intensely for the past few minutes. I cannot imagine what else you would be thinking about. If you really wish to know, I'll tell you."

You nod, taking his hand in yours, and entangling your fingers together, "Only if you feel comfortable talking about it. I won't force you. I just want to help you."

He smiles at you, lovingly, pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear, "I know, my love, and I truly appreciate that." He looks away, his eyes falling on the bright stars that litter the dark night sky, "I dreamt that you were severely injured, while I was away on a trip. When I came back, the nurse told me you only had hours left to live. We spent the time together, but I still watched you die. I watched the bright light in your eyes disappear forever. And I could not do anything to stop it. I should have been there. I should have-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay," You place your other hand on his cheek, gently turning his face towards yours, "Look at me. I'm here and alive. There's nothing to worry about, so don't stress. That will never be something that you need to worry about."

"But what if it actually happened? What if-"

You lightly shush him, taking a few steps closer to him, your face only centimeters away from his. "It won't happen. It was only a nightmare. Don't fixate on it. It doesn't mean anything. I promised you that I would never leave your side, and I don't intend on ever breaking that promise to you. I love you too much to do that." 

Kurapika is quiet for a moment, before letting out a relieved sigh, "You're right. As always." He lets out a soft chuckle, "You are too good to me, my treasure."

"It's because you deserve it," You lean up, slightly, to press your warm lips against his for a soft and slow kiss. After a few moments, you pull away, watching him with a sweet smile on your face, "I love you, Kurapika."

"And I love you, too, (Y/N)." A frigid gust of wind hits you both, leaving you to shiver, "Now, let's get you inside, before you freeze," He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, "I'll help warm you up," He places a hand on the small of your back, leading you back inside.

Surely, it wouldn't be the last time Kurapika had a nightmare like that, but he doesn't have to  worry about them anymore, thanks to you.

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