Part 38

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Mattia pov

" what are you doing here?" I asked Inayah when I saw her walking in on her crutches. She was out of the hospital now and was supposed to rest at home for a at least a week.

" wow, not the welcome I was expecting," she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at her. She tried opening the door to her office but was struggling to so I helped her," why the hell is the handle so low down?" She complained loudly and I laughed.

" shouldn't you be at home resting?" I asked her whilst she walked to her desk. She got round to her chair and sat down, " does Zora even know your here?"

" nope," she answered whilst popping the 'p', " and I was bored at home, so I thought I'd come in,"

A second later ale and Kai came into her office, " I knew I heard her voice," Kai said, " not even been here a minute and she's already complaining about the damn door handle," he said laughing and he sat on the couch at the back of her office.

She rolled her eyes, " oh look at that she's getting mad," ale said provoking her more, "

She furrowed her eyebrows and tutted, " you're lucky I can't be bothered to walk over and slap your face right now,"

We all turned to the door when we heard someone else enter and it was Zora, " I thought I heard you. What the hell are you doing here?" She asked Inayah with her hands on her hips. She looked over at me, " did you bring her here?" She asked me angrily.

I shook my head quickly, " I swear I didn't, she just showed up on her own,"

We all looked at her curiously and she smiled at us innocently.

" you didn't drive here did you?" Kai asked.

" I might've," she said scratching the back of her scarf.

" what were you thinking?" zora asked her, " you could've hurt yourself or something, you literally just got out of hospital,"

" Zora I'm fine, look I'm still alive," she said spinning around in her chair.

Zora sighed and palmed her head and I smiled at her a little. She looked cute when she was slightly frustrated, well not at me, then she just looked scary.

" well now that you're here you can do a little work," I told Inayah.

Her face dropped and I grinned at her, " yeah, I don't think so," she said.

I rolled my eyes, " well I do. If you're well enough to show up, you can work too,"

She groaned, " you can't do that," she looked over at Zora, " tell him he can't do that,"

She scoffed and looked at me, " I think it's a great idea"

Inayah dramatically flopped onto her desk and I laughed at her, " and don't worry, I'll be nice and bring it over to your desk for you," I told her whilst heading for the door.

" I'm still not doing it!!" She yelled after me and I laughed more.


I checked the time and was confused to see that Zora was still working with her headphones on even though it was her break. What was she doing?

I shook my head,I don't know why I was so bothered by that. She can do what she wants. Still, it bothered me a little that I didn't know what she was doing.

I snapped out of my daze and went to Inayah's office to annoy her, the boys and I realised that now she was finding it hard to move around it was the best time to do so.

" hey," I said opening the door of her office.

She groaned, " fuck off,"

I laughed, " hey it's your fault. You shouldn't have shown up to work today," I told her and I sat down opposite her. I scratched the back of my head, " can I ask you something?"

She looked away from her laptop screen and smirked when she saw my face. She already knew what I was going to ask about, " what is it, you love sick child?"

I rolled my eyes at what she just called me, " it's worth it right?" I asked her, " I'm not going too fast or slow right?"

She sighed and closed her laptop screen. Her expression was more serious now and she looked down at her desk for a while.

" I know you can't tell me much," I said sitting a little closer, " but is it working?"

She was thinking of what to say, " you're doing great Mattia. That's not the problem,"

" problem?" I asked. There's a problem? " and what do you mean I'm doing great? Is it working?"

She sighed, " I think we have to take a different route," she said, " you know, be more direct?"

" what do you mean by that?" I asked her.

" I mean that you need to tell her Mattia," she looked a little upset which made me think she knew a lot more than she was letting on, " just tell her, and I don't mean a small 'I like you', tell her everything you've wanted to tell her from the beginning,"

I wanted to ask her why but I knew she wouldn't tell me, " I can't do that Inayah," I told her.

She sighed furiously and sat back in her chair, " why? Why on earth not?"

" I don't wanna ruin what we have, I don't even know if she likes me like that yet," I looked at Inayah, " does she?"

She started to nibble on her thumb nail and closed her eyes. She looked down at the desk between us, " I...I don't know,"

" see, I can't just go up to her and tell her," I said to her, " I will, once I know she likes me back,"

Inayah tutted, " you have to do it now  mattia, you're running out of time. The date to get the decree absolute is in a few days," she said, " what are you gonna do if you still can't tell she likes you?"

I didn't really think of that. Like I said I wanted to be with her but I can only go up to a point right?

If she doesn't want me back then there's not much I can do about that. I want her but I can't force her to be with me. It kills me to say it but I'll have to let her go. And i know it'll hurt like shit but I guess that's just something I'll have to live with.


I bet this chapter just made y'all even madder😂😂😂

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