Part 42

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Mattia pov

" you guys don't know how much of a relief it is to finally see the two of you together," Inayah said whilst helping pack some of Zora's things.

She wasn't finding it hard to walk anymore so the crutches had gone. And since things between Zora and I were official I wanted her to move in with me.

" it was getting hard holding in everything you know?" She asked.

We all looked at her curiously, " what does that mean?" Kai asked her.

" well since I knew the two of you liked each other-"

" you did?" I asked her, " well why didn't you just tell us?" I asked her.

And Zora nodded agreeing with me.

" after you both threatened me not to?" She asked looking at us unbelievably, " I was telling both of you to just admit it to each other but you didn't listen to me!"

Zora and I looked at each other for a brief second and went quiet, because the two of us did actually refuse to listen to her.

" ok but if you knew this the whole time, you could've at least told us," Ale said to her, gesturing towards him and Kai.

She folded her arms and looked at them seriously, " you two?" She asked and they both nodded.

" we could've helped with something," Kai said to her.

She started laughing and shook her head. She picked up a box to take down to my car, " have you two met yourselves? I mean this in the most offensive way possible, you're both useless when it comes to love,"

Kai scoffed, " and you're what? Some sort of expert?" He asked her.

" I wouldn't call myself that, but yeah I guess so," she answered back. The three of them headed downstairs carrying a few boxes each to my car, they argued the whole way there and the whole way back.

Zora and I decided to just ignore them and pack quicker, because once we left they were no longer our problem. After a while it got a little unbearable so Zora took Inayah with her upstairs to pack all her clothes and Ale and Kai helped me move all the boxes to my car.

Inayah was helping Zora bring down some suitcases and the boys took all of them down to the car, " well that's the last of it," Zora said.

She looked over at Inayah and smiled. Zora pulled her into a hug and Inayah hugged her back tightly," do you really have to leave?"

" well she either comes with me or I move in here," I told her.

She glared at me whilst still hugging Zora and I grinned at her, " and this is just another point to prove that marriage and all that lovey dovey shit really does ruin everything,"

Zora laughed and she turned to face me whilst keeping her arm around Inayah.

" you won't be saying that when it happens to you," I told her.

She scoffed, " and who said I'm getting married?" She asked and I laughed a little.

" come on, you're saying it like I'm taking her half way across the country. You're still gonna see her everyday at work, and you can visit any time you want," I told her. It's not like I could keep her away.

She tutted, " it's not the same,"

Zora and I looked at each other and we both looked back at her pityingly, " hey we both knew this was bound to happen one day," Zora told her, " it just came a lot sooner than we thought. It's sad but look on the bright side, you'll finally be able to have anyone you want over,"

" you know damn well I don't have any other friends besides you lot," Inayah said.

Zora scratched the back of her head, " well now you don't have to look after my sad ass anymore,"

Inayah laughed a little and I smiled too, " but I liked taking care of your sad ass," she said smiling at her.

Zora tilted her head a little, her eyes were getting a little watery, " Inayah, you're making this way harder than it's supposed to be," she said whilst wiping her eyes.

Inayah's eyes got a little glossy too, " I know, I know," she pulled her in for another hug. I gotta admit seeing them like this made me wanna cry a little too, " I guess we all gotta move on with our lives one day, right?" She asked and we nodded. They parted their hug and Inayah wiped her eyes, " damn, does this mean I have to cook everything for myself now?" She asked us seriously and Zora and I burst out laughing.

" I'll leave you some takeout menus," I told her, " and don't worry, they'll be halal places,"

She rolled her eyes and smiled, " alright then, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow at work," she said to us. I put my arm around Zora and we both nodded. Inayah then looked at me dangerously, " and I swear if you pull any sort of shit on her I will show up at your house to beat the fuck out of you, got it?"

Her tone was serious and since her mood and expression changed so quickly, it definitely took me by surprise. I nodded quickly because I knew she was serious, " yeah I got it,"

" yeah you better have, I put a lot of effort in to making this work," she said pointing between us and Zora and I rolled our eyes at her, " don't look at me like that, you guys owe me big time, non of this would've happened without me," she said sassily.

Zora laughed and put her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder, " alright, alright. Can my husband and I leave now?"

That had to be the first time I heard her say husband and it sounded perfect coming out of her mouth.

We both said goodbye to Inayah and the boys when they came back upstairs.


" it needs a little more spice," she told me and I nodded agreeing with her.

We were both in our kitchen cooking dinner together. I had to admit it was way more enjoyable than cooking alone. I don't think I'll ever get bored of it.

I put the dish in the oven and Zora jumped up onto the counter. She had zoned out whilst staring at me and when she caught my eye her smiled widened," what?" I asked her.

" nothing," she said shaking her head.

I got closer to her and rested my hands on the counter, with her sitting in between. My face was an inch away from hers, " what is it?" I asked her again.

"Nothing , what am I not allowed to look at you now?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and she started laughing. She leaned in resting her forehead against mine," well you don't look at me like that without a reason," I said to her, " what were you thinking of?"

I stared into her honey brown eyes which were sparkling now under the kitchen lighting." just about how much I love you," she said and then she leaned in to kiss me gently on the lips. She then smiled when she parted, " and how you're actually mine now,"

I laughed a little and she did too, " well I love you more," I told her seriously and she rolled her eyes. We weren't about to have that argument again, she insists she does more but I think we all know it's definitely me, " and I'm glad too that finally after all this, I'm all yours,"


Well that's another book done and dusted!! I hope y'all enjoyed reading it cause I enjoyed writing it😂😂😌😌. Thank you again for all the support by voting, commenting and sharing, y'all have no idea how much I really appreciate that, it actually means the world to me❤️❤️❤️ first chapter of my new book is already out so go read that shit!!

I'm all yours | Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now