Part 11

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Mattia pov

" am I the first one here?" I asked Inayah when she answered the door the next morning.

She nodded, " yeah, Kai and ale aren't here yet,"

I nodded. We were gonna help the two of them move all their things from their old office to their new ones in my building. According to Zora there isn't a lot of things to move so it isn't supposed to take long.

" where's Zora?" I asked her and she pointed towards the kitchen.

When I got there I saw Zora with some headphones on and she was dancing whilst making breakfast for herself. Her back was facing the door so she didn't know I was here.

I held in my laugh when I saw hear dance but her singing really caught my attention.

Inayah poked my shoulder," what are you doing?"

" nothing," I said shaking my head snapping out from my trance, I looked back at Zora, " I never knew she could sing,"

Inayah smiled and watched her too, " she's great isn't she? I didn't know she could either until we both moved in together."

" I didn't even know she had a thing for music," I whispered to her.

" how would you? It's not like you stuck around a lot to find out anything about her." She whispered back, " but she's always had some sort of passion for music, I'd call it an obsession actually." She said laughing to herself a little, " You should really see this girls playlists,"

" what's so great about them?" I asked her.

" she literally has one for everything," she said seriously, " like every single occasion. She's got like a million."

" well why does she make them? I mean who has the time for all that?" I asked whilst leaning on the door frame.

" She expresses how she's feels through them. She makes them based on how she's feeling, or about specific events and sometimes on people,"

I looked at her confused, "how exactly?"

Inayah tilted her head a little and thought about her answer, " you know how people write diaries or poems? Zora makes playlists. She adds a group of songs together that'll explain how she feels about a particular event or a particular person. Though she doesn't make them for just anyone,"

" she ever make one for you?" I asked her.

Inayah scoffed, " of course she has," she smiled to herself, " she gave it to me about a year after we met. I love it."

We both carried on watching Zora sing her heart out and I didn't want to be late to work but I didn't want to stop her because her voice was really mesmerising.

She started dancing around again and Inayah and I started to laugh a little. She turned around when she heard us and she looked so embarrassed to see me standing there.

She took off her headphones quickly, " how long have you been there?" She asked me.

" not long," I lied smirking at her.

We all heard another knock on the door and we left the kitchen to see who it was. Inayah opened the door to ale and Kai.

" you're both late," she told them, " what the hell took you so long?"

She didn't wait for them to answer, instead she pushed them outside and scolded them both. Zora quickly ate her breakfast and grabbed her coat and we all headed to our cars.

We drove to where the girls worked and helped them pack all their things from their offices. The boys helped Inayah whilst I helped Zora, who didn't have as many things.

" why'd you have a cook book here?" I asked her, holding it up for her to see. I moved some other paper work out of the way and found three others.

She looked back at them and laughed at how confused I looked, " I look through them sometimes and try new things at home," she told me from the other side of her office, " I gotta change some of them up for Inayah though,"

I nodded and started looking through one of them," could I borrow this one?" I asked her.

" you?" She scoffed.

" yes me. Why's that so surprising?" I asked.

She shrugged, " never took you for a cook. I thought you'd just order your food all the time, or have someone make it for you,"

I shook my head, " papa told me to hire a chef but I told him it was a waste of money.What's the point when you could just cook it yourself, you know?"

Not to mention ma taught me a lot so it'd be a waste of her time and effort if I never used the skills and recipes she taught me.

Zora nodded agreeing, " that's what I thought as well. It's pretty enjoyable too if you've got nothing else to do at home," 

Inayah quickly came into the room at that moment, " are you done here?" She seemed a little annoyed for some reason but then again she was always in some sort of mood.

Kai and ale came a few seconds after, " come on, just give me one chance," Kai begged her.

I smiled and shook my head. I guess he finally asked her. And by the look on her face she did not take it well.

She rolled her eyes," no Kai, it's never gonna happen," she looked back at Zora for an answer.

" I'm almost done," she answered, " I'll see you outside,"

Inayah nodded and left the room with Kai following behind her.

I looked at ale and the two of us started laughing, " I can't believe he did it," I said shaking my head.

" I was warning him. I told him not to but he did it anyway," ale said.

" he did what?," Zora asked, " what was that all about?"

" Kai has a little crush on Inayah," ale said, grinning.

Zora's eyes widened, " ohhhh," She started to laugh  and she shook her head. She stood up and held a box in her hand, " you guys should've told me before, I would've told Kai to drop it,"

" why?" Ale asked. Zora handed him the box and held another one in her hand. She started to walk out of the room.

" because she's never going to give him a chance, the poor guys gonna be chasing her his whole life." She told us.

I picked up a box too and ale and I followed after her, " come on, she'll come around eventually right?" I asked her, " I know Kai's a little weird but he's not that bad,"

She laughed," it's not about Kai, it doesn't matter who the guy is she'll still say no," she told us, " Inayah doesn't date, as a Muslim she's not allowed to. And she's not really the relationship type anyway,"

" doesn't date? So like she's never been on one in her entire life?" Ale asked and Zora nodded in response.

Ale and I both looked baffled by that. We got to Zora's car and but the boxes inside. We saw Kai still trying to convince Inayah and she was looking at him unbothered with her arms folded.

" you sure she's never going to agree?" I asked Zora.

She nodded, and watched the two of them as well, " definitely."

" well this is gonna be an interesting few months," ale said laughing at the two of them.

I smiled, as if we didn't already have enough going on.


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