Part 23

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Zora pov

I was feeling really nervous because I really wanted to help him but what if he didn't want my help? What if he thought I was being nosy or getting myself involved for no reason?

I knocked on the door of his apartment and I started to regret it as soon I did. I looked around, maybe I could run away now? Yeah, maybe I could leave and-

" Zora?" I sighed. It's too late. Mattia looked at me confused. He leaned on the door frame and looked at me curiously.

His eyes were really red and he looked really tired. I'm not really use to seeing him like this because he always maintains himself quite well. That's when I knew I did a good thing showing up here.

" hey," I waved at him awkwardly and he smiled a little.

He shook his head, " what are you doing here?" He asked, " come to make fun of me or something?"

I smiled, " maybe some other time," I said to him, " I know I'm probably the last person you wanna talk to about all this about but I wanted to make sure you were ok. I've been through a lot of shitty break ups, nothing on this sort of level but I still wanted to help as best as I could," I smiled at him reassuringly, " so is it ok if I stay?"

He scratched the back of his head and then nodded, opening the door for me to walk in," yeah I'd like that," he said a little shyly and I smiled, " plus it's not like I can get rid of you easily," he quickly said and I rolled my eyes at him.

" no you can't," I said and he laughed.


Mattia pov

We both sat down on the sofa in the living room and she put the bag she brought with her on the table, " you planning on staying the night?" I asked her.

" no, this is some stuff I thought you'd need," she said to me.

" o..k.?" I said confused. I sat up and faced her, " so let me guess. You're gonna tell me I should move on and forget her, I should man up and ignore what I'm feeling right now?" I know I should try and be happy and move on but I don't get how people expected me to get over someone in one night.

She scoffed, " well I want you to forget her but I want you be sad and let it all out,"

I looked at her confused and my eyebrows furrowed," what?"

" I know it was a tough pill to take, I mean I think we all knew how much she meant to you," she said to me, " I'm not gonna try and force you to be happy and ignore what you're feeling because that's only going to make it worse. First you have to let it all out, and be sad for a while. You're allowed to be upset about all this," She opened her bag and took out two Ben and Jerry's ice cream boxes, " cookie dough, or mint chocolate chip?" She asked me.

I took the cookie dough. She went to the kitchen to get me a spoon and we started to eat, " so what else you got in the bag?" I asked her.

" I got a ton of sad Romantic films in there and way more food.I brought my break up playlist too, just incase."

" really the breakup playlist? Wow I feel special," I said sarcastically.

" hey, making a playlist is a delicate are" she said hitting my arm, " you get to use someone else's poetry to express how you feel,"

" so this is how you deal with a bad break up?" I asked her, " you eat your body weight in candy and cry to sad songs and films?"

She nodded, " yeah, it works for me. And I talk to Inayah. Talking almost always helps. Because you get to let out everything you want and it doesn't have as much of a hold on you."

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