Part 30

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Zora pov

" happy birthday to you," I could hear Inayah sing.

I groaned and hid myself under my bedsheets but she just started singing louder.

" happy birthday to Zoraaaaaa, happy birthday to youuu!" She jumped onto my bed and fell on top of me.

" Inayah!" I yelled and she started to laugh at me, " what the hell, why are you waking me up so early?" I asked her. I still had 20 minutes left until my alarm rang and I know it's not much but every second of sleep is important to me.

" I don't know, I just felt like it," and she got off my bed, " get ready, I ordered breakfast so it's probably already on it's way," she said.

I was still tired but I knew if I didn't get down in time Inayah would eat everything by herself. So I quickly ran into the shower and came out a few minutes later.

I heard the doorbell ring so I'm assuming that our breakfast was here. I quickly went downstairs and Inayah was setting it all out on the dining table.

" I'm so annoyed we only treat ourselves to this twice a year," she told me. We both found this great breakfast place but we only ever ordered on both our birthdays so we wouldn't get bored of it and get sick of the food.

I sat down, " it's totally worth it though," I said and I looked at the stack of the fluffy pancakes. Inayah opened another box which had waffles inside and we both sat down and ate.

After, we both went upstairs to get ready for work. I got ready quicker because mattia comes a little earlier to pick me up.

Inayah came down a few minutes later and she looked surprised to see me, " you still here?" She asked.

I nodded, " I think he's running a little late," I said checking my watch.

" why don't you just come with me today?" She asked.

I shook my head, " no he'll be here," I told Inayah. If he wasn't going to show he would've texted me saying that.

" are you sure Zora?" She asked.

I nodded, " yeah I'll give him a few minutes," I told her and she nodded.

She went back upstairs to go do her headscarf whilst I waited a little longer for Mattia to show up. I texted him asking where he was and I rang him too but he didn't answer me.

Inayah came down a few minutes later fully ready, " he's still not here?" She asked and I shook my head, " come on, Just come with me," she said.

I thought about it and I didn't want to be late to work so I agreed.

I stayed quiet on the drive there because I was a little annoyed at Mattia. I tried telling myself maybe he had a late night and he wasn't awake yet, that's probably why he didn't answer my calls or texts either.

" you ok?" Inayah asked when we got to the building and I nodded.

" yeah I'm-" I saw his car in the car park which ruled out my theory. So he was awake and at work already. I don't know why I was getting so frustrated, maybe he had something Important to do and he couldn't pick me up?

But if that was the case the least he could do was text me or call me.

" zora?" Inayah said waving her hand in my face.

I shook my head, " yeah, I'm fine," I said quickly and I headed for the building. We both stood in the elevator and pressed the button for the 11th floor," can you believe him?" I asked Inayah annoyed.

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