Part 37

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Mattia pov

Of course I ended up waking up at 3AM, randomly. I opened my eyes and realised  Zora's face was extremely close to mine. Her lips were parted slightly and I could hear her breathing quietly.

I don't mean to sound creepy but I was kinda glad with how small this bed was because that meant we'd be pretty close together. She was so close that I could smell a light floral type of perfume coming from her and for some reason a hint of my cologne.

Or maybe I was just smelling that off myself?

This whole thing felt so wrong and so right at the same time. I want to be with her so badly and I think I'm making progress but then sometimes I feel like I'm not. We've literally done everything that most couples do yet we still weren't together like that and it upset me. And it just made me think maybe it's not meant to be?

If I told the others this I'm pretty sure I would've earned a slap from all three of them, but that's just how I felt about all this for some reason.

I scanned her face and my eyes couldn't stop looking back at her lips. It's funny how on our wedding day I didn't really care about kissing them. It was one small peck, but now I'd literally do anything to be able to kiss them again. One more time, but with feeling and emotion, one where we both actually loved each other.

I sighed quietly and palmed my face. Why does loving someone hurt this much? it isn't supposed to be this hard and frustrating.

Or is it?

I looked over at her again and smiled to myself.

Maybe it is.

It all seemed a little hopeless now but one thing I knew was that I want her. I want her so badly. And I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Even if it takes me a while to get to the point where she finally reciprocates my feelings, it'll be worth it.

I put my arm under her carefully so I wouldn't wake her, and I pulled her a little closer to me so her head was resting on my chest. I had my arm around her and my god did it feel amazing to be able to do this.

I know she'd probably freak out about this in the morning but at least I'll enjoy it till then.

I kissed her forehead lightly, " I love you," I whispered to her.

Zora pov

" and I told her I can't eat pork and she rolled her eyes at me. I mean like who serves pork in a hospital for breakfast anyway?!" Inayah rambled on, " Are you even listening to me?"

She snapped me out of my daydream and I nodded, " totally."

Since I was free from work I decided to come a little earlier to see Inayah at the hospital.

She looked at me curiously, " what's up?" She asked me, " you've been zoning out a lot,"

I shook my head and sat at the end of her bed, " nothing," I told her, " now carry on telling me about this bitchy nurse," I told her.

She folded her arms, " forget the nurse, you better tell me what's going on right now," she squinted her eyes a little more and then she gasped, " it's a guy isn't it? You're thinking about a guy,"

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