Part 29

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Mattia pov

I beckoned Inayah to come into my office as I saw her walk past. She came in and sat down opposite me, " what?" She asked.

" I know you said you weren't going to tell me much but can you at least tell me what she thinks of me?" I asked her. I know it sounds embarrassing but it was driving me crazy since I couldn't read her at all," like has she said anything about me?"

She sighed and sat comfortably in the chair, " look I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want to upset you but she still thinks you're hungover Gabrielle,"

I furrowed my brows, " what?"

She nodded, " I tried making her think that you liked her but she thinks you're being nice to her out of pity for being a dick to her before,"

I palmed my face and then rested it against the desk, " but it's got nothing to do with that,"

" I know that, the boys know that but Zora doesn't," Inayah sat up, closer to me, " you gotta be a little more bold Mattia and show her how you feel. Be a little spontaneous and then I can help you from there if she brings it up with me. I'll try and get her to see what's going on, but right now she just thinks you're being really friendly,"

I nodded, " but what am I supposed to do?" I asked her, " like how am I supposed to show her?"

Inayah shrugged, " I don't know. I can't think of everything can I?" She said a little frustrated. I sighed and her face softened a little at how miserable I looked, leading her to think about something. She clicked her fingers," her birthdays in a few days, plan something for her,"

" yes!" I said pointing at her, " that's a good idea,"  I'm glad she told me a week in advance so I had enough time to think about it. I can't believe I hadn't taken note of it before.

Kai walked into my office, " hey Mattia, Geoffrey said he needed you to sort some shit out for him," he looked at Inayah and waved.

" hey kai," she said, " so, how was the date?" She asked him excitedly.

" oh it went horribly," he said, still smiling and Inayah and I looked at each other confused.

" well you don't look too upset about it," Inayah said and she stood up whilst checking the time so I'm assuming she was going to pray after this.

" that's cause I met someone else after," he said smiling dreamily.

" ooo ok," Inayah said smiling at him proudly, like a mother would with her child. Kai smiled triumphantly and started to take his phone out, " what are you doing?" Inayah asked him.

He held the phone up to his ear, " you just reminded me of something, I need to call my mom. I gotta ask her what time I was born,"

Looks like Kai found himself an astrology girl.

" nope," Inayah said snatching the phone from his hand and she shut it off. She shook her head at him, " whoever the girl is forget about her,"

" but-"

" uh uh, it's not up for discussion." She said loudly and he sighed, nodding. They both headed out of my office and she handed him his phone back, " don't worry short stack, we'll find you someone,"

Looks like I wasn't the only one was in a sticky situation. I looked down at my work in front of me and I thought I should probably get it finished before I let Zora take over my mind again.


I came back from my meeting and decided to sit with Zora for a while because....well because.....well I don't need a reason why. If I wanted to spend time with her, I could.

I came into her office and was confused to see a small rose bouquet on her desk, " who are these for?" I asked her.

" oh yeah funny story," she said looking up at me from her laptop. I sat down opposite her and she moved her laptop out of the way, " Jared got them for me,"

" Jared in sales?" I questioned, " The one two floors down?" I asked and she nodded, " why?" I asked her.

She shrugged, " I'm not sure to be honest. Took me by surprise as well but he said he saw them and apparently they made him think of me,"

We looked at each other for a little bit and then we both burst out laughing, " what? Does he not know we're married?"

I was trying to hide my frustration because who does he think he is bringing flowers for my wife? Well I know we're not exactly like that but still, Zora is legally my wife. So Jared needs to fucking back off.

Zora wiped her eyes and shrugged, " I was going to ask him the same but I didn't want to embarrass the poor guy so I just let him leave. But if he does it again I'm gonna have to tell him,"

Again? Uh uh, I'm gonna make sure he never does it again.

" and he got roses too?" I asked, " so cliche,"

Zora laughed a little, " yeah, but it's still cute. It's nice to know that some guys still buy girls flowers,"

I smiled a little at her," you like it when people buy you flowers?"

Of course she does, what girl doesn't?

She nodded, " it's nice, it makes me feel appreciated and cared about, you know?" She said and I nodded.

I sat back and got lost in thought for a while, still feeling a little annoyed about this whole Jared thing, " how does Jared even know you?" I asked her.

" from some of our meetings," she told me, " I've spoken to him a few times since then. He'd always be flirting but I thought that was just part of his personality, that was until he brought those," she said pointing at the roses.

" but he doesn't even know you well enough to like you," I told her.

She shrugged again, " why do you sound more irritated about this than I do?" She asked laughing a little.

" I'm just confused on why he thinks it's ok to buy you flowers that's all," I said shrugging, and she rolled her eyes at me.

" well it's just a small bouquet of roses, it's not like he filled my room with sunflowers or something," she said and then she held up the roses, " these honestly mean nothing to me,"

" you like sunflowers?" I asked her, my ears perked up.

She furrowed her brows a little at my sudden change in mood and topic," yeah? " her computer made a noise and she turned back to it and started typing on it. I sat back in the chair quietly and watched her type away on her laptop, " oh I'm sorry, did you come in here for something?" She asked me when she noticed I was looking at her.

Her head was tilted slightly and she had a small smile on her lips, waiting for me to say something. I got a little lost in her golden eyes and I think I forgot how to speak, which happens to me a lot around her now.

" mattia?" She asked shaking me a little, " you ok?"

" yeah," I said and I stood up quickly. My god, did I really just do that? " yeah, no I'm good," I said to her and I left her office probably leaving her a little confused.

I went back to mine and started to plan what I could do for her on her birthday.

I knew she wasn't one for fancy things, she liked small significant things. And I tried thinking of all the things I knew about her so I could make her birthday more special for her.

This reminds me of the time I turned 16 and my friends as a joke ordered like a box of roses to my house. My mum was so pissed when I came back home from school that day, she thought I had a secret boyfriend and it took me so long to convince her I didn't😭😭😭 my ass got whooped so much that day.

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