Part 20

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Zora pov

" morning," Inayah said walking into my office. She sat down opposite me, " so what happened, why did you stay the night?"

I explained to her what happened and how mattia's parents decided to stay over for the night. And of course her being her, she found the whole thing hilarious.

" I bet you must've hated that," she said spinning around in her chair.

" not really," I said to her remembering last night, " it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, you know?"

" the dinner or staying over?" She asked me.

" both," I answered her and I smiled a little at the memory of the previous night, " it was actually pretty good,,"

She looked at me curiously and nodded. She carried on spinning around in her chair and she zoned out.

" what's on your mind?" I asked her seeing as she looked pretty focussed.

She shook her head and waved her hand, " eh, nothing,"

I ignored it and started to do my work. I was in the middle of something important when the boys decided to walk into my office.

" we heard you had to stay the night?" Ale asked me. And he wiggled his eyebrows, " so how was it?"

I scoffed and I carried on typing on my computer. Him and Kai started to laugh, " nothing like that happened, y'all are really dirty minded,"

" hey we were just being a little curious," Kai said and I noticed how his gaze quickly shifted to Inayah, " alright, I gotta go. I've got a meeting to get to with Helena," he said and he walked out of the room.

I was trying to concentrate on my work but then I realised something, " did he say Helena? But she doesn't even work in the same field as him," I looked over at ale and he shrugged.

" I guess it's not  that kind of meeting, if you know what I'm saying?" he said winking and I rolled my eyes again.

Inayah scoffed, " oh please, there is no meeting," she said looking at him seriously, " he's trying to make me jealous isn't he?" She asked ale.

She stared at him intensely and he looked a little nervous, " whatttttttt? pfttt, no," ale said whilst leaning on my desk. Inayah and I looked at each other and then we looked at ale questionably. He kept looking between the two of us and then he sighed loudly and sat down, " fine he is," he admitted, " I told him there's no point but he wouldn't listen,"

Inayah rolled her eyes at him and stood up, " I think I should talk to him about this whole thing, I'm starting to feel bad for the poor guy," she stood up and headed for the door. She laughed and looked back at ale, " and couldn't you guys make it more believable? I mean Helena? She's way out of Kai's league,"

She left the office and closed the door behind her. I sighed because now I finally had some peace and quiet so I could get on with my work.

I could see from the corner of my eye,ale spinning  around in his chair and then he leaned over the desk, smirking at me, " so be honest with me, nothing really happened?"

I rolled my eyes at him and groaned loudly. I picked up a book from my desk and smacked him with it. He tried to run away but I chased him and I carried on hitting him until he was out of my office, " I'm trying to work for gods sake and you keep asking me stupid questions!"

He smirked again, " it's not stupid, it's a general question-"

I slapped him with the book one more time, " I swear if you ask me again ale imma set Inayah on you,"

" you couldn't do that," he said proudly whilst folding his arms.

I folded mine and looked at him seriously, " I couldn't? How'd you think she'll react when I tell her it was you who prank called her and yelled 'England sucks dick'? " I'm surprised she hasn't figured it out yet. Or maybe she has and she's plotting her revenge another way.

His eyes widened and he looked at me stunned, " how'd you know that? Only Kai and Mattia know...." he tutted, "Mattia told you didn't he?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled, " yep,"

He groaned, " wow, you guys really are like a married couple. You share everything with each other," he said before walking back to his office.

I rolled my eyes at him and went back into my office to get on with my work.

Mattia pov

" I really hate you," ale said walking into my office when I came back from my meeting.

I sighed, " dude I just walked in, can you at least let me breath?" I asked him. I hated early morning meetings, they just stressed me out for some reason.

I sat down in my chair and opened up my laptop. I started to scrolls through the pages of what I was looking at before I went into my meeting.

He tutted and sat opposite me, " why did you tell Zora about the call? can Kai and I not trust you to keep a secret anymore?"

" hey it was an accident," I told him, " we were working late one night here and it just slipped out,"

He shook his head, " marriage really does change a man doesn't it? You have no loyalty left in you," he said pointing at me accusingly.

I didn't know If should laugh or groan loudly, " can you go be a drama queen somewhere else? I'm busy right now," I told him.

" doing what?" He flipped my laptop round and his eyes widened a little, " baby names? why are you looking at that? I thought Gabrielle and you decided not to go for it?" He asked.

" I know. But Zora and I were talking about it last night and it's just stuck in my head again," I told him.

" y'all were just talking about babies?" He asked, " or were y'all busy making them?" He started to laugh and I stood up and slapped the back of his head. He rubbed the back of his head, " you know Inayah's right, you and Zora are so alike. You're both so aggressive,"

I rolled my eyes and sat back into my chair and decided to start on some actual work instead of looking at baby names. Though I couldn't help but think of what ale said. I never would've believed it but I noticed too that Zora and I are a little alike.

A few minutes later we heard the door open and we both looked up to see Kai. He stood there looking a little lost for words.

Ale and I looked at each other concerned ," Kai, buddy, you all right?" I asked him but he responded in a small grunt.

He came and sat on my sofa and then laid down on it facing away from us, " no one talk to me!" He yelled and he hugged one of the cushions, " I'm in the middle of a huge crisis and it's gonna take me a while to get over it."

I scratched the back of my head and looked at ale for some help, " what the hell happened to him?"

" Inayah," ale answered, " Inayah happened to him. She decided to have the talk with him today,"

" oh," I looked back at Kai, " I guess it didn't go that well,"

Ale nodded and stood up, " I'm gonna leave," he whispered, " I don't think I can stay too long without making fun of him," I nodded and he headed for the door, " see you later Kai," he said.

Kai grunted again and ale pursed his lips so he wouldn't laugh and left.

I sat back in my chair and ran my hands through my hair. I don't know why he had to stay in my office but I didn't have it in me to be mean to him right now, " you want me to get you anything?" I asked. He shook his head and I nodded, " alright, well you can stay as long as you like man," I said to him.

He lifted his thumbs up and I shook my head smiling at him. I knew by tomorrow he'd be back to his old self.

Y'all are really gonna hate me after this but I think it's time y'all know......... I put in milk before cereal🙂🙂

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