Part 6

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Zora pov

" YOU DID WHAT?" Inayah yelled and at me. I rolled my eyes and went down stairs as she followed after me." Zora why the hell would you agree to that?"

" why wouldn't I? He loves her and she loves him. They're supposed to be together so it's the right thing to do,"

" but you're not getting anything out of this. Not a single thing," I shrugged and she tutted at me, " don't shrug at me like it's nothing. You were already having Issues with the marriage and now you guys are having a divorce? Doesn't that bother you?"

I watched the coffee maker and started picking the ends of my shirt, "Of course it bothers me, I don't want a divorce, " I answered her and I hopped up onto the counter, " but I don't want a marriage with someone who doesn't want me,"

" no one does, but do you really think this is the best way to sort it out?" She asked and she hopped onto the counter next to me.

" well we can't stop the marriage from happening," I told her, " and I did what you said, I tried to make it work, I knew it'd take some time but I thought we'd be able to stay together. But then he told me about his girlfriend and how much he loved her, " this was all starting to feel a little overwhelming, " and then he mentioned the divorce and...and...."

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat, I held my head in my hands and tried not getting too upset about it. Inayah started to rub my back reassuringly.

What have I got myself into?

" why does this sort of stuff always happen to me Inayah?" I asked her quietly, whilst sniffling a little, " why does nothing ever work out for me?"

" it will , I know it doesn't seem like that now but it will," she reassured me.

" how do you know that?" I asked her, " you've known me for what, almost 4 years now? Tell me when has anything ever worked out for me?"

And it's not that I don't work hard enough, or that I don't believe in myself, it doesn't make a difference because it's still always guaranteed to fail.

" not everything comes easy," she told me, " I know for some it does and its not fair but what's the point of having it then? We can't live life without any difficulty, because then when we finally get where we want to be we won't be satisfied at all. We're constantly put under pressure like a lump of coal is but that's only so we can come out as diamonds,"

I nodded and rubbed my eyes and she smiled at me sympathetically.

" it looks terrible now, I know. But that means something worthwhile is going to come after," she sighed. We both walked out of the kitchen and sat down on the sofa in the living room, " I guess this marriage is happening and now it looks like a divorce too, I can't believe he has the nerve of putting you through this but if it's meant to happen then it's happening for a reason, you know?"

" thanks I needed that," I told her," I cleared my throat and calmed myself down a little. She's right, maybe this is all working towards something else, and maybe I'll get what I want after all this too.

Someone knocked on the door and Inayah and I looked at each other confused, then back at the door. We almost never have guest, unless it's something work related. And we never get any this early in the morning either.

I went over to the door and looked into the peephole, " what the hell is he doing here?" I mumbled to myself.

" who is it?" Inayah asked me.

" it's Mattia," I told her.She groaned loudly and ran upstairs so she could go get her scarf and whilst she did that I opened the door, " what do you want?" I asked him.

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