Part 4

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Mattia pov

" so how'd it go?" My mom asked as soon as I walked into her house. She looked up at me and sighed when she saw my expression, " really, that bad?"

" I can't do this," I told her and my dad. They both watched me pace around, " I can't marry someone like her,"

" you can't go back on it now Mattia," dad told me.

" I never agreed to it in the first place!" I yelled at him, " you never asked me what I wanted,"

It was ridiculous. I was just minding my business at my office when they both showed up to my building to talk to me.

" you said you would do anything for business," my mother told me.

I palmed my face, " well I didn't think marriage would have anything to do with it!"

" look this is a great deal for us," dad told me, " We weren't going to converge with them at all but then we thought of the positives. Your mother and I did a little brainstorming and we thought of what was best for the company,"

" well what about me?" I asked them, " did you not think of what I wanted?"

My mother sighed," you weren't this worked up about it when we first told you. Why the sudden change?"

I was pissed when I found out what they did because what they both didn't know was that I already had a girlfriend, her name is Gabrielle. I hadn't introduced her to them yet. I thought I could work out something with the girl I was going to marry but after I realised who it was I didn't think that was possible.

" because I've met her before," I told them, and they looked at me intrigued, " there incident," I palmed my face just remembering it, " it's a long story, I don't want to get into it. But I can't marry her," I groaned.

"there's nothing I can do about it now Mattia," dad said, " I've agreed to it and you know I can't turn my back on business. That's just embarrassing and stupid,"

I sat down next to my mom and I held my face in my hands. She started to rub my back, " hey, it'll be ok. You'll learn to get along," she said trying to reassure me but it honestly didn't make a difference.

" I'm sure we will but not to the point where we'd want to get married," I told her, " I can't marry someone I don't love,"

" you'll learn to love Mattia," my dad said moving closer to me, " trust me, it'll happen. Unless there's something else that's stopping you from doing that?"

I looked up at him and I wanted to bring up Gabrielle, but it felt like a stupid time to. I couldn't put more pressure on them because I know they both had a lot going on anyway and I didn't want to make it harder for them.

I shook my head and looked back at the floor, " no,"

He nodded and smiled, " well then, it's settled." He stood up and took a cigar out of his pocket and started to light it, " they'll be coming for dinner tomorrow so we can talk about this more, and you two can get to know each other better,"

I was already dreading it to be honest but I made sure my face wasn't showing it. I nodded and then I stood up, " I'm gonna head back to the office," I told them and they both nodded.

The drive there was quiet and I tried thinking of what I could do to get myself out of this situation.

I slammed the door of my office and sat back into my chair and turned to face the huge glass window. I loosened my tie and unbuttoned the top of my shirt. I tried calming myself down and I tried figuring out a way to sort this problem out.

I'm all yours | Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now