Wholesome and Happy

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Kurapika has finally been able to rest for the past week, and he has spent all of his free time with you. You're not complaining in the slightest as you cherish every second that you get to spend with him. He's reading a book right now, as he sits on the couch, his eyes slowly drooping shut.

"Hey, Kurapika!" You call to him from the kitchen, "Dinner is ready! I only made chicken strips, though." 

After a few seconds with no reply, you make your way towards the living room, peaking in through the doorway. You can't help but smile at the sight in front of you. Your boyfriend is passed out, head leaning back against the couch, and book fallen into his lap. Walking towards him, you shake your head, letting out a quiet chuckle. You go to move the book, gently taking it from his hands, but suddenly Kurapika is wide awake, and snatching the book back from you. 

"Oh, (Y/N), sorry. I must have fallen asleep while I was reading," He sets the open book down in his lap, "Did you need something?"

"Dinner is ready," You point towards the kitchen, "We should probably eat now before it gets cold."

"Thank you, my treasure," He says with a smile on his face, yet he picks his book back up, "I will eat after I finish this chapter."

You quirk up an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms, "And how long will that take?"

"Not long at all. I'm a speed-reader," He explains, quickly burying his face back in his book. 

You give him about ten minutes, but he's still reading, completely immersed in the story. "You should take a break to eat. You must be starving since you haven't eaten yet today." You inch closer to him, a cheeky idea coming to your mind.

"I am fine, my love. No need to worry," Comes his reply, still not paying any attention to what you're doing.

You quickly reach for the book, pulling it from his hands, and hiding it behind your back with a mischievous smirk on your face. Kurapika is surprised by this at first, before a warm smile envelops his face.

"Is this your way of asking for my attention?"

"More or less," Comes your complacent response, "You need to eat, so I'm keeping the book until after dinner!"

Kurapika hums in thought, before saying, "It seems like you won't yield to any arguments I make."


"I suppose I will have to try a different approach," He stands up from the couch, taking steps towards you until he's hovering over you. His face is mere inches from yours, his breath hot on your cheeks, "May I have it back for a kiss?"

You gulp, your cheeks flushed at his sudden closeness. You find yourself helplessly nodding, unable to turn down his offer. He lets out a mellifluous chuckle before closing the distance between you by pressing his soft lips against yours. He sets one of his hands on your hip, trying to reach back and grab his book with his free hand, but you hold it farther away from him as he tries. 

When he finally pulls away from you, you back away from him with red cheeks, and a playful grin on your face, "Did you think I wouldn't notice that?"

"Hmm? Notice what, my dear?" He questions you innocently, "I was merely enjoying our kiss."

You take a slow and cautious step backwards, chuckling, "I'm sure that you were."

Kurapika holds his hand out expectedly, offering you a sweet smile, as he takes a step towards you, "My book, please?"

"I said you could have it back, but I didn't say when!" You exclaim, running off down the hallway, laughing as you go. Kurapika takes off behind you, your melodic laughter seemingly infecting him, as well.

You're able to lead him around the apartment for quite some time, barely evading him every time he tries to grab you. He's finally able to cut you off when you try to run back into the living room, picking you up in his arms, and spinning you around.

"Got you!" He exclaims as he spins you around, grinning from ear-to-ear. "You are pretty fast when you want to be."

You pout at his words, your bottom lips protruding outwards, "What's that supposed to mean?"

He can't help but laugh at your innocent expression, "I'm only joking, my love." Kurapika watches your face, carefully, suddenly silent as he falls in love with you even more.

You're watching him with the same lovestruck expression on your face, unable to hold yourself back from cupping both of his cheeks in your hands, and leaning down to catch his lips in yours for a passionate, and drawn out kiss. Moments later, when you pull away, you find that his beet red cheeks match yours. 

Kurapika has seemingly forgotten about his book now, lost in his own lovesickness. You and him stay like this for several minutes, simply enjoying the moment. Finally, Kurapika sets you down, gently, his hands still resting on your hips. "You always know how to keep things interesting," The Kurta muses to you with a grin on his face.

"Thank you, I do try," You bow to him slightly, earning laughter from him. "We should probably eat now. I bet dinner is already cold," You motion towards the kitchen, still holding his book behind your back.

"Yes, we should," He removes his hands from your hips, holding one hand open in front of you, "After you give me my book."

"Oh, right," You begin to hand it back to him, but instead hold it above your head at the last second, trying to keep it away from him.

A devilish grin forms of Kurapika's face, as he remarks to you, "I did not wish to do this, but you are leaving me no choice." You raise an eyebrow at him, as he nearly tackles you down onto the couch, tickling you mercilessly. 

You try to get away from him, but there is no escape. Your laughter fills the room, as he continuously tickles you, laughing alongside you. With one hand, he slides his book away from you, and sets it down on the coffee table, just out of your reach. After several minutes of this, he finally stops, pressing a kiss to your cheek, before standing up and taking his book back into his hands.

"Hey, no fair," You pout, sitting up on the couch, and crossing your arms, "There was no way I could win that."

"That was the point, my love," He replies with a smile and a wink. "You look so cute when you pout," He says as he presses a kiss to your forehead. He places his bookmark in the book, and sets it on the table. Kurapika holds his hand out for you to take, and helps you off of the couch, "Now, we can eat!"

You hold his hand in yours as you walk towards the kitchen, "We can, but it's probably going to be cold and gross."

He lets out a warm chuckle at this, happily reassuring you, "Worse comes to worst, we can order take-out."

When you get to the kitchen, you observe your chicken strips, checking to see if they would still be edible. Unfortunately, you find that they're now cold and soggy, and not desirable looking whatsoever. 

"Take-out and a movie?" You offer him with a smile, after you finish your inspection.

He returns your smile, and nods in response, "That sounds like a great idea, my love. We can have whatever you like." 

You spend the rest of the night curled up together on the couch, under a soft and cozy blanket with a movie playing in the background. This is how you both end up falling asleep cuddled up against each other. Kurapika's face has never looked so peaceful.

*Hope this is okay! I went for a more playful vibe! Enjoy!*

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