Part 39

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Mattia pov

Why is she so hard to read? Why can't I tell if she likes me?

" dude are you good?" Kai asked walking into my office. Ale came in behind him.

I looked at them both nervously and shook my head, " no,"

They both came in and sat opposite me, " what is it?" Kai asked.

" it's tomorrow," I told them both, " once we get that decree absolute we're.....we're done,"

They both sat there in shock, " wow," ale said, " it's been 6 months already?" He asked and I nodded, " damn, that went fast,"

It just zoomed past. All of it.

" but you're gonna stop it right?" Kai asked me, " y'all aren't going there tomorrow right?"

I looked up at both of them and then back at my desk, " we are,"

They both sighed, " just tell her, for fucks sake please just tell her!" Ale yelled.

" I can't it's not that simple," I told them, " Do you realise how messed up things will be if I do and she doesn't feel the same?" I asked them both.

Ale slammed the desk, " this is bullshit, you're really going to let the best thing in your life walk away?"

" well she's not walking away, she'll still be here. Working with us," I told them both, " I'd rather still have her as a friend than not have her in my life at all,"

" so then what are you gonna do when she starts dating other guys?" Kai asked, " you're just gonna stand there and accept it?"

" well I have to don't I?" I said a little irritated, " look I've tried, I can't force us to be together. I can't make something that was never going to happen, happen!"

" how would you know?" Kai asked, " ale's right you need to be up front with her and tell her," Kai said.

" Kai you're the perfect example as to why I'm not gonna do that. Look what happened between Inayah and you," I said, " did y'all end up together? no!"

Kai scoffed, " that's completely different. Inayah was a small crush that I had. She means a lot to me still but in a completely different way. You can't compare what I had for with what you have for Zora," he leaned a little closer, " Mattia you love her, and it's not some sort of crush like I had. What you have for her is way stronger and it's not going to change. You have to tell her!"

" I....I can't," I said resting my head on my desk.

Ale stood up, " tell her now or we will," Kai nodded standing up too.

my head bolted up, " don't you fucking dare,"I told them both seriously. Inayah said she'd do the same but I begged her not to either, " don't ruin the only thing I have with her,"

Kai sighed and looked at me sadly, " you could have so much more if you-"

" I know," I said interrupting him , " but there's always that chance that I won't. There's always that chance where it'll just mess up and I don't want that to happen."

Ale ran his hands through his hair, " you're going to regret this," we all turned around to look into Zora's office but she wasn't in there anymore. I guess we were so absorbed in our conversation we didn't see her leave.

I knew I was going to regret it but there was nothing else to do but accept it.


Well the drive home for me was awkward. I was hoping Inayah would be in the car with us but she asked the boys to drop her off earlier, so it was just the two of us.

I'm all yours | Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now