Part 8

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Zora pov

" no, I won't allow it . No pork or alcohol in this apartment at all," Inayah was telling the boys and they groaned.

We were all stuffed and we hadn't moved from the dining table yet. We were still waiting for Mattia to show up.

" if you wanna smoke do it before you come in and you guys better not bring any sort of drugs in here," she said pointing at the two.

Kai snorted, " what makes you think we do drugs?"

She rolled her eyes, " you're American, all of you do drugs,"

" alright, any more rules you got?" Ale asked her.

" those are the only ones I can think of so far." She said trying to think of more. She realised the time and got up, " I'm gonna go pray," she said to us and she went upstairs.

As soon as she left the boys both looked at me stunned, ale asked," how do you live with her?"

" it's not that hard. I wasn't much of a drinker before so I didn't mind when she said she wouldn't allow any alcohol around the house. Maybe if I went out to a bar I'd have some. And it's not like I can't eat other types of meat. It just has to be halal," I told them.

" it has to be what?" Kai asked confused.

I rolled my eyes and sat up," the meat basically has to be sacrificed in a specific way, know what?  I don't know why I'm explaining this. Y'all are grown men so you can figure it out yourselves, go read about it."

They both looked at each other and shrugged, " might as well," Kai said.

Ale nodded agreeing with him," what I wanna know is that if she's so against living here then why'd she move here in the first place?"

I didn't want to say too much because it wasn't really my place to say. Inayah's father past away when she was around 16. She was the oldest out of her 6 siblings and her mom couldn't work because she didn't know much English, seeing as she wasn't born in the UK. Inayah worked her ass off to get a good job and since she was offered a better job here she moved here.

" her family was having a difficult time back at home so she worked hard on her business course and moved here like three years ago because she was getting a better job offer. She sends them money monthly and they're doing way better now but she insists she can get more and do better for them,"

" that's the only reason she's here?" Kai asked me.

" of course, why would any person of colour come here willingly? Being black I already get enough shit sent my way. And obviously as a Muslim she does as well, she gets a ton of it daily,"

" and that doesn't put her off ?" Ale asked.

I smiled and shook my head, " it's Inayah, she's pretty headstrong. If she really wants something then she won't let stuff like that get in here way."

" wow," Kai said sitting back, " I didn't really think she'd be going through that,"

" no one does. A lot of people go through things like that, that's why it's best to just be kind to everyone because you never really know what they're going through," I told them both.

At that moment Ale's phone started to ring. He picked it up and answered it, " hey, when are you coming? It's hella late and-" his face dropped. He rubbed his head and looked over at me sadly and I already had a feeling what was going on, " yeah, ok," he said and he put the phone down.

He looked at me and I bit the inside of my cheek, " he's not coming is he?" I asked him.

He sighed and shook his head. I nodded and I stood up starting to pick up things from the table.

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