Part 34

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Zora pov

" Zora?" I turned around and was kind of surprised to see both my parents along with mattia's. I stood up and mattia's mom walked over to embrace me, " I called Mattia before and he told me what happened," she said whilst rubbing my back.

I looked over at my parents, " how did you guys hear about it?" I asked them.

" we were at their house, sorting a few things out," my mother told me and I nodded.

" have you heard how she's doing?" Mattia's dad asked the two of us and we both shook our heads. We all sat down. Our dads sat on the opposite end of the corridor where Kai and ale were and our moms sat beside me and Mattia.

" she's a feisty one," mattia's mom told me and I smiled, agreeing with her, " and strong, I know she'll get through it,"

" how did it happen anyway?" My mom asked me.

" we don't have a clue, hopefully she can tell us more when she wakes up," mattia said.

" that's if she wakes," my mom said quietly in a proud tone.

I sat up and squinted my eyes at her looking at her a little disgusted, " what?"

I already had a lot of pent up anger from before and after the comment she made I just couldn't hold it in anymore. She could say all she likes about me, I honestly couldn't care any less, but I cross the line at Inayah.

My mom noticed Mattia and I glaring at her and even mattia's mom was looking at her un-approvingly, " I don't mean it in a bad way dear, I'm just being realistic,"

I scoffed, " no you're just being insensitive and disrespectful. Can't you put aside whatever petty dislike you have against her for one minute and think about how serious the situation we're in is?!"

She sighed, " calm down dear, you're getting-"

" so what if I am? Why shouldn't I be allowed to get worked up when you think it's acceptable to say things like that?!" I told her angrily. Her eyes widened a little and she kept shifting her gaze to mattia's mom, " I know she doesn't like you either mom but I know for a fact that if it were you in that room struggling for life she wouldn't be doing what you are now!"

She stood up, " Zora, you're being extremely discourteous," she said sternly, " you think it's ok to talk to your mother like this? The mother that raised you and fed-"

" that's the bare minimum!" I yelled standing up too, " as your fucking child you should've fed me and took care of me because that's your legal responsibility. So don't try and emotionally manipulate me because it's not going to work anymore!"

" zora!" I heard my dad yell. He stood up from where he was sitting and he approached us. His face seemed calm but I could tell by his eyes he was angry. Really angry. He looked down at me, " have you no shame? You ever think of the other things we've done to support you?" He asked, " you're lucky we even let you work in our business, because I'll tell you now there were better and more useful people we could've hired instead," he stepped a little closer, " now lower your tone, and sit back down otherwise-"

" otherwise what?" Mattia asked him, stepping in front of me. My eyes widened a little and I held him back by his arm so he wouldn't do something crazy, because he seemed angrier than me right now. I heard him sigh and he took a huge breath of relief. He nodded at me indicating he wouldn't do anything reckless so I let go of him.

My dad looked at him mesmerised and his expression quickly changed to a softer one. He laughed a little, " mattia my boy, this has nothing to-"

" it has everything to do with me. You can't go and criticise my wife like this anymore," he told my dad. He wasn't yelling his tone was quiet, but dangerous.

" mattia..." mattia's mom reached out to him and his father stood up too and started to approach us.

Mattia looked back at his mother, " no ma, this is getting out of hand now. She's a grown woman and neither of us are going to tolerate any of this verbal abuse anymore," he looked back at my parents, and my dad looked at him intimidatingly. It didn't look like Mattia was phased by it though.

I wiped the tears that were rolling down my eyes and I nodded agreeing with him. " he's right ," I said and they all turned to look at me. I walked a little closer to both of my parents so I was standing in front of them now, " I'm sick and tired of you both criticising and undermining me," I told them both, " do you have any idea how long I've been telling myself how useless I am because of the two of you? And if it weren't for Inayah, I think I'd probably still believe it. I'll have you know that I actually do work well in business and the only reasons your business failed was because of the two of you. You didn't ask for my input or my help and that's your loss, I'm glad it happened because now I get to work somewhere where I'm more appreciated,"

I looked back at Mattia and I smiled at him. He probably doesn't even know it but he's become such an important person in my life now. And it's only just hitting me how much he means to me.

I looked back at my parents, " I know for a fact that neither of you want to be here so please leave," I told them both. They both looked at each other and my dad nodded at my mom. They both started to walk off, out of the hospital.

It was a little awkward now sitting with mattia's parents, and thankfully after a while they both decided to leave. I thanked them both for coming and showing some actual concern unlike my parents.

" well that was something," mattia said when he sat back down next to me.

I smiled a little and I looked over at him, " you think I did too much?" I asked him.

He shook his head, " no, if anything I think you could've done more,"

" more?" I asked him curiously, " what would you want me to do, snatch my mothers wig off?"

He laughed a little, " now that would've been pretty interesting,"

I started to laugh too just at the idea of it and I can't believe I suggested something like that. I guess Inayah has really started to rub off on me.

" she would've loved to see this," mattia told me quietly, " watch how angry she'll get that she missed it when she wakes up,"

I started smiling at the thought of it. She's only been waiting three years for me to stand up to my parents.

Ale walked up to the two of us after a while and I had almost forgot that him and Kai were still here, " I think y'all should go home," he said, " you guys look tired and Kai is too. I'll stay here,"

" I'm not leaving," I told him and I looked over at Mattia, " and there's nothing either of you could say that's gonna change my mind,"

Ale sighed and looked over at mattia who shrugged, " you heard her," he said.

" so y'all are staying too?" He asked and we both nodded.

" what about Kai?" I asked.

We all turned to look at him, " he's not answering so I'm assuming he doesn't want to leave either," ale told us.

" looks like we're all spending the night," mattia said.


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