Day 2| My Husband, His Boyfriend, And I: Dorbah- Fluff

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Summary: Daniel flies his husband's boyfriend in for Christmas

Daniel's POV
" I just don't get why you aren't here," Jonah sighed from the other end, making me smile.

" I already told you, I have a surprise," I clicked on my blinker, getting in line with the other cars in the airport.

" And you couldn't have gotten it before now?"

" Nope," I chuckled, squinting to try and see him," otherwise it would've been ruined. I'll call you when I get home yeah?"

" Fine," he muttered and I softened a bit.

Jonah was already missing Corbyn and now I was gone too.

" I love you, Jonah," I added," I'll be home before 10. I promise."

" I love you too, babe. See you then."

Our call ended with a click just as I spotted Corbyn, the blonde standing beside a suitcase, looking out over the moving sea of cars.

I rolled down the passenger side window and ducked my head," Corbyn!" I shouted out for him.

His head turned to me, shoulders sagging with relief before he walked over.

He shoved his stuff in the back before climbing into the front, sighing while he ran his fingers through his hair.

" I thought you forgot about me," he smiled, looking over at me.

" I'm the one who paid for your ticket. My wallet won't forget, so neither will I."

He giggled and yeah, I could see how Jonah had fallen in love with the sound.

" Fair enough. I was afraid I would miss you, though. It's been so long since-"

His phone began to cry out for him from his jacket pocket, Corbyn answering without looking.

" Hey, handsome," he grinned into the device, going quiet so the other could speak.

" Well, I'm sure he had a good reason. Did you ask him?" Glancing over to me with amused eyes," don't be such a downer, Jo. Surprise gifts are fun."

" If he told you it wouldn't be a surprise."

I laughed at that, pulling away from the airport and onto the freeway.

" Of course I miss you. You already know that."

" Daniel isn't the reason I didn't come."

I looked over to him, Corbyn's expression was sour, as if Jonah had brought it up before.

" I already told you I didn't care. If I did I never would've agreed to this."

He crossed one arm over his body, pressing more into the seat.

" Well, don't."

Everything about the younger boy screamed discomfort.

" No, I'm not mad. I'm just sick of talking about the same thing."

His eyes were dark. He looked like his feelings were hurt.

" I just don't get why you have to bring it up every time we talk."

Jonah was butchering this, I honestly felt bad for poor Corbyn.

" I know."

" Okay."

Then he smiled, it was a tiny little thing, but it was there.

" I love you, too."

" Jonah," Corbyn breathed, a blush spreading across his face," I'm not calling you that, not over the phone."

He glanced over to me for a split second. The color on his cheeks deepening.

" Okay, yes. Later."

" Stoooop," he whined, hiding in his hand, the red now bleeding to his ears.

" I'll hang up on you, I promise I will."

And, then he did.

I bit my lip, trying to stifle my laughter.

" Asshole," Corbyn muttered after his phone vibrated. The word dripping with affection.

I finally let myself shake with silent amusement, looking out to the long road ahead.

Yeah, I could definitely see how Jonah could fall in love with him.

~ At Home ~

I pulled my key from the door, pushing it open after glancing back to make sure Corbyn couldn't be seen.

" There you are."

I heard Jonah purr, not at all shocked to see him already in front of me.

I smiled, stepping forward into my husband's chest, nuzzling into his neck.

" 9:58. I told you."

Jonah laughed, dipping his head to kiss at my mouth, pressing our noses together.

He cupped my cheek, claiming me in kiss after kiss, using his other hand to keep me in place by holding my hip.

" What did you want Corbyn to say?" I wondered between pecks.

He hummed, drawing back," what was that, love?"

" Corbyn, what did you want him to say?"

Jonah tilted his head at me, laughing," what?"

" You asked him to call you something, but he told he wouldn't, not over the phone," I explained while trailing my lips along his throat," what did you want him to say?"

" How did you... how did you know about that?"

" He was sitting right next to me," the younger boy chirped from the door," though from the looks of it, he already knows how horny you always are."

I grinned when he went dead-still against me.

" Corbyn," he whispered and I glanced back, watching the blonde walk over.

" Did you miss me?" He teased, steps slow and graceful, eyes lidded and dark.

I felt the hand on my hip disappear to reach out for the boy, his other beginning to caress my cheek.

" Dan, was this...", looking down at me with big eyes.

" The gift? Partially," I pressed my hand to his barely hard shaft, rubbing my thumb against it," you wanna see the rest?"

I looked at Corbyn again, eyes meeting the erotic sight of him sucking on Jonah's finger, deep-throating his index.

" Y-Yes, please," he chocked out.

A part of me wondered if his brain had short-circuited with all the excitement.

Corbyn pulled off, saliva hanging from his candy-pink lips.

" Then let's go upstairs."


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