Part 40

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Mattia pov

I don't even know why they're here. They just showed up and the fact that they haven't mentioned the reason why is frustrating me.

Well of course I know why but I wanted them to say it and get it over and done with so they can leave.

" can y'all just leave?" I asked them both quietly. To be honest I really wasn't in the mood for all this. I just wanted some peace and quiet so I could ready myself for tomorrow morning.

Normally I'd drink, so I wouldn't be so stressed about all this, but I guess being around Inayah a lot I've just really been put off alcohol.

" I'm only leaving on one account," ale said, " and you already know what it is,"

I sighed and threw my head back. I looked over at Kai, he folded his arms, " don't look at me like that, I'm with him," he said pointing at ale.

" why don't you guys get it?" I asked them. I wish I could explain to them how I see it. How I was so in love with her but she doesn't feel the same way at all.  And that happens sometimes in life, not everything ends happily.

" why don't you get it?" Ale asked, " you can't hold this in Mattia, you're gonna explode. You have to tell her before it's too late,"

They were both so bad at this. Whatever they were saying was going in one ear and out the other because it didn't matter anymore. They weren't going to change my mind.

We heard a knock on the door and I stood up to go answer it. I was a little confused on what crazy person planned on showing up at this time of night, I opened the door to see Inayah.

I furrowed my eyebrows a little, " what-"

She pushed passed me with her crutches, "just hear me out." She said quickly, " just tell her, please do it before you both regret it,"

I was still confused on how the hell she even got here. The boys looked confused too but they looked a little happy that she showed up becasue they knew she was way more convincing than them," did you drive here?" I asked her. Zora was right, it's like taking care of a child, " you know you're not-"

" stop changing the subject!" She yelled, " I know you're feeling like shit right now Mattia and you feel like everything you've done hasn't had an effect on Zora-"

" that's because it hasn't," I finished for her.

" you don't know that!" She said, " just tell her, you might surprise yourself,"

I scoffed, " ok that's enough, from all of you," I said pointing at them all, " I have done every single fucking thing I could! When are y'all gonna realise it's not happening, because she doesn't like me!"

Inayah groaned loudly and looked up at the ceiling, " she does you dickhead!" She yelled, scaring the three of us a little, " she does like you!"

" you're just saying that," I said, " just so I can give it another go and fuck everything up,"

Inayah took out Zora's phone from her pocket, " I know I shouldn't be doing this and I'm majorly violating girl code right here but I'm sick of both of your oblivious asses,"

I furrowed my eyebrows a little, " Inayah what are you doing? Unless Zora tells me herself that she likes me then I'm not believing you,"

And I doubt Zora would ever do that.

" she made you a playlist Mattia," Inayah said and my eyes widened a little. Everything went quiet, and Inayah smiled at my reaction.

" errr....what?" Kai asked.

Ale nodded in equal confusion, " who the fuck cares about that?"

But I knew it was important. I looked at Inayah unbelievably because only we knew how much of a big deal that was.

" I...I don't believe you," I said shaking my head.

She showed me Zora's phone, " look it's right here, and it's long as fuck and she made it for you," she said to emphasising the word 'you'.

I ran my hands through my hair, " but that doesn't make any sense," and I furrowed my eyes at it, " if she likes me why did she look so happy to hear that the divorce was official tomorrow?"

Inayah shrugged and tutted, " it was probably some misunderstanding, she must've been thinking of something else," she stepped a little closer, " the point is she does reciprocate your feelings. And she didn't want me to show this to you but-"

" wait, what?" I asked her baffled. " that shits sacred to her, you can't just take it!" I said palming my head. I never knew I'd ever take her playlist this seriously.

" I know," she agreed frustratedly, " but it's the only way you'll realise that she likes you and you can finally tell her how you feel. I'm only doing this so you both know you're making the biggest mistakes of your lives," she put the phone in my hand, " now listen to it,"

I looked at the phone in my hand with a playlist called 'Mattia'. I wanted to press it but I felt wrong for doing so, " I can't," I said.

Inayah tutted, " I didn't drive all the way out here in this state just for you to not listen to the fucking playlist!" She yelled, " it's for you, you're allowed to listen to it,"

" I know it's for me but I don't want to listen to it without her knowing. I want her to be ready to give it to me," I said.

Inayah's expression softened a little and she shook her head smiling a little, " my god, you're perfect for her," she said.

I smiled a little myself and just hearing that made me feel the butterflies in my stomach again.

I quickly walked past her and grabbed my jacket. I grabbed my shoes and started putting them on whilst standing.

" where are you going?" Ale asked me. Both him and Kai still looked extremely lost with what just happened but I knew Inayah would catch them up somehow.

" to see Zora," I said and they all started smiling. The boys jumped off the couch and the three of them  started walking out with me, before I stopped them, " yeah, that's not happening. It's not some reality tv show where y'all can come and just watch, stay here, all of you!"

They all groaned but agreed to stay.

I was feeling this rush within me because I was feeling hopeful again. I held Zora's phone safely in my pocket. I didn't know what I was going to say when I got there and my mind was too crazed to plan anything at the moment.

But I had a feeling it was all going to work out some how, and everything I want and need to say will come to me at the right moment.


Alright I'm curious, what book of mine were y'all reading when you first found me?

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