Part 22

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Mattia pov

I needed to hear it from her because I still couldn't believe it . So I didn't go home like I said I was.

Instead I drove all the way across town to her flat and knocked impatiently at her door. She answered a few minutes later, looking surprised to see me.

" hey, I didn't know you were planning on coming today," she said smiling at me.

I pushed passed her into her flat, " I guess you enjoyed yourself despite that," she furrowed her eyebrows at me and I noticed a hickey on her neck. I scoffed," had an accident with a straightener again?" I asked her. I can't believe I fell for that the first two times, I guess I just didn't want to admit it was something else, " or did your 'cousin' give you that?"

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands. She reached over for me, " oh, Mattia I-"

I stepped away from her, " you didn't think I'd find out, did you?" I asked her and she shook her head. I rubbed my head and started to pace around, " how long has this been going on for?"

She looked down at the floor and I found it funny how she was acting all shy now.she didn't seem to mind having her tongue down some other guys throat at that restaurant, " a few months,"  she answered.

A few months? I felt my heart break a little more because I never thought she'd do this. " why?" I asked her sadly, " why do all this?"

" I was getting tense with all this business stuff you had going on. And then one night I met Jonathon and things just happened," she answered, " that's why I came into your office the next day. I was hoping you'd admit something happened between zora and you so I could feel better about what I did but-"

" but nothing happened between us! You wanna know why? Because I was in love with you!" I told her, I ran my hands through my hair," I was so fucking in love with you and I refused to let anyone get in between us. Whatever zora and I were supposed to have going on didn't matter to me because I had you!" I said pointing at her.

She started to fiddle with her fingers, " look I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to be a regular thing, I felt guilty about what I did but I missed being with someone. You think it was easy for me being alone?"

I scoffed, " don't do this." I said looking at her disgusted, "Don't try and make me feel guilty when you're the one that's wrong here. Don't you think I missed being with someone?" I walked up closer to her and she looked up at me, her eyes a little glossy, " don't you think I missed laying next to you or being able to kiss you? Don't you think I missed being able to see you daily?" I bit my lip and rubbed my eye.

" I'm sorry, ok?" She said crying a little, " I really am. I still really love you Mattia,"

I shook my head and turned away from her because I didn't want to see her cry." how can you say that? How can you say that you still love me after what you've been doing?"

" I know what I did was wrong, and I'd do anything to fix it." She said walking closer to me.

Just looking at her embarrassed me because I was so obsessed with her and everyone knew it, " you know I use to talk about you all the fucking time?" I asked her quietly, I looked down at the floor," they'd all get sick of me but I didn't care. They'd all make me feel guilty for liking you, all of them except Zora," I said to her. I felt so stupid for even wasting my time talking about Gabrielle in front of her, " she put so much on the line for us." I reminded Gabrielle.

She nodded and now tears were rolling down her cheeks, " I know she did. I remember when I came back to your office that other time but you weren't there. I was feeling guilty about the affair so I was going to break things off with you. But Zora reassured me that you still loved me."

I'm all yours | Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now